The Saga continues, there are 4 match requests here, one is for Reno thus for obvious reasons will not try to meet. Of the other 3, one blocked me, one said I was too old, and the other never answered. One wonders is why put up a match request if you do not plan to have matches?
The lying of some is not right either. People will come to your city and say they are unable to meat due business, family matters, short stay etc, and then looking later at their recommendations that they have gone against others in your city during that very same trip while telling u the excuses above. These types give this site a bad name as u send out loads of emails, another has put it in his profile that he will be in your city, and then they lie to you as well.
I'm sure many guys prefer to lie and think you'd rather hear a lie rather than hear the truth that they've changed their plans, even when they've previously agreed to meet. Lying feels less confrontational even if it is disrespectful.
I get it that plans change but there are also way too many guys that spend weeks cultivating matches with a person and basically leading them on and then then they get mad when that person they’ve been talking with is trying to finalize logistics because they need to plan their lives too.
While lying might “soften the blow” I’d rather have transparency. If the guy is trying to confirm the logistics it’s more insulting to be blocked than to simply say, “I’ve changed my mind. I found someone better suited to my “style/fetish/weight etc.
Likewise if you’re not getting a response quit stalking the other guy. If they’ve fallen off the radar then leave them be. You probably wouldn’t have had a good time with them anyways.
Interesting discussion, but let's face it, there are a lot of flakes on this site. It is, after all, controlled by the Internet, which is to say, there are no controls at all. I did encounter a "no show" once who was profusely and convincingly apologetic. I gave him another chance and had a great match with him a year later. He was definitely the exception. The best flake I encountered was in DC a while back. He was trash talking about how he was going to dominate, etc. etc. We exchanged phone numbers, set up the time. When I landed in DC, I immediately called him to nail down the appointment. He never responded to hourly phone calls. Then, a year later, after pretending nothing had ever happened (well, I guess, nothing did happen–that was the problem), he contacted me with the same trash talk.
I had to block someone simply because he made an extremely rude and uncalled for comment in a message he had sent me. I had never contacted him. He apparently disagreed with a blog or story I shared and felt compelled to send me a message attacking me and my appearance. It really bothered me, and I ended up temporarily suspending my account for a few weeks. Then, I realized that not everyone on here is an asshole like this dude was. What's even funnier is that he, himself, has absolutely no room to point out anything "wrong" with others, as I could have retaliated and pointed out all of his faults in appearance
I will echo that you look very good. I haven't had this problem myself but I suspect that some people start a conversation on the site then when it comes to meeting up they get nervous or become intimidated and blocking is easier than being up front or coming up with an excuse. As for men putting up age / looks barriers, that's a shame. It's a fighting site not grindr, personally I would be happy to learn from anyone of any age. No one should expect sexual activity or assume that the opponent wants it. Overall we need to discuss meeting with honesty. Meetfighters does a good job of keeping it genuine with no porn and subscription based access to videos; with the addition of Chatfighters hopefully it will become more physically meeting up based. For those that want to watch others live their lives stick to Twitter and Facebook.
There's over 8 thousand members here who aren't able to get matches for one reason or another so you probably don't want to be dismissing them all as "those that want to watch others live their lives" especially considering you've only had 2 opponents while living in a city that has over 500 wrestlers.
Perhaps I was coming across as authoritarian, that wasn't my intention. I certainly was not trying to put down people who find it difficult to meet due to ilness, age or location. My concern is that we need to be honest with ourselves and others about both our capabilities and what we actually want. I know from experience how intimidating starting out feels so surely the more people actually meet and record how it went the more confidence it will build in others to actually meet. My main concern is that online spaces can soon be changed from the original intention ( look how the thought Police have invaded Twitter and Facebook) , therefore Chatfighters is good for those who only want or are able to fight online, their is nothing wrong with that can still build up a community and friendships. BamaJDon41 I have only had two meets so far due to damaged ribs after my first meeting. During that period I was upfront and changed my profile as well as speaking to the men I was due to meet to postpone the match, so I appreciate that sometimes genuine unforseen things happen. Finally it's a pity we don't live on the same continent, if you ever come to the UK I would be happy to meet and learn from you.
Chatfighters seems to have been made primarily for cyber enthusiasts. Meetfighters profiles that show a past cyber match or an interest in cyber number only 592. That's only 3.4% of total membership. So if that small number of people all leave Meetfighters it really wouldn't change anything.
