I think there is way too much ego on this site. Most of us are not competing in the Olympics or the NCAA division one finals but want to wrestle for fun, exercise,and self improvement. The idea is to go at a mutually comfortable level and it works for all, as they generally do when I roll at my jiujitsu gym.But some just want to have a super ego. I received this reply
from a 57 year old member of Meetfighters. (to me sometimes we are our own worse enemies)**************************sorry man, hardly any guys my own age can keep up with me, and a guy older than me would have to have incredible cardio and strength to be an enjoyable match for me. And I don't travel to Vegas*********************************************************************this is the absurdity of it all as I am just asking for practice on the mats. Having an ego is detrimental.What will this guy do in 3 years when he turns 60 and someone else here tells him what he told me? I do not worry about whom taps whom and no one else in my gym does either.
Check this out (it is long but excellent and in the video it mentions ages + their effects)
The topic is brought up about 2" in to the video. This is very similar to when you see people on this site asking for partners of a specific race or ethnic origin. Ego and out and out bigotry, it has no place on the mats except in official competitions and even there, the ego may be ones downfall. Yes, my cardio will be less than someone 10 years younger, that is why there may be a rest between rounds at the gym or may sit one out (the common round in most jiujitsu rolls is 5") and no one has a problem with that. Even if one strongly feels that way as mentioned in the message, there are certain things that you do not say. Why put some one else down as that is similar to all the racism in this country. Some feel that by putting others down that they go up in their prestige. My respect for this individual is lost and I will move on to others and those at my gym who do not have an ego but are there to help and encourage regardless of age, belt, strength, experience, or physique. Thanks
That is a super video; and is must viewing for those of us having a significant (not necessarily exclusive) interest in the site for find sport partners. It, obviously and for good reason, does not factor in the "sex appeal" component in terms of one's ability, or lack thereof, of finding wrestling/judo/mma partners.
They made the point that many instructors, don't realize they act in ways which lead to older guys giving up. Just imagine how it would multiply by powers of ten, if those instructors were obsessed with the sex appeal of their students.
OTOH. The video addresses giving up but in a milieu where one has willing training partners. I've got to get real. I'm at the 99.7 percentile on the site's age distribution; have not rec'd any genuine local interest for training with me; and lack the resources to travel or move to a more age-friendly location. Replies of "when I get back from abroad," "when I'm less busy," "you're not my type," etc. aren't getting me action. Reckon it's time merely to leave a shortened profile up in case something random comes along (check in occasionally), and spend less time here looking for action and even more time with the weights, be out running, and be hiking the hills of WV..
Thank you, cripplerUSA. Yep. Merely citing the logic for diverting some of the unproductive time in futile searching to more productive time further building the body, etc. They'll "have to pry my cold, dead fingers off" my opponent before I give up wrestling/mma action itself [slight exaggeration, as fulfilling that quote would require the presence of a real, live 'opponent' on my mats].
Sometimes you have to have a good laugh at guys like the one who was 57 telling you that you were too old for him. Once a guy told me not to be offended but that I was too old for him because he only wrestles with 18-24 year olds. At that time that guy was 72. Clearly some folks are afraid to grow old. I have wrestled with guys from 18-80 and we all had a good time. I am looking forward to my first opponent in his nineties.
Hi from Paris!
65 years here, ready for long, non competitive, erotic wrestling session on mat with pins, frottage, cockfighys, etc.....
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Gentleman! Don't Give Up! I am 54 and finding plenty of matches, a good part of it is finding guys within striking distance for a match! Fortunately I travel some for work and that helps! Some of the best matches and friendships I have had are with older guys!
Liketowrestle, You are right. There is no point in being an age snob. I have had guys in their late seventies kick my ass for real. Lucky for me they were not younger.
When I first started wrestling, I thought I was in good shape, 32 years old and pretty strong and tough enough to handle my business. I was trained by a man 20+ years older and he kicked my butt. He taught me so much and, most importantly, never underestimate an older man.
