Twinkky - I think I may have misread your post and understand now you were actually curious about a match with an older man. I did not mean to be rude to you. Please accept my apology.
Je pense que j'ai peut-être mal lu votre message et je comprends maintenant que vous étiez en fait curieux d'un match avec un homme plus âgé. Je ne voulais pas être impoli avec toi. S'il te plaît, accepte mes excuses.
I have wrestled and done BJJ competitively. Please make some time for yourself. Take a class. Become strong! Have sweaty matches with guys your size! It takes time but you are lucky to be young. You have time to learn how to grapple and you will meet memorable people. Sorry, I don't have any skills with the French language.
You may be right, but the intention was anything but clear. The language barrier is probably an issue and maybe I misread his comment, but it reads dismissive to me.
And I think you are a prime example of a formidable over 50 wrestler (and very hot as well).
westfalia (1)
2021-06-20 23:50Great cock fight. Would have loved to have taken part....
Tiligo (0)
2021-06-19 12:06Never fight a older man, don't know if they are that strong, who want a try ?
SFFight (70)
2021-06-20 19:55(w odpowiedzi na)
Twinkky - I think I may have misread your post and understand now you were actually curious about a match with an older man. I did not mean to be rude to you. Please accept my apology.
Je pense que j'ai peut-être mal lu votre message et je comprends maintenant que vous étiez en fait curieux d'un match avec un homme plus âgé. Je ne voulais pas être impoli avec toi. S'il te plaît, accepte mes excuses.
SFFight (70)
2021-06-20 17:39(w odpowiedzi na)
I don't mean to be rude, and all are welcome, but why did you join this group with an attitude like that?
Je ne veux pas être impoli, et tous sont les bienvenus, mais pourquoi avez-vous rejoint ce groupe avec une telle attitude ?
Tiligo (0)
2021-06-20 19:54(w odpowiedzi na)
Woh, are you really shocked by what I wrote? You don't need much
DCJobber (82 )
2021-06-20 17:48(w odpowiedzi na)
It sounds like Twinkky wants to see how strong older Men are. I detect more curiosity than attitude...
Tiligo (0)
2021-06-20 19:55(w odpowiedzi na)
Yeah, Correct, thanks :)
shortfighter (36)
2021-06-21 00:05(w odpowiedzi na)
I have wrestled and done BJJ competitively. Please make some time for yourself. Take a class. Become strong! Have sweaty matches with guys your size! It takes time but you are lucky to be young. You have time to learn how to grapple and you will meet memorable people. Sorry, I don't have any skills with the French language.
SFFight (70)
2021-06-20 18:58(w odpowiedzi na)
You may be right, but the intention was anything but clear. The language barrier is probably an issue and maybe I misread his comment, but it reads dismissive to me.
And I think you are a prime example of a formidable over 50 wrestler (and very hot as well).
DCJobber (82 )
2021-06-20 20:19(w odpowiedzi na)
Thanks SFFight. There are alot of extremely talented over 50 wrestlers around.
I am/was pretty good. Thanks for the kind words...
BobsFolly (0)
2021-05-06 05:25Don't sell us old geezers short. We can take more and give more. And we've learned how to do a lot of stuff!
slappeling (0)
2021-05-09 18:25(w odpowiedzi na)
you're absolutly right. i got my as kicked numbers of times by old geezers
playmate (0)
2021-05-05 21:36Horny indeed :-)
alhappyfight (9 )
2021-05-05 21:58(w odpowiedzi na)
good match yes but why wearing a mask ?
BritproBear65 (13)
2021-05-04 07:01Great video. My kind of match. Thanks for sharing
Neomon (25)
2021-05-03 11:50Awesome video.
TexasSlim (0)
2021-04-04 16:36Daddy demonstrates he is boss!
Adri1952 (67)
2021-01-07 08:19Super video👍
2021-01-05 15:58
SJrockman (2)
2021-05-08 13:15(w odpowiedzi na)
Hot math. Hot men
DCJobber (82 )
2021-01-06 16:20(w odpowiedzi na)
Nice video. Thanks.