Pecs and nipple torture

Nipple punishment to submission

Sweig (0)

2024-07-13 20:37

The first match where my nipples were attacked and and used for punishment to submission happened in an unplanned and unexpected way. It was against a guy I wrestled on a regular basis. He was a more experienced, skilled, and advanced wrestler with a vast arsenal of submission holds that he enjoyed using on me. He easily won most of his matches with me. This one day, I was doing unusually well getting him to submit to my headlocks and finding ways to get out of his holds without tapping out. I had gotten ahead by five submissions to two and it looked like I was finally going to have a winning session. With his head wrapped in my right arm against my chest, I had sunk in another really good headlock. The angle was right and I could feel that I was applying enough force to get another submission. I enjoyed the feeling of not only dominating him but that I was about to win this meet by six submissions to two. As I pulled in my right arm and squeezed his head hard against my right pec, I felt a strange sensation that quickly became a sharp burning pain. I looked down and saw his mouth pressed against my chest and realized he had gripped my nipple between his teeth. The momentary shock gave way to realizing that I needed an immediate way out so I released the headlock. I couldn't say "I give" fast enough. He had hardly released his teeth from my right nipple when I felt them sinking into my left nipple. When I submiited and released my hold, he had instantly gone to the other side of my chest and applied a second nipple lock there. I submitted to him again and now the score had become 5 to 4 - visions of a 6 to 2 victory had evaporated in seconds. He went on to win (again). Eventually, I got to where I could withstand nipple locks longer since I didn't want to give up using headlocks against him.

Just tweaking an opponents nipples in a match as happens in many videos doesn't do much for me. Maybe that's the difference between nipple play and nipple work or nipple punishment to submission. I would like to see matches where the nipple lock is considered a legal hold and can be held as long as necessary to gain a submission from an opponent.

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