Father vs Son Wrestling

Son and Dad wrestling each other. Utube links

Giulian (2)

2013-09-14 08:26

Good news. I decided to bring it back from the grave. :) I am still waiting someone to contribute with some videos. It would help a lot. Browsing the web for material takes much more time than setting up a web blog.


rassler (4)

2013-09-16 14:45

(w odpowiedzi na)

Ah, so it's your blog! That's why you were so sure about it being deleted... Please, don't do it again, it's one of the best pages on the Net! I'll send you some links as soon as I find them...


Giulian (2)

2013-08-27 20:18

It will not comeback. The site is down forever. Trust me.


Giulian (2)

2013-08-11 05:06

Same here. The site is down. I wish i could be able to delete this thread. It would prevent more unnecessary clicks.


rassler (4)

2013-08-27 17:12

(w odpowiedzi na)

It happened before some months ago, maybe it's a problem of their server. I'll leave the link here just in case it'll be back sooner or later... ;-)


KickOutChamp (56)

2013-08-07 15:51

link did not work for me


Giulian (2)

2013-05-24 00:13

This page lists the best dad/son wrestling videos on Youtube. You guys may wanna check it out.


If someone here knows about other great video which isn't listed there, please, provide its link in this topic. Thanks.


rassler (4)

2013-05-25 15:18

(w odpowiedzi na)

Great page, lots of good hot stuff. Thanks!

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