People can see one's age without opening a profile to see text and pics showing whether or not one is fit to wrestle or otherwise compete. Most assume the worst when the age is over 60 or so – especially over 70– and go about their way. I guess age is visible without opening because men really do think that age supersedes everything else combined. It's the old "You can lead a horse to water ...." and a high age is akin to a sign saying the water is not fit to drink. ".. but you can't make it drink"
Finally, at last; the wrestling drought has been broken. Got to do some real wrestling with a good friend on the site – about two hours worth. It let me see how nice it was with the new mats on the floor and the older ones as wall padding. Have to post a pic of the new setup amongst the second tier in the profile. Just as one of these days, got to do that verification thing
I have always wrestled guys of all ages and, even when younger, most of my matches were with guys in their 40s or 50s and up. I must admit that I used to raise my eyebrows when I would see a profile of a guy 60+ but, now that I'm 55 and showing no signs of slowing down, I can see how silly that was. I would gladly take on a guy in late 60s and older if they were in good shape.
It is sad that men act this way but you can only accept their decision. I think that I may have been reluctant to wrestle "old" men when I was younger for the definitely shallow reason that they are not (normally) as physically attractive as younger men.
I'm.older now myself and would be more likely to turn down an 18 year old than a 81 year old. It is very unlikely that I would turn anyone down if asked but I know I don't normally aporoach young men as they don't interest me.
I have never turned down any man 18 or over who wanted to come over to actually wrestle. OTOH, probably would discourage someone 50 or more pounds heavier, as it wouldn't be all that a fair match. Regardless, I'd never simply tell anyone to "F**k off" I'd opt to discuss why it wouldn't be advisable; as I wouldn't want to lie to someone.
Been told to wrestle guys my own age and "don't bother me again". Guess what–only 3 tenths of 1 percent of the guys on this site are my age or older–and every one I've contacted said they no longer really wrestle or didn't reply.
Nope. But it sure makes me wonder if I should have lied about my age when I first signed up. I don't want to sound immodest; but a glance at my very latest pics sure indicates I'm not some dried up bag of bones ready to fall apart if they touch me.
What happens when the discrimination starts to happen from your own age group?
For instance, I sent in my information to attend the New York Wrestle Fest very early and was looking forward to meeting new guys and getting matches. I have been in the site for a year and thought this would be a great opportunity.
The list of members is posted on 2 sites and one of them was far from alphabetical, and I was at the very bottom of a long list even though I had sent my information very early.
I was told by the organizer of the NYC Wrestle fest that the wrestlers were ranked in order from those who would provide the best fest experience to those who would not.
I asked if he was serious. He and I had never wrestled and this selection would not help a new member like myself get matches. He told me to ,"deal with it"
He and I are from the same age group as are many of the wrestlers attending the fest. The ones who are aware of this ranking system are perfectly fine with the system.
I would have thought that being in the same age group would have opened the door as opposed to helping to close it.
Very stuck up, definitely. A bigot. The list should either be of some sort of logical method (alphabetical or by order of sign up) Another way is a list by styles such as by BJJ, Greco-Roman, Freestyle, Folkstyle,Sombo etc
A most ridiculous and bigoted ranking system. I can understand alphabetical, by weight, order of sign up for number of past opponents. The organizer should immediately be fair to all and redo his list accordingly. All he has done is make a very bad situation worse.
Apparently I am not alone here. Guess there is some consolation, it's not personal. But wondering when I'll start showing up on this site's '10 most blocked list.' for daring to ask.
Some say to "pick on guys your own age;" however of the 13,493 men on the site, only 41 worldwide are my age or older. Another said no way a 30 or 40 year-old would want a guy my age, and asked how many 100-year-old men I would wrestle. Replied I'd wrestle a hundred-year old, or even I consider Biblical "Methuselah, Jared, or Noah" if they were in shape to wrestle and still around.
Others "fear injuring a man my ager;" but I think it's mostly some guys scared sh*tless if guys our age tapped them out or pinned their butts and word got around. As to fear of a lawsuit for injuring me, Virginia is a 'contributory negligence' state; and undertaking sport wrestling would be deemed contributory and no basis for suing.
Not seeking the likes of "affirmative action" or age quotas – merely a fighting chance locally that I'm not a zombie..
I'd wrestle you in a heartbeat. I am in NYC now and coming back to Cape May NJ in July to a group get together with Tom (ats) on this site. You are a ferry ride away he says. You interested?
More than just a ferry ride---If it were, I'd hop aboard. Problem is the hundred or so miles from here to the ferry. But will keep it in mind just in case if getting to Lewes, Del becomes feasible. Appreciate you're keeping me in mind.
