Feet Wrestling

Feet: Clean or Sweaty/smelly

Passandre92 (0 )

2023-03-30 22:49

Clean only


lickfet (0)

2023-01-23 18:20

I LOVE sweaty smelly feet on my face!



2023-01-14 09:42

La vera umiliazione per uno sconfitto vuol dire essere sottomesso ai piedi sudati del vincitore!!


gizrocone (2)

2023-01-13 20:26

Although I have yet to experience this kind of match, it would be so much more hot and humiliating for me to be dominated by really smelly feet. It's certainly a humiliation intensifier for me. I think it's because there's a strong attraction vs. revulsion factor at play there with me. Basically, being turned on more by being forced to endure the smell rather than enjoying the smell itself. I'm also a masochist so I get off on the idea of helplessly struggling against being made to do something "foul." In a way, I want my foot fetish weaponized against me. I want to be punished by manly foot funk. It's all about the inner struggle between two different mind states: "No, please, no! Don't make me smell your stinky feet!" And "Yes, please, yes! Obliterate my senses and make me taste defeet!"


Instinctively (1)

2022-09-30 12:10

Sweaty/smelly, though not dirty.


dirtybarefet (0)

2022-09-30 01:45

Grungy dirty like after you go barefoot for a couple weeks, no smell but hard and shiny and black on the soles


LA Bull Wrestler (26)

2022-08-30 21:43

I prefer either, just as long as they are working me over. I use mine to work them over too. Zaloguj się, aby obejrzeć galerię.


Saigaofthethunder (4)

2022-09-30 09:50

(w odpowiedzi na)

Awwwww please please please give me those gorgeous feet please please please awwwwwww


Clin10 (5 )

2022-08-11 17:04

I like clean feet and ankle socks, so it shows off a nice calf muscle


Justjay123 (1)

2019-06-15 00:16

I would have to say sweaty bare feet with sweaty socks.


Justjay123 (1)

2019-07-06 04:40

(w odpowiedzi na)

Very nice! Here's my feet. Zaloguj się, aby obejrzeć galerię.


halndallas (6)

2019-01-29 12:25

i'm one of the few who prefers non odorous but i definately love soiled soles with every element of the earth from a guy walking inside and outside all day. I'd certainly tongue bathe his feet


Strong Legs (0)

2022-08-10 15:33

(w odpowiedzi na)

i prefer non odorous feet, too


FigoItaliano (0)

2018-12-11 20:53

definitly smelly and sweaty! I love masculine feet smell


Donwres (36)

2018-12-14 21:42

(w odpowiedzi na)

Like feet and no show ankle sox smelly and sweaty Zaloguj się, aby obejrzeć galerię.


Leglockjudoka (0)

2019-11-19 05:47

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I got some sweaty socks too


Kanpai (13)

2018-12-14 15:20

(w odpowiedzi na)

I also like smelly and sweaty



2022-08-31 06:46

(w odpowiedzi na)

Very well!!


wrestlerspig (14)

2018-12-11 20:55

(w odpowiedzi na)

I agree with that.


LiamF (0)

2018-08-06 05:12

Definitely love sweaty and smelly! Love to smell a guys feet and have them all over my face. Especially love it when I can still smell his feet even if they aren’t on my face


totalpanards (5)

2019-06-26 09:44

(w odpowiedzi na)

yes smelly feet are so horny with trash talk


barefootdude (0)

2018-06-28 07:42

Really boned to see hott white jizz all over a dudes dirty black soles and between his toes.


budapest fight (2)

2017-01-10 21:52

smelly and sweaty barefeet are masculine
at bjj trainings there were 2-3 guys with really smelly barefeet, i found it very masculine
unfortunately they were ashamed of their feet smell and tried to avoid feet in face contact, because they were ashamed


Wrestler br (1)

2016-08-27 06:37

Sweaty, wet socks, but not smelly. Zaloguj się, aby obejrzeć galerię.


