
stuffed tombstone piledriver match

Spoiler18 (13)

2024-10-18 17:19

Damn, Brendan, that stuffed piledriver in your hot pic looks great. Choke and smother the bitch out while you hold him in position then drive his head into the mats, roll on top of him and continue smothering the lucky bitch out with your hot package!!! WOOOFFF!


dsbh1 (48)

2024-10-18 16:05

Would love to be in one someday


Muscle hugger (1)

2024-10-18 16:10

(w odpowiedzi na)

I'd totally love to put you in one, be awesome to manhandle you boy, taking your whole fucking bodyweight in my arms, turn you upside down and lower you head inside my jock, fuck just love the feel of the lycra stretching out, ad I carry you, making a few jumps up before finally delivering a full piledriver. 💪💪🏋💪

Ps. Your big fucking thighs will feel good resting on my shoulders.


dsbh1 (48)

2024-10-21 05:13

(w odpowiedzi na)

I would love that!


Muscle hugger (1)

2024-10-18 11:14

Pure alpha domination, totally love it, to feel the stretch of the lycra as you stuff a dudes head inside your pants, and then to walk around bearhugging them into my chest before delivering the piledriver- it's just the best 💪🏋💪


Brendan Byers (78 )

2024-10-17 12:25

I love using the stuffed tombstone Zaloguj się, aby obejrzeć galerię.


LoveProMuscleBouts (2 )

2024-10-22 08:40

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You're so fuckin hot dude can only imagine being demolished by you with several of those


Spoiler18 (13)

2024-10-18 17:24

(w odpowiedzi na)

Brendan, can't think of a hotter move than this unless, of course, you were doing it from the top turnbuckle! Heh, heh, heh! I love to smother out my opponents with my package but slammin their head INSIDE my speedo is just another fantastic way to humiliate your opponent....while you get off! Fuck ya! Zaloguj się, aby obejrzeć galerię.


Proinca (20 )

2024-10-19 23:57

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Always the fucking stud


Muscle hugger (1)

2024-10-18 11:15

(w odpowiedzi na)

Totally agree, pure alpha domination, totally love it, to feel the stretch of the lycra as you stuff a dudes head inside your pants, and then to walk around bearhugging them into my chest before delivering the piledriver- it's just the best 💪🏋💪


Wrestler1978 (2 )

2024-10-18 05:13

(w odpowiedzi na)

please do that to me handsome


mrlovefighting1170 (0)

2024-01-29 04:03

tombstone piledrivers are the hottest thing


jackbouvier (105)

2024-01-13 11:10

I would love for this to happen to me AGAIN............


jackbouvier (105)

2024-01-12 12:30

Taking a big whiff of the cock and balls right before head is SLAMMED into the canvas !!!! Zaloguj się, aby obejrzeć galerię.


piledriverman (2 )

2024-01-12 04:25

I moan as you tease my package. I show off my upper body strength as I hold you upside down with one arm. My other arm undoes my drawstring and I open up my speedo and slide your head into it. Your face against my bare horse cock and balls. I parade you upside down with your head in my speedo. My other arm flexes as I show off my strength. I parade you around the ring. Heading back to the center of the ring, I jump up and stuffed tombstone piledrive you Zaloguj się, aby obejrzeć galerię.


Muscle hugger (1)

2024-10-18 13:54

(w odpowiedzi na)

Bro, we are of one mind on this.

Wrestled a 90kg dude, and finished him three times with stuffed piledrivers totally awesome. It has become my latest favourite move, pure alpha domination, totally love the feeling of the lycra stretching out as I stuff a dudes head inside my pants, and then to walk around carrying his bodyweight in my arms feels so good, great to have a wall mirror to fully appreciate the scene, I too like to just hold him in postion with one arm and flex the other bicept to really fuel up my alpha energy, then use both arms to apply a really powerful bearhug, squeezing their upside down body into my big bull chest before delivering the piledriver- it's just the best 💪🏋💪 and yes the feel of their cheeks against my thights generally produces a fair amount of precum, and as if timed to absolute perfection on the fourth jump up, I delivered the piledriver.... and as I did so I exploded, my balls were fully fucking loaded, as I crashed down, lying on top of his face I just thrust my thighs againsit his face as I drained every last drop, the timing was just so perfect.......


Beazer18 (24)

2024-01-13 08:08

(w odpowiedzi na)

Damn, nothing hotter than lifting your opponent on to your shoulders, sliding them head first in front of your crotch, wrapping their thighs around your head, setting them up for the tombstone piledriver. Holding them upside down, parading around the ring with your package tenting into their face. Finally moving to the center of the ring and planting them into the mat, only to stand back up and drill them back down a second time!


Spoiler18 (13)

2024-01-16 13:49

(w odpowiedzi na)

WOOOFFF! Love the idea of a stuffed piledriver. Nothing better than visualizing the humiliation of the jobber's face stuffed inside the heel's tights, face to face with his junk as he climbs to the top turnbuckle, with a hoot jumps high in the air planting the punk's head right into the canvas in the centre of the ring! The heel would probably blow a load with the wriggling and gyrations of the punk's squirming body! DAMNED HOT!


Muscle hugger (1)

2024-10-18 11:55

(w odpowiedzi na)

I have done just that, pure alpha domination, totally love it, to feel the stretch of the lycra as you stuff a dudes head inside your pants, and then to walk around bearhugging them into my chest before delivering the piledriver- it's just the best 💪🏋💪 and yes the feel of their cheeks against my thights generally produces a fair amount of precum, and on one occasion as if timed to absolute perfection as on the fourth jump, I delivered the piledriver and I exploded, my balls were fully fucking loaded, as I crashed down, lying on top of his face I just thrust my thights as I really drained every last drop, the timing was just so perfect, never been able to repeat it that perfectly since, but always hot fun.....


Poria (0)

2024-03-18 07:45

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After a HUGE wave of jigglings going through both your bodies, imagine a wet sweaty thud on the steamy canvas as the jobbers barely twitching dead limp body falls spread eagled, his upper face and fluttering white eyes still covered under your crotch, but his drools mixed with your pre-cum dripping down his chin

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