If a Friend or opponent stuck his Index Finger deep into your Belly Button, how many knuckles could he get in? 1st knuckle, 2nd knuckle, or 3rd knuckle at the palm.
You must have some of your abdominal muscles right beneath your navel which would prevent a finger from sinking in even up to the 1st knuckle. Great navel by the way, I would still love to play with it. Take care my Friend and Thanks for posting.
My Belly Button is a deep innie, or so I thought. It will only allow a finger to go in up to the 2nd knuckle. Wish a finger could go deeper. Oh well, its still very stimulating and I get a hard on every time I play with it. Cal06az.
Navelplayer (0 )
5 days agomeiner ist auch nur 1,2cm ca tief Zaloguj się, aby obejrzeć galerię.
Cal06az (0)
5 days agoIf a Friend or opponent stuck his Index Finger deep into your Belly Button, how many knuckles could he get in? 1st knuckle, 2nd knuckle, or 3rd knuckle at the palm.
Navelplayer (0 )
4 days ago(w odpowiedzi na)
mit einem finger kann man schon tief reindrücken aber auch mit anderen gegenständen
Brett58 (0)
5 days ago(w odpowiedzi na)
Not even one knuckle Zaloguj się, aby obejrzeć galerię.
Cal06az (0)
4 days ago(w odpowiedzi na)
You must have some of your abdominal muscles right beneath your navel which would prevent a finger from sinking in even up to the 1st knuckle. Great navel by the way, I would still love to play with it. Take care my Friend and Thanks for posting.
Brett58 (0)
4 days ago(w odpowiedzi na)
I don’t mind that it’s shallow and flat. It’s still sensitive.
Cal06az (0)
5 days ago(w odpowiedzi na)
My Belly Button is a deep innie, or so I thought. It will only allow a finger to go in up to the 2nd knuckle. Wish a finger could go deeper. Oh well, its still very stimulating and I get a hard on every time I play with it. Cal06az.