ArdonUD (9 )

2016-08-24 11:37

If I'm on the dominant side, my feet would be a bit sweaty and dirty (simply due to the fight) and if I'm on the recipient side... well.. would I even have the opportunity?! It would be humiliating as hell either way! XP Zaloguj się, aby obejrzeć galerię.


ArdonUD (9 )

2023-01-14 11:09

(w odpowiedzi na)

Interesting question for this thread would be also:
Who would lick those feet clean for those who only like clean feet? XP Zaloguj się, aby obejrzeć galerię.


lickfet (0)

2023-01-23 18:23

(w odpowiedzi na)

I would! I’d lick feet good and clean.


Instinctively (1)

2023-01-14 11:33

(w odpowiedzi na)

ArdonUD, I love the energy you give off in your pictures!


ArdonUD (9 )

2023-01-15 18:59

(w odpowiedzi na)

Thanks man, I try my best to keep giving that energy. ;]


totalpanards (5)

2019-06-26 10:13

(w odpowiedzi na)



totalpanards (5)

2019-06-11 07:06

(w odpowiedzi na)

of course smelly feet are the best you are trapped in feet forced to smell like a good jobber


wrestlerguy21 (11 )

2019-06-26 11:56

(w odpowiedzi na)

yeah exactly.


Donnie (21)

2016-08-24 02:01

Sweaty and smelly all the way


Donwres (36)

2016-08-30 10:50

(w odpowiedzi na)

Like my sox to have lots of wear so they are sweaty and have some smell–no show ankle sox and soccer socks are my faves use them to humiliate too.


Judokid88 (4)

2018-06-25 09:23

(w odpowiedzi na)

Definitely man! I'm much in the same I wear alot of my sox out but nothing is more better than slapping on a tight arm bar and smear my feet or sox in.


Leglockjudoka (0)

2019-11-19 05:50

(w odpowiedzi na)

Hell yeah that's what I'm saying


wrestlerspig (14)

2018-06-27 18:27

(w odpowiedzi na)

Your opponents are very lucky to experience your armbar and feet.


Masswrestler (8 )

2018-06-26 16:48

(w odpowiedzi na)

Clean is preferred, some fresh sweat is even better, mild smells can be hot, but not into it when they get too pungent.


wrestlerguy21 (11 )

2018-06-26 11:51

(w odpowiedzi na)

hell yeah. smelly feet or socks in a guy's face.


wrestlerspig (14)

2018-06-27 18:26

(w odpowiedzi na)

What a lucky guy to have your smelly feet or socks in his face.


Jobberbear (32)

2018-06-26 05:22

(w odpowiedzi na)

I'd like to that arm bar punishment and see how long I can stand to be smothered by your feet.


flrassle (18)

2016-09-05 14:47

(w odpowiedzi na)

Definitely sweaty and little smelly, socks or bare, all good.


Yngrasslr00 (137)

2016-08-24 05:28

(w odpowiedzi na)

Like to test that with ya some day... be nice to have u under my smelly foot pinned. Welcome 😎👣


Donnie (21)

2016-08-24 06:23

(w odpowiedzi na)

youd have to pin me first.... that would be the problem.


Yngrasslr00 (137)

2016-08-24 16:07

(w odpowiedzi na)

I don't see that as being a problem...


barefootdude (0)

2015-08-17 10:27

i like em dirty and hard on the bottoms from always going barefoot, not sweaty or that the smell bad. dirty and black from all that street dirt


Stevie (14)

2018-06-28 15:14

(w odpowiedzi na)

Agreed, a true barefooter!


barefootko (0)

2015-08-30 00:30

(w odpowiedzi na)

I agree completely, barefootdude. I don't like smell, but I like tough soles on guys who go barefoot outdoors, with a little ground-in dirt on tough soles.


Sambofrance (6)

2015-08-30 09:22

(w odpowiedzi na)

il est dommage de pas sentir les pieds


123Out (0)

2015-03-31 14:11

A very stimulating post with some hot guys. I like sweaty and manly too.


cobra (11)

2014-07-23 08:44

Smelly feet is more Interesting! Clean ones is bit desesperate fight I guess.who agrees with me.dominate and humiliation with smelly sweaty feet is a strong fetish.feet rubbing and footsie in challenge.win to trample. Start the fight with stripping shoes with feet waw..


