Gutpunching give/take/trade

Forced Impact Training

MixedBear (7 )

2021-05-29 05:04

Pwrs you and i have the same coach and i can attest to everything you wrote. My gut also is tough and i too can take alot. As you stated many guys arms wear out before my gut gives ways. Not cocky, just stating what i and coach knows is the truth. Though im not arrogant enough to think NO ONE can take me down, i know my core is solid and withstand a barrage of punishment. I know there are guys who can and will knock the wind out of me. Looking forward to that day. Training/ conditioning is key to having a strong core. I too thank Coach (Radner) for bringing me this far and look forward to how far he can take me. With anything good, you have to want it and be committed in gaining your goals. Great write up Pwrs and keep up the great training. Coach speaks highly of you. Cheers


Pwers1103 (3)

2023-02-10 00:17

(w odpowiedzi na)

Thank U- Coach speaks highly of all who have trained w him- that's one of many attributes that separates him from most. I was just lucky to have met him at the right time & tho we don't train as often, I am grateful, as I'm sure all of us are, that he can still give us direction & training. Keep up the good work!


Pwers1103 (3)

2021-05-29 15:45

(w odpowiedzi na)

Thanx & back at ya- we both know our core can take a ton of punishment based on our training. Apparently only the men who engage in forced impact training know & understand its benefits- good for us, sad for them, lol. & arrogance has nothing to do with it, confidence does- when U take a 20lb med ball, plate, dumbbell into your gut hundreds of times over training sessions lasing months, it kinda does that to U- U know full well the endorphin rush Coach talks about (even more so when another guy is involved & realizes he can't break U). Again, thanx & keep up the training- it never leaves & U only crave more.


Pwers1103 (3)

2021-05-27 07:10

My Coach has been on my butt to write an article on how forced impact training has developed my core to become punch proof & if I don't deliver, he makes me suffer during our sessions, lol (not really). But it deserves mentioning if U really want to improve the durability of ur gut in a REAL gut punching session.
First, a word bout my Coach, Radner Bearman- most of U may have seen his pics, the tall Dude w the really developed/defined abs; some of U may have spoken to him, some may have been trained by him. He's a boxer/kickboxer so he knows a bit bout getting punched/kicked in the gut- when he speaks, U should listen, just sayin. Over 2 years ago, he posted a few really good vids about core workouts- I saw them, liked them & thanked him. He introduced himself & inquired whether I would like some training- not one to refuse a gift, I said U betcha & we've been training ever since. He didn't know me from Adam but he took me under his wing & w his training, knowledge, time, patience & encouragement, he turned my core into a brick wall. I can say w reasonable certainty that my gut is harder than most anyone on this site, unless U are a trained fighter and this is due to forced impact training.
Forced impact training is elemental and it basically is exactly what it says- U train by taking a force (an object like a fist, plate, dumbbell, kettlebell, bat, whatever) & U impact a muscle, in this case Ur rectus abdominus, ur gut. It can sound ridiculous hitting urself but by doing that, U have prepared urself for s/one else hitting ur gut; by impacting ur gut, U rip apart the muscle, create scar tissue and then develop newer, thicker muscle. Boxers are a good example of this training- not all boxers have 6 pacs but most have thick solid guts so they can absorb hundreds of punches- when U watch a good fight, watch how each lands as many punishing body blows as they can to tire their opponent out so he/she can drop their hands & the other can go in for the KO. All fighters train w forced impact.
How do we (Coach & I) train?? We started with a plate or dumbbell (5 or 10 lbs) & usually lying down, lift that plate or dumbbell str8t above ur gut & then ram it into ur gut- U shoot, we shot, for 50X or 100X. Then he had me order medicine balls, 10 & 20 lbs. Again, same thing but the 20 lb ball is a whole new ball game. I said we started w impacts of 50X-100X; then it went up to 200, 500, 1000- do that a few times a week w ur core exercises & Ur gut will become a rock. Then experiment in different positions like on a BOSU ball; try taking hits either flexed, unflexed and/or both. He also has me hit my gut a few hundred times- more often, he stops me b4 I give out (or my arms get tired, lol).
Now on this site, I see how everyone gets so excited w all these GP vids- I'm not 1 of them. A few men actually do seem to know what they are doing & do seem to have rock solid guts. Most of the vids are what 30 seconds to maybe 2 minutes long (not impressed), most have punchers that punch like girls (not impressed) & most have the pretty boys flexing & moaning/groaning w every punch- like I said in my blog, new attitude, no time for BS. & I just love it when I read how guys say they punched for hours- really?? Fights are 2, 3 or 5 minute rounds & have 3-15 rounds so most fights are over in an hour- U ever see how those guys look after fighting for at the most an hour?? Are U trying to tell me that U threw that many punches & took them for hours?? I think not.
I've read men ridicule punching themselves (yes, I'd rather test my gut w s/one else's fist) or using plates, med balls; try it- then let's see how ridiculous it is. My Coach has said "there are muscles to show & there are muscles to go" & I say, I'll work for both & I think I've succeeded. Lift a 10-20 lb med ball a couple of hundred times, ram it into ut gut & lemme know how EZ that is cause it's not. And as my Coach also has said- "how many men can hit w the force of a 10 or 20 lb med ball or dumbbell?" Few I know of. Now if U know body mechanics, a smart boxer, a trained fighter can & will throw his weight into the punch & that adds a new dimension- trust me, i will do that when I work a gut over- U will feel my fists.
My Coach always develops ways to harden my gut, to test my limits and I recommend both him & forced impact training. 6pac abs are to be admired & respected for the work it takes to get & keep them but that by itself doesn't mean Ur gut is as tuff as U think it is- it's harder than most BUT not necessarily as hard as it should be for a REAL GP session. Forced impact training will only add to the strength of ur gut- I know whereof I speak.
Now some of U will get defensive & say if I'm so tuff, how come I have no vids, few opponents. For starters, I live in the country (125 miles north of NYC) & rarely travel (usually not worth my time or NRG, sorry & unless U are gonna pay for the trip...); some wrestlers have contacted me & I told them I like GP b4 a match & then it's a no go; & the younger "studs" who seem to be more game like their own age & I don't blame em- I wouldn't wanna lose to a guy my age & they will lose. My words are not arrogant, just confident based on the hard training given to me by my Coach- if U speak to him, I'm sure he will back up what I say.
And maybe this summer, I can get a few vids- the men who have come to my home, tho they can't take punches, get off on throwing them into my bod & hearing that deep THUD; doesn't last as long as I would like, their arms get tired way too early. But these are locals, not from this site- anyone from this site, if U can dish it out, U better be able to take it, just sayin...
Good Luck w ur training, enjoy ur summer. & try it- U just may like it...


GutPunchBG (4 )

2023-02-07 07:28

(w odpowiedzi na)

WOW! Absolutely agree with you post!

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