I’m sorry but I don’t agree with your exclusiveness. It’s all very well for people in your position to call for an active wrestler only policy, but what about people like me who have wrestled for decades welcoming guys, and sometimes girls, into their homes or matroom but now due to age illness or infirmity find themselves limited to maintaining an interest? Are we to be ostracised? I suggest there are plenty of fakes out there purporting to be genuine but your sweeping generalisation is unfair. Some may look at my profile and see it lacks details, with few ex opponents. The truth is that in the last fifty years many of mine are dead.
Sorry to hear about the fact that you’re slowing down. The truth is, we all are. I roll my eyes reading profiles of guys that perpetually stay 37, 49 and 56 years old year after year. The cosmetics industry could certainly learn a lot from the world’s underground (gay) wrestling community on the topic of preserving age and beauty. Thank you, Nemesis, for being truthful about your age and current health situation in this thread.
But, you are kind of missing the point of the thread. I suspect nobody would ostracize you especially if you are up front and truthful In your discussions with them. And if you are honest and they dismiss you away, that is their prerogative. They are probably missing out on the chance to know a great guy and you are saving yourself from expending resources for no gain.
I trust you are not passing yourself off as someone who is younger and more agile and then blocking the guy, or else getting blocked by them. when they “catch the scent” and realize something doesn’t quite add up.
I call this being “cat-matched” a term inspired by “cat fishing” in which guys and girls assume the on-line physical identity of someone else and then lead another person on.
Blocking also happens because someone had the audacity to send another guy a hello even though their profiles aren’t matching like the twins of Gemini. I guess there is nothing wrong with them doing that because it’s best to cut things off quickly if it’s going to lead nowhere slowly. Plus, if they don’t have any interest in a person that’s contacted them then why would that person want to have an ongoing conversation with them?
Sorry to ramble but to everyone out their quit playing the games and be more transparent. Don’t lead someone on for weeks or drone on about “how hot their match is going to be” and then go Amelia Earhart on them or block then because they are simply trying to firm up logistics about the match
I have an excellent idea... Credit card guarantees! You arrange a match, then a deposit gets exchanged and held by a 3rd party and if someone no shows they lose their deposit to the other guy. The sadistic side of me proposes that we call it “Pay Pain” 🤔
Sounds like a great idea to me. 45 years of wrestling here since 16 years old and I have never done a no show but I can not tell you how many no shows I've had in that amount of time. The only question is how is the third party going to know who is telling the truth and who is not telling the truth. A person could say they were coming to my place but lost the directions and left the phone number at home, or different things like that, so how does the third party know who is actually telling the truth if someone showed or did not show. Dean
I agree. At the BJJ gym no one has ever turned me down as a training partner regardless of age, belt level, muscularity, race, religion, sexual orientation, or any reason except possible if there would be a 50kg weight difference where may be a safety concern. U are right, bigotry has no place here.
I wonder why anyone would attack u 4 for appearance as u have a nice body for you rag e(much better than mine). I realize that it is hard in a small town to find people (have not been thru your town since before
the interstates were built)but you are welcome to visit Las Vegas and practice our mutual wrestling styles. Thanks
Here is a great example. Thickthighs tells me to stop sending him information about a group that he asked about. He will not give his email address so I have no idea of how to stop it. I have asked him 4 times to give the email address that I send him info under that he does not want anymore and I will be more than welcome to stop it. He blocks me. Why not just say who you are instead of blocking me, and I would stop. I just dont understand people. Better to just stay away from him.
Yes I have used the block button on one guy . He was in town and he kept harassing me to go to his hotel room to cockfight him . I kept telling him if he wanted me to show up , give me the room number . He insisted that I give him my phone number and that when I got to the hotel , he would call me then with the room number . After going back and forth , he started with the insults , then the block came right away .
Yes, its quite amazing how that block button is used on here for no good reason at all. Maybe the producers of this site, should have the block button, but after you press the block button you need to give a reason why you used the block button on the person, this way the person will know and can put an end to what they thought of what happened, and they can know what really happened from the source of the person that blocked them. Anyone have any other ideas, we are open to everyones suggestions in this matter so the producers can come up with a solution to this ever lasting problem. And yes, I did say hello to a person once and they blocked me instantly and have no idea why also. thanks.
That is a great idea for the blocker to have to give a reason . It would be great both ways . One if the blocker doesn’t have a reason . And two if the person getting blocked keeps getting the same reason for being blocked . On a side note , one of my friends on here blocked me by accident while on his cell phone . The buttons are smaller and didn’t realize he blocked me for weeks . If he had to give a reason for blocking , he would have realized the error from the start .