Sambofrance (6)

2015-04-03 17:08

(w odpowiedzi na)

Me faire humilier avec des pieds odorant sera peut être pénible pour moi ; mais j'accepterai le défit et je me soumettrai volontier. si je suis le vainqueur dans le cas contraire, je me ferai respecter de la même manière.

Humiliate me with fragrant feet will be painful for me; but I will accept the challenge and I will submit gladly. if I am the winner if not, I will meet in the same way.


Sambofrance (6)

2014-08-23 08:15

(w odpowiedzi na)

I share your taste for smelly feet in combat.
It's more motivating for each of the fighters.
Be humiler or humiliate his opponent by submission.


wrestlerspig (14)

2014-08-19 15:34

(w odpowiedzi na)

Definitely, smelly and sweaty. Oink


LiamF (0)

2018-08-06 05:10

(w odpowiedzi na)



flrassle (18)

2014-04-08 15:49

looking for sweaty barefoot matchess in fl


Hartfighter (0)

2014-01-05 06:31

I like strong smelly feets


nairod007 (1 )

2013-01-02 06:25

just whit nails cut the other dosent mather feet in wrestlig are exelent


apollon (0 )

2012-09-01 09:23

I like it when both guys have smelly feet. Both fighters try to touch their opponent with their sweaty soles to disgust, provoke and humiliate each other.


bigfootfighter (17)

2014-03-20 13:20

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i like too when both fighters try to reach and step and smash each others face with big and smelly feet


Yngrasslr00 (137)

2014-04-05 15:01

(w odpowiedzi na)

Same here...love for both fighters to come out and try to smother their opponent with their big funky feet all in each others faces....smelly foot to face showdown Zaloguj się, aby obejrzeć galerię.


bigfootfighter (17)

2014-04-05 16:18

(w odpowiedzi na)

exactly man, a feet war between 2 big feet male . i would smash my feet on your face brother !!!!


Yngrasslr00 (137)

2014-04-05 18:46

(w odpowiedzi na)

Anytime u want it brother!! My stiky foot would bash your face in good punk!!


bigfootfighter (17)

2014-04-05 22:47

(w odpowiedzi na)

yeah anytome brother , my pleasure to step and smash your face with my stinky anda large feet , prepare yourself for a big war man .


Yngrasslr00 (137)

2014-04-07 16:52

(w odpowiedzi na)

Ready for it bro. My wide smelly feet would smother and smash ur face all night man, my feet are relentless and up to any foot challnege


Jobberbear (32)

2014-04-08 03:10

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I'd take either of you on. That's me being triple teamed Zaloguj się, aby obejrzeć galerię.


bigfootfighter (17)

2014-04-07 19:21

(w odpowiedzi na)

ok i am ready too just come and try your luck


Sambofrance (6)

2014-03-01 11:20

(w odpowiedzi na)

excellent i like very munch !


barefeetfighter (58 )

2012-11-16 13:15

(w odpowiedzi na)

It 's true! During the fight on the ground, sweaty, bare feet are used a lot to subjugate, humiliate! Come to Rome and see how it ends!


Sambofrance (6)

2012-09-13 15:07

(w odpowiedzi na)

I'd be happy to make a fight with you. and share our best foot odor sweat. I win the battle to decide if he wants to enjoy her feet or enjoy the other foot. At my place, I do not know yet ....


cum4fight (19)

2012-08-07 19:33

its better with white smelly socks ankle socks are best Zaloguj się, aby obejrzeć galerię.


dfeetffm (3)

2012-03-02 18:34

no favorite - depends on the situation and the opponent


Jobberbear (32)

2012-03-01 23:16

When you are wrestling and you are dominating your opponent do you like your feet to be clean or sweaty and smelly? If your the recipient of foot domination during a match how do you like your opponents feet to be?

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