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ThisVid problems

absfreak (7)

2022-01-20 19:16

Sometimes thisvid is unreliable and has some issues. They typically don't respond, but it seems they are changing things from time to time which causes that some functions don't work like expected. This is usually fixed within a week, so i would recommend to wait and try again after some days. It can also help to disable browser extensions.


marquis419 (0)

2022-01-19 16:02

If anyone can offer advice on this issue, I'd really appreciate it. I was enjoying the videos on ThisVid for a few weeks (I learned about its existence after joining MF) when all of a sudden they weren't available to me anymore. They said I had to become a member in order to continue watching videos.

I apparently completed the sign-up process successfully, including the Captcha thing. When I try to sign in, I get a screen with fields to be filled out or completed, but they are not clickable. The only thing "live" on that page is a link that says something like "immediate [something] required in your profile." Usually it's red. If I click it, it turns white but nothing else changes. As I say, I can't do anything on that page, and I don't know what information they want. I closed all browser windows and cleared the history and tried to sign in again, with the same (non-)results. I also tried a different browser, with no success. I thought maybe they sent me an e-mail that I would use to "activate" the account, but I found no such e-mail, not even in the spam folder. I have sent them this message three times, but they don't reply.

Thanks for any insight or help.

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