Frustrated. Only three men have wrestled with me since signing on here over a month ago (all pre-existing guys) and it seems like there durned little local demand for nearly the oldest guy on MeetFighters. Hate to seem bitchy about it; but I wish guys would go by my pics rather than one single number (age). Not gonna get good at it if I don't get in at least one session a week. C'mon DC-VA guys, it's not like I want you to marry me---simply to roll on the mats – I'm not a zombie; and I don't bite. Rant mode off.
The real irony are all those guys who indicate at the top they are open to ages 0 to 255 – not truncating the age range – but farther down indicate only wanting younger than themselves – or respond with nastiness or an obvious false reason if you message them. If a guy is open about his preferences or prejudices right at the top, I'll pass him by, otherwise I'll grasp at straws in a quest for local mat action.
I am very sorry to hear that. Those guys have no idea of what they are missing out on. Age is just a number. I know I would love to be worked over by you. I wish we were closer.
I usually wrestle men younger than myself, and beat them. I've only had a few that said, "you're too old", I usually reply "come and see what an old man can do to you".
Wish more men would accept the fact that we can be in great shape no matter what our number says. It's just a number, and they'll be there someday too!!
Frustration....Parte Deux.........Well guys. No change in the situation over the past two months for this over 60 man. Sending out feelers till blue in the face; but (except for two single-occasion men) either "too old," no reply, "I'll let you know if I'm interested," and other nadas. Made it clear in the profile I am open to all, never refused anyone. Thank God I have a few long-standing friends who can meet on occasion. But it looks like if I want to find any new guys for more frequent opps to wrestle, it will have to be found amongst the general population (if out there) locally rather than from the Internet. I knew age bias is rampant in the gay non-"community;" but never realized it was this rampant. If you know anyone willing to hit the mats with an older man, give him my name. Will stay here to see what happens and to keep up with my existing contacts.
I agree; there are several men within an easy travelling distance from my home, I've contacted them more than once. They indicate; "sure we can wrestle, what days' work for you" - I tell them open here -NOTHING in response not even a "sorry I can't make it!" I've only averaged one match every 1 1/2 months so three in one month to me is awesome! But understand the "itch". Hope matches improve in quantity for you Spruceman!
Maybe what is in order now is for us to shift away from our lamentations about not finding action and move toward finding ways to increase our chances. Maybe a thread asking folks what can we do to "market" ourselves better. Ask those guy with 100+ matches in their histories simply "how they do it." Not all of them are the proverbial "spring chickens," age wise. They must have some technique other than being in a high-density of wrestling population (e.g., NYC or SF CA) or doing a lot of travel alone. They might be willing to share that info without any fears of their losing opportunities; as this is not a fixed-sum game. However, it requires posing the question in a more general-population category rather than a 50-plus or 60-plus one.
Super idea...Have a section where a member can ask others to give a review of one's profile, providing friendly suggestions how to improve one's marketability.
However, it might not be of value if men refuse to look at a profile text and pics in the first place, if they see age on the list, assume any older guy is a zombie, and fail to open the profile to see that full text and the pictures.
One must have a mind set of a younger man. I never think of my age. When my trainer was making out a schedule for me the first time-he wanted to know if I had turned 55 yet. I thanked him and informed him I was 72. He did not believe me. It is all in the mind and good health and enjoying life.
Is is so unfortunate that there there is so much ageism on this site. I have yet to meet anyone for wrestling from the San Diego area who is actually willing to get on the mats. Either avoidance (most of the time) or excuses is the norm. Despite free open mat sessions all over town, excellent transit, and 50 + BJJ schools here I get n response from this site thus I go to a BJJ school and University BJJ classes to get a chance to be on the mats.No one cares about age, just that you are there to roll and drill. Perhaps we should flood the local BJJ schools by joining and actively participating. We would get better, have fun, and be noticed.