I really haven't had a lot of guys bring up the "age" thing to me. Most of my opponents have been 40's-60's I would say, with a few exceptions. As a general rule, I prefer older guys and am usually the one who hesitates wrestling younger guys...concerns about them lying about their age or being just too immature or aggressive. Deano
Yes I was reprimanded by a wrestler younger than myself for contacting him concerning a match for the upcoming wrestle fest. I forgot that I had asked him for a match in the spring of last year in Chicago and was told that I was far too old and would not be a good match, despite wrestling at a big 10 college. But I was obviously younger when I wrestled in college and clearly have forgotten everything over all these years nor have even tried to stay in decent shape. You need to have thick skin to dare to grow old which is why i am throwing in the towel.
Frustrated as hell. No action here since last April. Seems like nobody willing to come over and wrestle w me. Been told at my age I have no business wrestling, been getting other nasty blowoffs, fakes/flakes, no shows. What is it w DC area men?
I am 70 and feel your frustration. I have not been insulted yet, but getting responses back from local wrestlers is a problem. I asked in my messages to respond yea or nay but usually get nothing back. I have received many invites to wrestle from older men across the nation but traveling is not an option for me. Wrestling is in my blood and my blood is still healthy enough for the sport. Good luck!
I recall when still in my 60s, there were these two guys 20-30 years my junior who refused to wrestle me because of my age. We were all together at a wrestling party up in NJ, and they were cajoled by others present to wrestle me one at a time, which they reluctantly agreed to. One still protested, claiming he was a black belt (I doubt it) and might damage me.
The long and short of it, is afterwards after tapping out both their asses, the told me they thought I was being too rough. Must admit, I did feel I had to "prove" how wrong they were, and the juices inside me were flowing. Did nothing which could injure; but did make sure they should respect their elders. BTW, they later on were as much fun on the mattress as they were on the mats.
If a guy is in his late 60s or 70s and is still willing to get on the mats, I think they should be commended for it. I don't think guys that age have lost a whole lot of strength and they certainly haven't forgotten everything they've learned. They might not be as fast as they once were or might be lacking the stamina they once had. I think too many younger guys thing older guys are going to be too brittle or are one step away from a heart attack.
So much talk about "frail elderly" can lead to lots of folks believing that "frail" is describing all over 65 rather than being a subset of the 65+ population. It really refers to a condition of those who are in or about ready to go into extended care, such as nursing homes or in-home extended care, & similar – mostly but not all in their 80s, 90s, etc
I keep reading where there are supposed studies which show where folks in their 70s and 80s can not only maintain, but also increase their strength with weight training – albeit quite low poundage for starters. White neither weights nor wrestling will turn us into Methuselahs or Jareds, I reckon such exercise is both strength gaining and life extending, as well as improving coordination and flexibility.
Agreed. Studies just conducted at UT Southwestern show great improvement in heart function and fitness with just a moderate amount of regular weight training.
Spruceman (55)
2017-02-02 02:31People can see one's age without opening a profile to see text and pics showing whether or not one is fit to wrestle or otherwise compete. Most assume the worst when the age is over 60 or so – especially over 70– and go about their way. I guess age is visible without opening because men really do think that age supersedes everything else combined. It's the old "You can lead a horse to water ...." and a high age is akin to a sign saying the water is not fit to drink. ".. but you can't make it drink"
Spruceman (55)
2017-02-05 20:25(w odpowiedzi na)
Finally, at last; the wrestling drought has been broken. Got to do some real wrestling with a good friend on the site – about two hours worth. It let me see how nice it was with the new mats on the floor and the older ones as wall padding. Have to post a pic of the new setup amongst the second tier in the profile. Just as one of these days, got to do that verification thing
hardinthering (23)
2017-02-05 20:32(w odpowiedzi na)
I'd like a match Spruceman.
Spruceman (55)
2017-02-05 20:48(w odpowiedzi na)
If you get over this way, sure thing
hardinthering (23)
2017-02-05 21:53(w odpowiedzi na)
Okay, cool, let's see what I can do.
Hardmatch (98)
2017-01-27 13:22I have always wrestled guys of all ages and, even when younger, most of my matches were with guys in their 40s or 50s and up. I must admit that I used to raise my eyebrows when I would see a profile of a guy 60+ but, now that I'm 55 and showing no signs of slowing down, I can see how silly that was. I would gladly take on a guy in late 60s and older if they were in good shape.
hardinthering (23)
2017-03-03 22:28(w odpowiedzi na)
I know what you mean.
PacNWBulldog (54)
2017-01-29 17:21(w odpowiedzi na)
I concur whole-heartedly. Too bad we never connected while I was in Seattle the last 23 years.
PacNWBulldog (54)
2017-01-29 17:21(w odpowiedzi na)
I concur whole-heartedly. Too bad we never connected while I was in Seattle the last 23 years.