Some fighters on here unfortunately use the block button as a toy . You say hello , and they block you . You ask them a question , and they block you . Oh I see you’re coming to town after us talking for so long , and they block you . They ask you specific erotic facts about your match with another wrestler , you don’t tell , and they block you . I am sorry this wrestler got you to expect to meet but with his childish behavior , it is better for you to have not met . The block button has become a convenience for some guys on here who I guess don’t have enough social skills to actually explain themselves or deal with certain situations .
A member visiting Las Vegas put out match requests for a few different days, the last being earlier this week in Las Vegas. We had emailed back and forth and made plans for him to come to my place (I have mini mats) to practice as we discussed. I sent him a reminder the night before and when I woke up the next day I had hear hear from him thus wen tot email him but found out he had blocked me. A simple reply that he forgot or that something had come up would be understood, but getting blocked? How discourteous and unsportsmanlike!
BJJWrestlerLasVegas (14)
2019-12-28 19:22The Saga continues, there are 4 match requests here, one is for Reno thus for obvious reasons will not try to meet. Of the other 3, one blocked me, one said I was too old, and the other never answered. One wonders is why put up a match request if you do not plan to have matches?
RoughPlayNNJ (13 )
2019-11-21 06:18I’ve been in the gay Wrestling community. This has been happening for years. I have even driven 50 miles to meet an opponent, and he was a no show.
BJJWrestlerLasVegas (14)
2019-11-19 04:06The lying of some is not right either. People will come to your city and say they are unable to meat due business, family matters, short stay etc, and then looking later at their recommendations that they have gone against others in your city during that very same trip while telling u the excuses above. These types give this site a bad name as u send out loads of emails, another has put it in his profile that he will be in your city, and then they lie to you as well.
BamaJDon41 (10 )
2019-11-19 06:04(w odpowiedzi na)
I'm sure many guys prefer to lie and think you'd rather hear a lie rather than hear the truth that they've changed their plans, even when they've previously agreed to meet. Lying feels less confrontational even if it is disrespectful.
LA Bull Wrestler (26)
2019-11-19 16:04(w odpowiedzi na)
I get it that plans change but there are also way too many guys that spend weeks cultivating matches with a person and basically leading them on and then then they get mad when that person they’ve been talking with is trying to finalize logistics because they need to plan their lives too.
While lying might “soften the blow” I’d rather have transparency. If the guy is trying to confirm the logistics it’s more insulting to be blocked than to simply say, “I’ve changed my mind. I found someone better suited to my “style/fetish/weight etc.
Likewise if you’re not getting a response quit stalking the other guy. If they’ve fallen off the radar then leave them be. You probably wouldn’t have had a good time with them anyways.
ltwtveteran (21)
2019-11-20 17:38(w odpowiedzi na)
Interesting discussion, but let's face it, there are a lot of flakes on this site. It is, after all, controlled by the Internet, which is to say, there are no controls at all. I did encounter a "no show" once who was profusely and convincingly apologetic. I gave him another chance and had a great match with him a year later. He was definitely the exception. The best flake I encountered was in DC a while back. He was trash talking about how he was going to dominate, etc. etc. We exchanged phone numbers, set up the time. When I landed in DC, I immediately called him to nail down the appointment. He never responded to hourly phone calls. Then, a year later, after pretending nothing had ever happened (well, I guess, nothing did happen–that was the problem), he contacted me with the same trash talk.
riverrat (4)
2019-11-16 12:52I had to block someone simply because he made an extremely rude and uncalled for comment in a message he had sent me. I had never contacted him. He apparently disagreed with a blog or story I shared and felt compelled to send me a message attacking me and my appearance. It really bothered me, and I ended up temporarily suspending my account for a few weeks. Then, I realized that not everyone on here is an asshole like this dude was. What's even funnier is that he, himself, has absolutely no room to point out anything "wrong" with others, as I could have retaliated and pointed out all of his faults in appearance
Lion Mike55 (56)
2019-11-17 12:10(w odpowiedzi na)
give back the wrong energy . Get Up !
Great body you have and , please love yourself and give yourself the possibilities to show the best out of youself .