The worst effect of ageism is that it causes otherwise proud men to become self-conscious and understate their ages.
If you look at the age statistics on this site, you'll notice an uncharacteristic spike at 50 and another at 55 followed by a dramatic decline in membership. This is inconsistent with the general world population of men.
These "gravity spikes" could be due to the athletic nature of the site. But I suspect the need to be a certain age plays a bigger role.
I keep telling guys that 50 is the new 25 and 70 is the new 35 and 80 is the new 40. All generations benefit by wrestling with each other. Everyone must age or consider the alternative.
I once asked about why "age" was required on your profile as it is a source of discrimination. I was told to lie. In Facebook where one need not need state his or her age to the public I get lots of wrestling/jiujitsu contacts, run BJJ groups there, etc. Also,it is easier to weed out the phony pro stuff that disgraces the sport.
How do you get the contacts on FaceBook? Merely putting it on your FaceBook page; or does FB offer a different venue? If so, can you clue me in what you did there? I probably spend more time on FB than on any other site lately.
I have pics of mu doing wrestling/jiujitsu on Facebook (real wrestling, not the fake pro stuff) with action shots in public venues so everyone knows it is real. I join wrestling/BJJ groups on Facebook. On top of that I go to a BJJ school.
50 + schools in the SD area alone...Wow...City could publicize that and it might scare off any would-be thugs. :) I did that once; but too expensive around here; and a resurfacing of a childhood rotator cuff injury put the kibosh on that after six months. But if sites like these yield too little, I might look into that option again.
Thank you for your post. If any travels take you my way, I'd be glad to hit the mats with you. I find it interesting that I get so many more match requests from western Europe on a per population or sq km basis than from here in the USA – curious as to why (I'm always looking at correlations and causations in just about anything I see in life :) – not just potential wrestling encounters – but hardly enough of a sampling to calculate any meaningful r-squares )
My discovery is that if you dont travel you won't fight...have had one match within two hours of home...have had several more not listed here, but have had to travel
I have offered many times to get on the train up to LAX (2:45 trip) if they have access to mats. No one has taken me up on this yet in a serious way. Locally despite trolleys, buses, commuter rail, etc the same. They look at age and stop.
If this site's mapping of members is correct, you or an opponent would have to travel far to connect. Looks like no cluster in the Dakotas; and that you'd have to travel to Minneapolis-St. Paul for your closest cluster of wrestlers.
and then there are the folks who live within walking distance who won't even answer a request to meet. Reckon it's high time to stop complaining against the unchangeable, and – who knows? Maybe some wrestling/grappling manna from heaven will falleth upon me :)
There are only 16 Pro wrestlers on this site who admit to being 70 or older. The pressure to lie is huge, but somehow, they're not afraid. I admire that.
I fave most of them because when I start thinking my age is barrier to my skills, physique, and match-desirability; they remind me that the fun in my life is not even close to being over.
I can only imagine your frustration. But fortunately, with age comes the gift of patience. If you're like me, you're used to getting what you want because you can wait for it.
Thank you for the encouraging words. On the other hand, patience alone does not bring about training, skill building. Maybe for that I should try a nonsexual environment such as a local wrestling club or, as I did some years ago, a mma place (but so damn expensive there) which then included wrestling. Here, it seems that if one is not viewed as being sexually hot, one isn't hot enough to meet at all.
I never let age, body size or weight interfere with being a jobber. I have had guys over 75 who really kicked my ass for real. Those who ignore older wrestlers are missing out on fun.
I turn 60 in a coupla months, and doing so in the underground wrestling world has been on my mind for the past year.
I don't gauge my desirability as a Pro opponent based on how many young men hit me up. In fact, I'm more flattered by men my own age because all of them, it seems, want younger men. The ironic truth is, men my age don't even want men my age. Lol.
