Fighting space construction

Building ring and mat room in Tampa Florida..

StrikeFighter (62 )

2024-05-08 06:11

Whoa, there's a load of questions...

I'm not sure if I can help, and that's because I think we're coming at this from slightly different perspectives. I built my fighting space primarily to be used by myself, and though I might rent it out in future that was not the main thing that was on my mind when building it, so I didn't give questions like "what size ring do members want" or "how much should I charge" much thought.

Also, I had a space and decided to work with the advantages and disadvantages of that particular space, but from what you've written it sounds like you're willing to look around for a space that suits your needs.

One thing I can tell you is that fighters tend to like a little privacy, even if their match has no erotic component whatsoever, so you'd probably not want to build a fighting space in your backyard, unless there are a lot of trees around it. (Also, be aware that grunts and other sounds can be heard through trees.) In any case, from a weather perspective, an inside space would probably be preferable.

To be honest though, unless you're located in a huge metropolis with lots of fighters passing through, I'd probably shy away from building a matroom or ring purely for rental. If you're going to rent a room out and charge anything more than a nominal fee, fighters will have certain expectations (shower facilities for example) and you're going to have to invest a lot of money you might not be able to earn back in a locality where demand is not that high.

Hope this helps, curious to hear what other group members have to say.


commandertc (63)

2024-05-06 04:04

Would like to hear from guys who have already done this...
What size ring do members want
How much should I charge
What kind of protection should the ring have
What kind of protection do I need from members who believe they are invincible ( that is mostly the Members who are video superstars and believe they are.better them us normal folk lol)
Is it better to have this at a warehouse type location instead of my backyard..
Please reach out as I start job in Tampa next month and want to make.this happen in 6 months or less
Will host a pro and sub wrestle fest in Tampa when it is finished too..


TBLHockeyGeek (77 )

23 days ago

(w odpowiedzi na)

The ring spaces I've been in are both of the warehouse and in a home within a large room or garage type space. I believe the most common size for a ring is 16x16 and you can get a whole kit (everything that you need for a professional set-up) from places like Highspots (used to be like $5k pre-pandemic and now they are like $9k). As for the space itself, of course, something with a bathroom and perhaps a shower would be good. Private, with a good set up to allow filming or whatnot.

As for charging I've had ring time reserved from anywhere between $50/person for the entire day to $250/person for two hours. I will say, being in Tampa Bay, that we had recently lost "common Joe" access to a ring (that was in a backyard with a mat room) and the ring that was also available in Orlando is no longer available for most (the ring in Orlando was bought out by a cam wrestling company, not to name names, and it's now a "who you know" type deal - I've inquired with the new owner directly and gotten no response - and from what I hear also quite expensive to rent?). There is a ring in Tampa also owned by a cam wrestling company, again not to name names, who hasn't rented out the ring before but might start doing so but the estimated prices he was going to charge were VERY high. There is a ring down in Fort Lauderdale (which I haven't been to myself) and the prices seem reasonable if they are renting out at that time in the first place but FLL is a 3.5 hour drive away.

I will say though... there is quite a few of us in the Tampa Bay area that would probably love to have, and pay for, access to a ring for sure. A few of us film so if it's a good clean set up you'd probably get some action on getting that space rented out. It's also a big convention town so there's constantly people coming in and out. Also only being a 1.5 hour drive away from Orlando helps as well.


TBLHockeyGeek (77 )

23 days ago

(w odpowiedzi na)

However I don't think, unless you run a professional cam wrestling company, having a dedicated ring space that is NOT in your home and in a warehouse would always operate at a loss since you would have to constantly be renting that out. At least in your home, whether in a garage or a high-ceiling very large room, you are living there and aren't paying anything extra for the space.

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