Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu

So I attended my first Brazilian Ju-jitsu class last week....

FitScot (38)

2015-08-18 21:20

BJJ 18.08.15. Rolling, rolling, rolling, rolling.....tonight was a class full of beginners apart from one expert. The instructor said "Right: 3 minute rounds : just go for it and swap partners" (guess he was feeling tired). Partner 1, a young woman who is just starting and is as confused as me. Showed her what an armbar was and an Americana. And also "dragging", Partner 2: a big bloke who I kept ending up under and had to submit. Tough. Partner 3: a young bloke who I managed to get to submit twice using an armbar. Partner 4 : a young bloke who had two years experience, I won one and was on top of him trying to get one arm bar for around 1 whole minute before time ran out. Partner 5: a young bloke who I had a 3 minute battle with and just got me to submit at the end.

Looking back: what did I do well? ARMBARS! My instructor looked at me and said "king of the armbars!" which is far from the truth but it was so good to know I have progressed. I also did manage to get the basic positioning of being at the side holding the opponent down - knees spread against the person, and elbow on other side at the hip to hold that person in.

What could I have done better? The big bloke who came towards me - it was about might instead of skill and I ended up under him not in guard, A couple of times I was on my back with my legs up on the air trying to remember my moves.

What do I need to remember for next time? Keep reading over my notes, try to remember the moves from other classes and maybe start from my back (defence??) to get some more practice in.

Good class though!


BJJWrestlerLasVegas (12)

2015-08-18 21:50

(w odpowiedzi na)

I would not be to concerned about how many submissions you get or give is really not the main thing. Who do you think in your gym has been submitted the most? The most important thing is learning and having fun I get submitted a lot more than I submit others (age and a hip replacement limiting mobility and speed takes it toll) but if I get a successful weep on a better guy it is a big achievement for me. If I had a new technique to my game once a month after a year I will have 12 new techniques. I am ij a fortunate position to live in the BJJ capital of the world outside of Brazil (San Diego) and thus have access to open mats and other gyms from time to time as well (the excellent transit system here helps) . You are plugging away very well (better than me) and before you know it you will get your first stripe!


FitScot (38)

2015-08-18 22:23

(w odpowiedzi na)

Thanks. I think the aim is rather to submit is to remember the moves from the previous classes and apply them. And the fun part is taken care of! :)


ENetArch (3)

2015-08-18 07:15

Glad you guys are having fun while learning Jujitsu. It's a lot of fun.

FYI .. I'm a Carley Gracie Blue Belt, and I'm working with the Golden Gate Wrestling Club in San Francisco as their Jujitsu instructor, working for free to teach the Gay Community. So, if you have specific questions about any technique, let me know, and I will post video on how to execute it.

I would prefer that you learn the technique properly, and play safely, than learn it improperly and accidentally hurt yourself or others.


FitScot (38)

2015-08-18 08:57

(w odpowiedzi na)

That sounds very wise! My plan is to use any videos as back up for the classes I have been taught moves in. Thanks!


NorthJerseyGrappler (8)

2015-07-18 14:49

The more BJJ training I get, the more I want to learn. It has taken some time for me to put all the moves together. Now I am able to transition between a submission and an escape. It's knowing where you are and knowing your next move that has gotten me to tap out blue belts, which I am not at this point.


BrawlerNYC (62)

2015-07-19 14:33

(w odpowiedzi na)


I replied to your match request as you will soon be in New York City. I have so far defeated BJJ Blue Belts so I am challenging you to bring your BJJ knowledge to the mats. Safe/sane but it will be very competitive.


ladron fr (47)

2015-08-17 20:59

(w odpowiedzi na)

I started bjj and grappling one year ago ... And i believe i 'm quite addicted...
Want to go back there now !! Fighting and fighting ...


FitScot (38)

2015-07-18 15:35

(w odpowiedzi na)

Someone in my first class said it is addictive - and God they were right! Looking forward to Tuesday's class now.


dragonuk (21 )

2015-07-14 07:30

Good luck with that.I think you just need to go to a club in Glasgow week after week
and keep going , improvement takes a while. Brazilian Jiu Jitsu is all about reprogramming
everything you thought you knew about ground fighting and giving you a lot of
'feedback' as you go!

I moved to Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu following dabbling in other martial arts and wrestling. For anyone who is serious about submission fighting on the ground,BJJ is probably the best martial art. It is very technical and very physical at the same time. The fact that most of the training involves live sparring , means that it is a very real martial art. You soon find out if what your doing works or not.

When I meet people from meet fighters who say they like submission fighting I always recommend it, is such an innovative and well developed martial art, and there are clubs everywhere who will welcome you. Most clubs are very tolerant and friendly towards new people too.

It also requires a lot of patience. You need to go and train at least 2 or 3 times per week
to improve and learning is a long term game. There is nothing much that can be learned in one
hour of learning technique really. Everything is learned over long months of persistent training.
So if you have a club close to you go along, and persist. That is the only advice.

Good luck


musclejudo (27)

2015-07-17 19:57

(w odpowiedzi na)

right decision 2 start bjj its best martial arts - bjj rocks - good luck with your training and u even can be competive with 35...40..50 +


FitScot (38)

2015-07-17 20:01

(w odpowiedzi na)

Aha! I have wondered about this...that actually gives me something to aim to unlike boxing. Thanks! I think BJJ just got itself a new convert....


FitScot (38)

2015-07-14 08:24

(w odpowiedzi na)

I am currently in London for work and met someone for a grapple last night - I did notice I was doing a BJJ hold at one stage! I have found a class I am comfortable in so I going with this - going to their class 2 or 3 times a week sounds like a pleasure. It also seems a great work out!


SileX (196 )

2015-07-14 06:18

My first time doing BJJ was a bit of a shock. I learned that everything I knew about ground fighting was wrong. (I was doing traditional ju-jitsu earlier.) I hope you will enjoy your classes!


FitScot (38)

2015-07-14 08:22

(w odpowiedzi na)

Thanks! Next class is on Thursday and I am really looking forward to it.


FitScot (38)

2015-07-13 11:45

Loved it. I was away from Glasgow working in Belfast two days later and managed to find another class - loved that too! I am now a convert and want to learn more!

If anyone is ever in Glasgow and wouldn't mind training a newbie get in contact!

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