As for braggin' on my Pro wrestling abilities and how tough I am... I watch my Pro idols on TV at least 3 times a week (Adrian Neville, Johnny Mundo, Prince Puma). They remind that my skills suck, and my physique is shit. Nothing humbles me quite as fast as seeing Pros who look the part and have powers I'll never command in my lifetime.
wow...what a great post...u come across a real down- to -earth guy... some of us could learn a lot from you both on and off the mats–thanks–btw-you're in great shape
I would enjoy a roll on the mats with you. I only wish i had started this earlier. The number of men wrestling in their middle age has been a huge surprise to me. You are in very good shape.
Thanks. Your profile indicates you're not into Pro wrestling, but if you were, you certainly have the physique for it. Not many guys have that at any age. It's one thing to be hot for 4 or 5 years. It's quite another to be hot for 40 or 50 years.
Not in to "pro" wrestling as I no longer consider it a sport when the results are scripted or predetermined. Very much in to real wrestling/jiujitsu though
I've never had a scripted or predetermined Pro match. But then underground private-session matches are very different from what you see on TV. I enjoy the skills and struggle of the match itself. The outcome is pretty irrelevant. I'm just not interested in trophies. But I understand when guys are. Sports are all about winners and losers. Wrestling is more entertainment for me.
Hi 65 and still up for a wrestle..just no interest locally ..frequently told too old ..not giving up tho..still go to gym to keep up strength and stamina..have good friends around UK who will meet..so get a bit of practice now and then.
Good luck to all us older wrestlers..most looking very good in my opinion.
I turned 62 in mid-December and have no intention of slowing down. I find that so many of the messages I receive are from guys half my age. The members here who want good matches look for the experienced wrestlers. We are less-likely to ask those silly, annoying questions ("what is your favorite hold??") or set up a match, only to no-show (with some lame excuse). BTW, I will attend this year's CLASH in Atlanta. I plan to show everyone how a Pro operates.
I wonder about the demand for guys over 70. The age distribution chart of this site's members puts me well within the oldest one percent – maybe even 0.1 percent. Seems most guys (especially locally) want younger, regardless of their age. Now that I'm 73, the only action I have had is from guys who first wrestled with me beginning when I was 63 or so. It was hard enough back then; but at my current age, there's virtually no new genuine local interest . OTOH, I guess I should consider myself fortunate that I can still wrestle, etc. at my age rather than sitting in a rocking chair somewhere at a nursing home..
I am 72 and know what you mean. Consider that we are both in our seventies and moaning about the lack of men who want to wrestle with us. We are very lucky to be in good enough health to say that. Maybe we are just at an awkward age and we will grow out of it. 😄
Analogous in a wee bit to those sci-fi things of men living "forever." All in their birth cohort have died off, younger cohorts want nothing to do with them, and they are lonely as crap for either eternity or the end of the book or movie. Probably an "evergreen" subject for journals on demographics.
If I lived closer I would grapple with you regularly. Some of my most memorable matches were with older 60+ when I was 40 and now that I am 55, I would welcome hitting the mats with any of them again or people like you.
I guess at 66 should consider this sit e hopeless except for a few. I did go to 10 BJJ classes last week though, Su-1 (gi), Mo-1 (no-gi), Tu -1 of each, Weds, 1-no gi, Thurs, 2 gi, Friday, 2 no-gi, Sat 1 no gi thus best source is outside the site thru BJJ and University BJJ programs
I have meet and wrestled guys in their late 60's and into their late 70's and not only had fun wrestling with them, but also a great opportunity to make some great new friendships as well.
I am glad to see guys who like wrestling well over the age of 50, gives me some encouragement and something to look forward to in the future!
I totally agree, we or there should, be a wrestling tournament, for men, OVER 60, 65, and or 70 and NO one allowed, that is UNDER 60 yrs. old . WE deserve , to have our own, wrestling tournament, with ALL older men, 60 plus - 70 plus !!!!!!!!
