Bubba's Haircut - A Story of The Destroyer

BamaJDon41 (10 )

2019-05-05 05:37

"Relax, man. We're going to have fun. I promise you won't get hurt. It'll be hot. You wouldn't be here if you didn't want to have a good time, right?" "Hey, I'm fine...just a little excited." "All you need to know is that once I put the mask on, we're wrestling. And the match doesn't end until I take my mask off, alright?" "Let's do it! Let's see what you got, big man!" "Alright, you ready? Let's wrestle."

"One more question." "What's that?" "Why do I see Barber shears over there?" "Those are for shaving." "And you plan to shave me." "That's right." "My head?" "I plan to shave you." "Could you be more specific?" "No. Let's get in the ring." "Lead the way, Hoss."
"Okay, Bubba. Let's roll." The Destroyer takes Bubba by the neck and flings him into the corner. After several hard knees to the gut, the big man gets a hand under Bubba's chin and shoves him back. Climbing on to the second rope, the masked man shoves his bulge into Bubba's face and grinds his knuckles into the side of Bubba's head. "OWWWWWW"

Destroyer climbs down, dragging Bubba to the center of the ring. "Now, all you gotta do...is hold still." Destroyer gets Bubba's head under his left arm, grabs him by the trunks and lifts Bubba's legs straight up over his head for an inverted supplex. "WWAAAA..." BAM "Ohhhhhhhh" Groaning, Bubba is sprawled out flat on his back. The Destroyer straddles him and rolls to his side into a crushing leg scissors. "OHHHHH."
"How's it feel, BOY?" "OHHHHHH." "Feel the legs of POWER, BOY! I can CRUSH you with these legs!" "OHHHHHhhhuunngghh" Destroyer flexes and pats his right bicep. "Feel this, feel the power, BOY!" Bubba reaches up a hand to the bicep. "YEAH! Heh heh heh. That's POWER!" "OHHHHHH" Bubba groans as Destroyer lays on the pressure again to the scissor hold. "I'm going to wear you down until you're SO weak. Then I'm going to shave you."

Just as Destroyer releases his hold to change positions, Bubba gives him a hard shove in the chest putting the big man on his back. "Whaaaa" Tapping into unexpected energy, Bubba gets his legs around the big man's head in an inverted figure four. "I don't THINK so, tough guy!" Squeezing the Destroyer, Bubba delivers a couple of hard shots to the gut and then digs his fingers into both of the big man's pecs. "OWWWWW" "Heh heh heh heh, how's it feel? How's it feel to take some pain? Heh heh heh heh."
"AAAAAAHHHHH" "What the fuck!" The Destroyer uses all his considerable muscle to slowly pry apart Bubba's legs. And within seconds the hold is reversed. Bubba's head is now caught within the Destroyer's legs. "NOW! Let's see how YOU can take some pec claws! "OWWWWWWW OWWWWWWWWWW" "What do you think? How DOES that feel, BOY? Here, let's get your face in my crotch nice and TIGHT!" "Mmmmmppphhhhh" "Mmmmm now, how's THAT feel? Cozy? Heh heh."

"Come on now. Don't take a nap just yet. Get up and get some exercise. UP on your feet. Now... try and bodyslam me. Go 'head. Pick me up and slam me." Bubba gets his arm through the Destroyer's legs and the other arm over his shoulder. "Unnggh...unnnghhh.......UUUNNGGHHH" "Heh heh heh...that tickles. Let me show you how it's done." The big man scoops Bubba up and holds him. "Now comes the SLAM part." BAM! "Ohhhhhhh" "You see how it's done? Now try it again." Instead Bubba gets up and slams his fists into the Destroyer's gut. The big man just shakes his head. "Feeling frustrated? Here...let me give you a HUG!" "OHHHHHHHHHHH" The big man wraps Bubba up and squeezes tight. "OHHHHhhhhhhuuunnnghhhhh" "Yeah...that feel good? Feels damn good to me." "UUUNNNnnnnggghhh" "Now, if I was trying to hurt you it'd feel something like this." "UUUUUNNNNNNGGHHhhhhhhhhFUUUUCK" "Heh heh...I feel like we've really gotten CLOSER." "UNnngghhh" "Don't you?"

The Destroyer drops Bubba and stands over him. What to do next. Yes. "Come on, Buddy. Let's get you on your feet." The big man gets Bubba up and flings him against the ropes. On the rebound, Destroyer catches him with one hand under the crotch and lifts him over his head. The big man walks Bubba around the ring holding him over his head. "Nice view, huh? Is this great or WHAT?" The Destroyer carries Bubba to the corner and drapes his lower legs over the top ropes. "Here's another great view. HEY! I'm TALKIN' to you!" BAM "AAAGGHHH....OHHHhhhhhh" Bubba groans after receiving a head butt to the balls.
"Yeah. I think you're all wrestled out for now. Time for your surprise!" Destroyer pulls Bubba off the ropes and wraps his arms around the beaten man's head. "UNnnghh" "Just think of it as a bearhug for your head." Bubba is OUT.

When Bubba wakes his hands and feet are tied and the Destroyer is finishing up shaving off his beard. "What...what's going on...are you shaving me?" "YES I AM." Bubba lets out a groan, accepting the inevitability of his fate. "Now, we're gonna take some off the top, and off the sides, and off the back. HELL we're gonna take it ALL off!" "NOOOOOO." "Heh heh heh heh."
After shearing the hair off Bubba's head, Destroyer goes for the pubes. "You are going to be clean as a new born BABY!" Bubba groans. But as the shaving continues over his chest and legs, Bubba has to admit that the 'treatment' does feel pretty damn good.
Finally finished with his work, the Destroyer stands and pulls off his trunks. He is very hard. "Let's just get you up on your knees. If you promise to behave I'll untie you." He does so. "There...see? I'm just here to help. How about this cock? Nice, huh? It's all yours. Suck me dry." "Yes sir." "MMMMMMmmmmmmmmmmmm......now THIS...is a haircut match."

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