Choke and strangle

My neck is ready för you

BJJWrestlerLasVegas (14)

2017-05-23 06:21

Do u ever get to Las Vegas? Glad to practice chokes if u get to this area.


judojoe (0)

2017-05-23 22:58

(w odpowiedzi na)

I have been in Vegas fir a couple of Time. Next when I come u can choke me out Cold.....


judojoe (0)

2017-05-22 14:15

Hey, would love to choje out u2 .... Cheers Joe


judojoe (0)

2017-05-21 09:15

Hi all Chokers and stranglers. My neck is waiting for you. Put your arms around it or your legs or any ligature for strangulation. I have a strong neck so it would be a Challenge for you ans me. Also I like judogi chokes. I am black belt in judo. Who is willing to choke me until I sleep? I am in Vienna but can travel. Cu Joe


Chokeme (2)

2017-05-22 14:04

(w odpowiedzi na)

Hi, hope you find a playmate :)

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