Tynesider (82)
2017-01-27 13:09It is sad that men act this way but you can only accept their decision. I think that I may have been reluctant to wrestle "old" men when I was younger for the definitely shallow reason that they are not (normally) as physically attractive as younger men.
I'm.older now myself and would be more likely to turn down an 18 year old than a 81 year old. It is very unlikely that I would turn anyone down if asked but I know I don't normally aporoach young men as they don't interest me.
Spruceman (55)
2017-03-03 20:38(w odpowiedzi na)
I have never turned down any man 18 or over who wanted to come over to actually wrestle. OTOH, probably would discourage someone 50 or more pounds heavier, as it wouldn't be all that a fair match. Regardless, I'd never simply tell anyone to "F**k off" I'd opt to discuss why it wouldn't be advisable; as I wouldn't want to lie to someone.
Been told to wrestle guys my own age and "don't bother me again". Guess what–only 3 tenths of 1 percent of the guys on this site are my age or older–and every one I've contacted said they no longer really wrestle or didn't reply.
Hardmatch (98)
2017-03-03 20:54(w odpowiedzi na)
You can't teach guys manner and, if they respond to you in this way, would you really want to wrestle them anyway?
Spruceman (55)
2017-03-03 21:06(w odpowiedzi na)
Nope. But it sure makes me wonder if I should have lied about my age when I first signed up. I don't want to sound immodest; but a glance at my very latest pics sure indicates I'm not some dried up bag of bones ready to fall apart if they touch me.
Hardmatch (98)
2017-03-03 21:12(w odpowiedzi na)
I totally agree with you there. You look great. I think some guys put to much stock into age rather than actual conditioning.
Coach88 (0)
2017-01-27 01:24What happens when the discrimination starts to happen from your own age group?
For instance, I sent in my information to attend the New York Wrestle Fest very early and was looking forward to meeting new guys and getting matches. I have been in the site for a year and thought this would be a great opportunity.
The list of members is posted on 2 sites and one of them was far from alphabetical, and I was at the very bottom of a long list even though I had sent my information very early.
I was told by the organizer of the NYC Wrestle fest that the wrestlers were ranked in order from those who would provide the best fest experience to those who would not.
I asked if he was serious. He and I had never wrestled and this selection would not help a new member like myself get matches. He told me to ,"deal with it"
He and I are from the same age group as are many of the wrestlers attending the fest. The ones who are aware of this ranking system are perfectly fine with the system.
I would have thought that being in the same age group would have opened the door as opposed to helping to close it.
hardinthering (23)
2017-02-02 23:49(w odpowiedzi na)
What did he mean by "best fest experience?'' Sounds like a stuck up club for the self-proclaimed hot shots.
BJJWrestlerLasVegas (14)
2017-02-02 23:56(w odpowiedzi na)
Very stuck up, definitely. A bigot. The list should either be of some sort of logical method (alphabetical or by order of sign up) Another way is a list by styles such as by BJJ, Greco-Roman, Freestyle, Folkstyle,Sombo etc
BJJWrestlerLasVegas (14)
2017-01-27 07:38(w odpowiedzi na)
A most ridiculous and bigoted ranking system. I can understand alphabetical, by weight, order of sign up for number of past opponents. The organizer should immediately be fair to all and redo his list accordingly. All he has done is make a very bad situation worse.
Spruceman (55)
2017-01-26 13:48Apparently I am not alone here. Guess there is some consolation, it's not personal. But wondering when I'll start showing up on this site's '10 most blocked list.' for daring to ask.
Some say to "pick on guys your own age;" however of the 13,493 men on the site, only 41 worldwide are my age or older. Another said no way a 30 or 40 year-old would want a guy my age, and asked how many 100-year-old men I would wrestle. Replied I'd wrestle a hundred-year old, or even I consider Biblical "Methuselah, Jared, or Noah" if they were in shape to wrestle and still around.
Others "fear injuring a man my ager;" but I think it's mostly some guys scared sh*tless if guys our age tapped them out or pinned their butts and word got around. As to fear of a lawsuit for injuring me, Virginia is a 'contributory negligence' state; and undertaking sport wrestling would be deemed contributory and no basis for suing.
Not seeking the likes of "affirmative action" or age quotas – merely a fighting chance locally that I'm not a zombie..
calwrestler (146)
2017-03-04 17:09(w odpowiedzi na)
In re: Lawsuit
Also, "assumption of the risk".....if you agree to participate, you assume the risk of injury, so no cause of action
PacNWBulldog (54)
2017-01-26 19:23(w odpowiedzi na)
I'd wrestle you in a heartbeat. I am in NYC now and coming back to Cape May NJ in July to a group get together with Tom (ats) on this site. You are a ferry ride away he says. You interested?
calwrestler (146)
2017-03-04 17:12(w odpowiedzi na)
Is the group get together an open thing?