PrimalLondon (2)
2019-11-17 07:39(w odpowiedzi na)
I will echo that you look very good. I haven't had this problem myself but I suspect that some people start a conversation on the site then when it comes to meeting up they get nervous or become intimidated and blocking is easier than being up front or coming up with an excuse. As for men putting up age / looks barriers, that's a shame. It's a fighting site not grindr, personally I would be happy to learn from anyone of any age. No one should expect sexual activity or assume that the opponent wants it. Overall we need to discuss meeting with honesty. Meetfighters does a good job of keeping it genuine with no porn and subscription based access to videos; with the addition of Chatfighters hopefully it will become more physically meeting up based. For those that want to watch others live their lives stick to Twitter and Facebook.
BamaJDon41 (10 )
2019-11-18 06:14(w odpowiedzi na)
There's over 8 thousand members here who aren't able to get matches for one reason or another so you probably don't want to be dismissing them all as "those that want to watch others live their lives" especially considering you've only had 2 opponents while living in a city that has over 500 wrestlers.
PrimalLondon (2)
2019-11-18 08:06(w odpowiedzi na)
Perhaps I was coming across as authoritarian, that wasn't my intention. I certainly was not trying to put down people who find it difficult to meet due to ilness, age or location. My concern is that we need to be honest with ourselves and others about both our capabilities and what we actually want. I know from experience how intimidating starting out feels so surely the more people actually meet and record how it went the more confidence it will build in others to actually meet. My main concern is that online spaces can soon be changed from the original intention ( look how the thought Police have invaded Twitter and Facebook) , therefore Chatfighters is good for those who only want or are able to fight online, their is nothing wrong with that can still build up a community and friendships. BamaJDon41 I have only had two meets so far due to damaged ribs after my first meeting. During that period I was upfront and changed my profile as well as speaking to the men I was due to meet to postpone the match, so I appreciate that sometimes genuine unforseen things happen. Finally it's a pity we don't live on the same continent, if you ever come to the UK I would be happy to meet and learn from you.
BamaJDon41 (10 )
2019-11-18 09:24(w odpowiedzi na)
Chatfighters seems to have been made primarily for cyber enthusiasts. Meetfighters profiles that show a past cyber match or an interest in cyber number only 592. That's only 3.4% of total membership. So if that small number of people all leave Meetfighters it really wouldn't change anything.
Nemesis (2)
2019-11-17 09:42(w odpowiedzi na)
I’m sorry but I don’t agree with your exclusiveness. It’s all very well for people in your position to call for an active wrestler only policy, but what about people like me who have wrestled for decades welcoming guys, and sometimes girls, into their homes or matroom but now due to age illness or infirmity find themselves limited to maintaining an interest? Are we to be ostracised? I suggest there are plenty of fakes out there purporting to be genuine but your sweeping generalisation is unfair. Some may look at my profile and see it lacks details, with few ex opponents. The truth is that in the last fifty years many of mine are dead.
LA Bull Wrestler (26)
2019-11-17 21:34(w odpowiedzi na)
Sorry to hear about the fact that you’re slowing down. The truth is, we all are. I roll my eyes reading profiles of guys that perpetually stay 37, 49 and 56 years old year after year. The cosmetics industry could certainly learn a lot from the world’s underground (gay) wrestling community on the topic of preserving age and beauty. Thank you, Nemesis, for being truthful about your age and current health situation in this thread.
But, you are kind of missing the point of the thread. I suspect nobody would ostracize you especially if you are up front and truthful In your discussions with them. And if you are honest and they dismiss you away, that is their prerogative. They are probably missing out on the chance to know a great guy and you are saving yourself from expending resources for no gain.
I trust you are not passing yourself off as someone who is younger and more agile and then blocking the guy, or else getting blocked by them. when they “catch the scent” and realize something doesn’t quite add up.
I call this being “cat-matched” a term inspired by “cat fishing” in which guys and girls assume the on-line physical identity of someone else and then lead another person on.
Blocking also happens because someone had the audacity to send another guy a hello even though their profiles aren’t matching like the twins of Gemini. I guess there is nothing wrong with them doing that because it’s best to cut things off quickly if it’s going to lead nowhere slowly. Plus, if they don’t have any interest in a person that’s contacted them then why would that person want to have an ongoing conversation with them?
