I mean Ncwarrior isn't real. He always disappears on people. I've heard from others on here that he's had multiple accounts and has been blocked or banned from the site. I fell for it. He wanted me to box and I agreed. He only replied once and then never replied again. Others on this site also told me that he seems all big and bad on challenging people and never shows up.
Maybe he's a no show,, but I'd caution being over confident if he does fight you. These young skinny guys can be fast and tough, unload on you before you know what happened. No teens for sure, and no 20 somethings either for me. You young guys have too much stamina and pride.
NancyBoxer has survived Covid-19 and is now infecting MeetFighters? Girlybox, ya'l been banned under 3 other handles for being a no count worthless stroke and yet here ya again. Put ur head in the sand and suffocate...ur just a worthless parasite.
Tough talk from someone that blocked me when I called you out you old geriatric overweight rat faced fat fuck don’t speak on my name you disgusting old piece of shit suck my dick !
Which name Nancy?? You're doing quite well with NCWarrior, you haven't been banned yet like your other two blowhard handles. Roll up in a ball and blow away in the wind like all other trash.
Ringerohr (39)
2023-01-09 05:39Wow , what a great and aggressive boxer !
AussieBoxer (47 )
2023-01-09 06:53(w odpowiedzi na)
As are you, mate. Let's fight again soon.
glovelover (4)
2023-01-08 18:52anyone here in Michigan want to glove up for some erotic boxing fun?
Maleboxing (2)
2023-01-08 17:40If anyone wants a boxing match against me, I am open to boxing matches. You can send me a message here or on watchfighters; I need a fight
reggboxer88 (0)
2023-01-14 17:30(w odpowiedzi na)
Me too let's go
2022-12-29 13:43Guys.. my opinion only.. tougher the talk, the smaller the .... FiGHT.
AussieBoxer (47 )
2023-01-08 05:22(w odpowiedzi na)
I have usually found this to be the case.
DM-Boxer (10 )
2022-12-29 17:45(w odpowiedzi na)
Thanks, B., got it.
Maleboxing (2)
2022-12-26 05:24Anyone who wants to box against me, I am open
mitch2345 (0)
2022-12-30 04:16(w odpowiedzi na)
Dude you and I got spar! Got a big belly I’d love to punch
mitch2345 (0)
2020-06-18 12:58I mean Ncwarrior isn't real. He always disappears on people. I've heard from others on here that he's had multiple accounts and has been blocked or banned from the site. I fell for it. He wanted me to box and I agreed. He only replied once and then never replied again. Others on this site also told me that he seems all big and bad on challenging people and never shows up.
Dubblejab (26 )
2020-06-19 04:41(w odpowiedzi na)
Damn, rough talk in here. Hope to fight NCwarrior and anyone else in here willing to box hard.
Jahlani98 (2)
2023-01-07 13:33(w odpowiedzi na)
Let’s get some work in.
NWFi9htr (6)
2023-01-08 10:29(w odpowiedzi na)
Let’s go man
DM-Boxer (10 )
2022-12-25 15:43(w odpowiedzi na)
Willing to box hard, ready to fight you, Dubblejab
2020-06-18 14:39(w odpowiedzi na)
Maybe he's a no show,, but I'd caution being over confident if he does fight you. These young skinny guys can be fast and tough, unload on you before you know what happened. No teens for sure, and no 20 somethings either for me. You young guys have too much stamina and pride.
Dennis88 (5)
2020-06-18 13:14(w odpowiedzi na)
Fair enough
mitch2345 (0)
2020-06-18 04:22Guys he's not real. Block him! Seriously! Its for your own good
Beefyscot (3)
2020-06-18 07:40(w odpowiedzi na)
Dennis seemed a good guy to box fight but he blocked me too
Just not sure he is real
I agree
Dennis88 (5)
2020-06-18 05:31(w odpowiedzi na)
Who’s not real
ToeTheLine (31)
2020-06-18 08:14(w odpowiedzi na)
I think Mitch2345 is referring to
Beefyscot (3)
2020-06-18 07:40(w odpowiedzi na)
Stop blocking people
Ringerohr (39)
2020-06-05 06:42I have no plans at the moment to go to the UK .
But I will keep you in mind.
Ringerohr (39)
2020-06-05 05:46Same here.
If you are in my area Ncwarrior we dan box.
Ncwarrior (0)
2020-06-05 22:29(w odpowiedzi na)
Can’t wait to kick your ass
ChiBox (33 )
2020-06-06 07:12(w odpowiedzi na)
Ha ha,
NancyBoxer has survived Covid-19 and is now infecting MeetFighters? Girlybox, ya'l been banned under 3 other handles for being a no count worthless stroke and yet here ya again. Put ur head in the sand and suffocate...ur just a worthless parasite.
Ncwarrior (0)
2020-06-06 08:55(w odpowiedzi na)
Tough talk from someone that blocked me when I called you out you old geriatric overweight rat faced fat fuck don’t speak on my name you disgusting old piece of shit suck my dick !
ChiBox (33 )
2020-06-06 21:39(w odpowiedzi na)
Which name Nancy?? You're doing quite well with NCWarrior, you haven't been banned yet like your other two blowhard handles. Roll up in a ball and blow away in the wind like all other trash.
Ncwarrior (0)
2020-06-07 00:46(w odpowiedzi na)
Go take a long nap and don’t wake up you disgusting overweight pickle nosed pathetic bastard.
Ncwarrior (0)
2020-06-04 15:28When covid 19 ends I’m looking for guys to beat up in the ring I’ll take anyone
Dubblejab (26 )
2020-06-05 19:23(w odpowiedzi na)
The ring in DE is open man. You and me.
Ncwarrior (0)
2020-06-05 22:32(w odpowiedzi na)
I’ll knock you out in round 1
Dubblejab (26 )
2020-06-05 22:35(w odpowiedzi na)
In your dreams kid.
Dennis88 (5)
2020-06-05 06:39(w odpowiedzi na)
If you’re ever in the Uk, I’ll take you on
Ncwarrior (0)
2020-06-05 23:16(w odpowiedzi na)
Sounds good I’d KO you
Dennis88 (5)
2020-06-06 06:25(w odpowiedzi na)
You can try ya fucker
Beefyscot (3)
2020-06-05 07:50(w odpowiedzi na)
Sadly ringer I would have taken Dennis on but he is fake he blocked me as we were organising shame