
When to NOT ask nor tell.

LBFighter (21)

2018-06-10 19:24

I have always liked fighting guys with more training or experience . Even though I know I'll get my ass beat, I learn from every experience.


Bikerguy516 (32 )

2018-06-09 00:18

Dude, you are NOT too old. There are plenty of guys in their 60s on this site. This isn't GoldenGloves. No need to worry about getting your ass kicked unless you want that. I have met guys with 20 years experience who respected my newness and didn't destroy me. I had a ball and learned some things too. Now I have 30+ opponents.

So go out there and start. Talk to people. Don't be afraid to say what you like. Odds are there is someone out there just like you.

Good luck, man.


BilBeaux (0)

2018-06-07 23:23

Too many times, I almost let other folks learn about my boxing fetish. I almost let my guard down.

Especially around young gay guys with better bodies than mine - I wanted to try their mettle in gloves. Like seeing guys at a company pool party in the Summer.
My body was rail skinny at one time but from post-college till 45 - I had a pretty good body.

Worked at places where my fetish would have been frowned upon or I would have been misunderstood by co-workers. Not the ME that they knew.

Or because I carried a security clearance - private wrestling or boxing would be seen as abnormal - while being a “gym rat” was widely accepted.

Or because I was a Manager or Supervisor - espousing that I would like to glove up with a hot or willing underling staff might look to be sexual harassment.

Yet. I met a lot lot of men AND women who I wanted to try boxing with - I was afraid to reveal myself.
Yes, I had boxed with 3 women - all of whom turned me on. One had been a co-worker - years before.

Yes, I lusted boxing with 3 guys from one job, 2 from another and so forth. Some were young and Hispanic - boxing culture oriented. Young janitors from South America. This was the Rocky movie generation.Two were black - a big, strong, chubby Tulsa guy who had boxed and a young former Marine who wanted to box. Others were runners with swimmer builds.
One was a chunky South Korean corporate type - but he was farther up the command chain.
But it never happened.
Had to protect my image and job position.

In my younger, more stupid days - boxed a big 14 year old football player. Thought that he was 16 - I was 21. I was a dumb college kid.

Boxed with an 18 year part-time co-worker one Summer. I was holding a retail job at a record store. His best friend “liked fist fighting” or Toughman bouts. Convinced the kid to try boxing. I was almost 10 years older. Good times. We had fun fights.

One of my best sparring partners - I got a job for - but he was a closeted gay who would never tell.
He had been a teacher and later boxed with some of his former students when they were over 18.
I envied “the young meat” who took off their shirts and laced up the gloves with him.

I did box for about 5 minutes with a co-worker in TX. Really wanted to box his older cousin. The cousin was an early MMA experimenter. I think that my co-worker saw me as a wimp.

Found other non-work mate boxers in that town. Very Hispanic. Very boxing pro.

Yeah, I worked at places where male staff talked about backyard boxing. Or boxing when drunk at a party. I fantasized gloving up with some but as a Manager - my brain said, no way!

So I sparred with ex-college friends or apartment house neighbors or brothers of friends who may have understood me better. Or somebody from the Personal section of newspapers back then.
Some gay,some straight, some with demons like me.

Then nothing for years.
In my last 2 jobs - wanted to ask my younger, taller, fitter late night job partner to box - but didn’t.
He probably wouldn’t have not been judgemental. He had lived with a young out-call dominatrix.
At a party, stumbling for an unknown bathroom, had come across an open plastic tub of her tools.
In it was a pair of boxing gloves!

Nor the same age, more muscular but only 5’6”, gay guy who was one of a crew of 5 of us on a late night shift.
The company had a 24 exercise room in the basement with machines and thick mats for aerobics- I imagined late night sparring with him there.
But I never did...

This fetish, this wanting to compete with like-minded guys...will always be tough to gauge someone to fight with.
Now I am too old and decrepit to do so.
I will always wonder - what if I had come out and asked so and so.
The least they could have done was to turn me down.
The worst to spread the rumors, the word about me. And make me unemployable in a very small work field.

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