Sorry to ramble but to everyone out their quit playing the games and be more transparent. Don’t lead someone on for weeks or drone on about “how hot their match is going to be” and then go Amelia Earhart on them or block then because they are simply trying to firm up logistics about the match
I have an excellent idea... Credit card guarantees! You arrange a match, then a deposit gets exchanged and held by a 3rd party and if someone no shows they lose their deposit to the other guy. The sadistic side of me proposes that we call it “Pay Pain” 🤔
FlDean2012 (119 )
2019-11-18 05:17(w odpowiedzi na)
Sounds like a great idea to me. 45 years of wrestling here since 16 years old and I have never done a no show but I can not tell you how many no shows I've had in that amount of time. The only question is how is the third party going to know who is telling the truth and who is not telling the truth. A person could say they were coming to my place but lost the directions and left the phone number at home, or different things like that, so how does the third party know who is actually telling the truth if someone showed or did not show. Dean
Nemesis (2)
2019-11-17 21:44(w odpowiedzi na)
Thank you Tom, maybe I’m a little off base. Thankyou for getting me back to the centre of the mat.
BJJWrestlerLasVegas (14)
2019-11-17 07:43(w odpowiedzi na)
I agree. At the BJJ gym no one has ever turned me down as a training partner regardless of age, belt level, muscularity, race, religion, sexual orientation, or any reason except possible if there would be a 50kg weight difference where may be a safety concern. U are right, bigotry has no place here.
BJJWrestlerLasVegas (14)
2019-11-16 14:05(w odpowiedzi na)
I wonder why anyone would attack u 4 for appearance as u have a nice body for you rag e(much better than mine). I realize that it is hard in a small town to find people (have not been thru your town since before
the interstates were built)but you are welcome to visit Las Vegas and practice our mutual wrestling styles. Thanks
FlDean2012 (119 )
2019-11-16 06:05Here is a great example. Thickthighs tells me to stop sending him information about a group that he asked about. He will not give his email address so I have no idea of how to stop it. I have asked him 4 times to give the email address that I send him info under that he does not want anymore and I will be more than welcome to stop it. He blocks me. Why not just say who you are instead of blocking me, and I would stop. I just dont understand people. Better to just stay away from him.
LA Bull Wrestler (26)
2019-11-15 22:57Have the guys who block are probably fakes anyway.
Nemesis (2)
2019-11-14 08:46I’ve used the block a few times. Let’s face it there are some strange people out there.
AZgrappler (115 )
2019-11-14 08:54(w odpowiedzi na)
Yes I have used the block button on one guy . He was in town and he kept harassing me to go to his hotel room to cockfight him . I kept telling him if he wanted me to show up , give me the room number . He insisted that I give him my phone number and that when I got to the hotel , he would call me then with the room number . After going back and forth , he started with the insults , then the block came right away .
Nemesis (2)
2019-11-14 09:02(w odpowiedzi na)
Exactly the kind of thing I mean.
FlDean2012 (119 )
2019-11-14 05:59Yes, its quite amazing how that block button is used on here for no good reason at all. Maybe the producers of this site, should have the block button, but after you press the block button you need to give a reason why you used the block button on the person, this way the person will know and can put an end to what they thought of what happened, and they can know what really happened from the source of the person that blocked them. Anyone have any other ideas, we are open to everyones suggestions in this matter so the producers can come up with a solution to this ever lasting problem. And yes, I did say hello to a person once and they blocked me instantly and have no idea why also. thanks.
AZgrappler (115 )
2019-11-14 06:05(w odpowiedzi na)
That is a great idea for the blocker to have to give a reason . It would be great both ways . One if the blocker doesn’t have a reason . And two if the person getting blocked keeps getting the same reason for being blocked . On a side note , one of my friends on here blocked me by accident while on his cell phone . The buttons are smaller and didn’t realize he blocked me for weeks . If he had to give a reason for blocking , he would have realized the error from the start .
AZgrappler (115 )
2019-11-13 14:43Some fighters on here unfortunately use the block button as a toy . You say hello , and they block you . You ask them a question , and they block you . Oh I see you’re coming to town after us talking for so long , and they block you . They ask you specific erotic facts about your match with another wrestler , you don’t tell , and they block you . I am sorry this wrestler got you to expect to meet but with his childish behavior , it is better for you to have not met . The block button has become a convenience for some guys on here who I guess don’t have enough social skills to actually explain themselves or deal with certain situations .
BJJWrestlerLasVegas (14)
2019-11-13 13:52A member visiting Las Vegas put out match requests for a few different days, the last being earlier this week in Las Vegas. We had emailed back and forth and made plans for him to come to my place (I have mini mats) to practice as we discussed. I sent him a reminder the night before and when I woke up the next day I had hear hear from him thus wen tot email him but found out he had blocked me. A simple reply that he forgot or that something had come up would be understood, but getting blocked? How discourteous and unsportsmanlike!