Spruceman (55)
2017-01-26 19:28(w odpowiedzi na)
More than just a ferry ride---If it were, I'd hop aboard. Problem is the hundred or so miles from here to the ferry. But will keep it in mind just in case if getting to Lewes, Del becomes feasible. Appreciate you're keeping me in mind.
SilverFoxFight (39)
2017-01-26 14:41(w odpowiedzi na)
I really haven't had a lot of guys bring up the "age" thing to me. Most of my opponents have been 40's-60's I would say, with a few exceptions. As a general rule, I prefer older guys and am usually the one who hesitates wrestling younger guys...concerns about them lying about their age or being just too immature or aggressive. Deano
SilverFoxFight (39)
2017-01-26 12:05I'd wrestle any of you awesome men in a heatbeat!
Coach88 (0)
2017-01-26 09:29Yes I was reprimanded by a wrestler younger than myself for contacting him concerning a match for the upcoming wrestle fest. I forgot that I had asked him for a match in the spring of last year in Chicago and was told that I was far too old and would not be a good match, despite wrestling at a big 10 college. But I was obviously younger when I wrestled in college and clearly have forgotten everything over all these years nor have even tried to stay in decent shape. You need to have thick skin to dare to grow old which is why i am throwing in the towel.
Spruceman (55)
2017-01-27 13:37(w odpowiedzi na)
Don't "throw in the towel." Yur still a "yungun." – only 60 on the profile. If you ever get my way, let's do it. Neither one of us is a zombie.
Hardmatch (98)
2017-01-26 05:16That's too bad. If I were closer, I'd take you on.
Spruceman (55)
2017-01-26 01:52Frustrated as hell. No action here since last April. Seems like nobody willing to come over and wrestle w me. Been told at my age I have no business wrestling, been getting other nasty blowoffs, fakes/flakes, no shows. What is it w DC area men?
Dave wrestle (22)
2017-01-29 00:02(w odpowiedzi na)
Too bad we weren't closer. I would wrestle you. Don't let shallow people get you down.
wanttowrestle (44 )
2017-01-26 05:34(w odpowiedzi na)
I am 70 and feel your frustration. I have not been insulted yet, but getting responses back from local wrestlers is a problem. I asked in my messages to respond yea or nay but usually get nothing back. I have received many invites to wrestle from older men across the nation but traveling is not an option for me. Wrestling is in my blood and my blood is still healthy enough for the sport. Good luck!
Spruceman (55)
2017-01-29 05:23(w odpowiedzi na)
I recall when still in my 60s, there were these two guys 20-30 years my junior who refused to wrestle me because of my age. We were all together at a wrestling party up in NJ, and they were cajoled by others present to wrestle me one at a time, which they reluctantly agreed to. One still protested, claiming he was a black belt (I doubt it) and might damage me.
The long and short of it, is afterwards after tapping out both their asses, the told me they thought I was being too rough. Must admit, I did feel I had to "prove" how wrong they were, and the juices inside me were flowing. Did nothing which could injure; but did make sure they should respect their elders. BTW, they later on were as much fun on the mattress as they were on the mats.
Hardmatch (98)
2017-01-29 05:40(w odpowiedzi na)
If a guy is in his late 60s or 70s and is still willing to get on the mats, I think they should be commended for it. I don't think guys that age have lost a whole lot of strength and they certainly haven't forgotten everything they've learned. They might not be as fast as they once were or might be lacking the stamina they once had. I think too many younger guys thing older guys are going to be too brittle or are one step away from a heart attack.
Spruceman (55)
2017-01-31 13:28(w odpowiedzi na)
So much talk about "frail elderly" can lead to lots of folks believing that "frail" is describing all over 65 rather than being a subset of the 65+ population. It really refers to a condition of those who are in or about ready to go into extended care, such as nursing homes or in-home extended care, & similar – mostly but not all in their 80s, 90s, etc
Hardmatch (98)
2017-01-31 17:05(w odpowiedzi na)
If people have taken care of themselves, they should be able to continue in an active, even rough, sport much longer than many younger guys think.
Spruceman (55)
2017-02-05 04:14(w odpowiedzi na)
I keep reading where there are supposed studies which show where folks in their 70s and 80s can not only maintain, but also increase their strength with weight training – albeit quite low poundage for starters. White neither weights nor wrestling will turn us into Methuselahs or Jareds, I reckon such exercise is both strength gaining and life extending, as well as improving coordination and flexibility.
rob1 (3)
2017-02-07 05:49(w odpowiedzi na)
Agreed. Studies just conducted at UT Southwestern show great improvement in heart function and fitness with just a moderate amount of regular weight training.