I know there are younger guys who have no problem at all with age and I know older guys who do have problems wrestling with older guys. It is great when you meet open minded opponents who do not let age or looks or weight get in the way of having fun. I have had guys over 75 who really kicked my ass for real.
In the USA Nationals there are divisions for our age (Veteran's E) and in the IBJJF tourneys (Blue Senior 5), and in the NAJJF there is senior 6 if that helps. In most of the other tourneys few if any seniors show up thus no bracket. You can google "Gershon Horowitz" and you can see videos of him competing at age 70. This is real wrestling, free style rules (Olympic rules). Thus I suggest a BJJ school or a USA Wrestling sanctioned club (there are 3 in Ca) for having a chance to get on the mats
Hi wrewstlersandiego and I guess, you did, not understand, what I meant !!! I am, talking, about , having , an EVENT, THEN and NOT tournament !! I dislike college wrestling and the OLYMPICS recently , I think , LAST year, DROPED wrestling , from the Olympics ,starting, with the NEXT summer Olympics !!!! No, I am, talking, about a PRO - STYLE or SUBMISSION style wrestling and NOT college wrestling at all !!!!!!
No-gi jiujitsu is basically submission wrestling, but pro wrestling with all its antics, preplanned set ups etc. trash talk, leaves a lot to be desired. Collegiate wrestling is 100% real with the safest rules of all and adding submissions as is done in no gi jiujitsu keeps injuries to a minimum and is also 100% real.
I have the same problem as you do from the site, total lack of replies and/or excuses galore. My solution, join and be active in the BJJ community. I did jiujitsu seven days for the week ending 1/30/16 and to day worked a table at a jiujitsu tourney with 375 competitors. I mixed it up with many different opponents in the week ending yesterday, and for the week beginning today (1/31) worked a table at a tourney. Many universities have BJJ classes as well as local gums. With the price on an $18 monthly transit pass I go all over the city to practice on the mats and the gym and University class fees I manage. It is amazing what you can do if you do not waste money on supporting a car. Just immerse yourself in the BJJ community and go from there.
My thoughts exactly. I will wrestle any age but don't feel free to challenge guys much younger–which is almost everyone. But one or two good opponents all I need.
{ :- ).
I would sure go on the mats with you if we were close.. I like the idea of male catfight. yes gave me hardon thinking about slapping and rolling around even some hair pulling. I am not afraid of cock to cock contact either, but no anal for sure.
Good to see all you guys still going at it. I am too. Younger punks often underestimate the ability gained thru experience, shrewdness, and staying in shape.
65 here and my wrestling is more fulfilling than
ever! Changed a bit to include more squash matches
cause I am soooo aggressive now - gonna take on
some Tampa area guys in about a month-so if in
area and got a place for me to work u over (safe and
sane) let me know!
54 and in better shape NOW than when I was 34! I just can't seem to get into the gut punching thing. I've tried it, and it just wasn't for me. For those who are into it, more power to you though.
I know a guy that is 71 and in phenomenal shape...looks like he's chiselled out of marble and can defeat many/most guys half his age. As long as you're still in shape, absolutely no reason you can't wrestle for a long time.
I am well over 60 and still fight whenever I get the chance...once I peel off my shirt and strip down to my panties, age is no longer relevant...what is relevant is the other man standing across from me who is striped down to his panties who is there to fight me man to man...while boxing used to be my main game, due to some eye issues I have switched into wrestling, wrestling with body punching, CBT, and TT, although under the right circumstances I will still box...but for now generally I am into stand up bare fisted body boxing and mixing stand up bare fisted body boxing with wrestling and body punching into a kind of MMA style which is very hot also...but whatever it is, I still show up and I still fight...and will fight for stakes whatever they may be and I am still enjoying every second of it...so for me fighting is pretty much ageless, when it stops being so, I will stop fighting, but between now and then anyone close to my size and 50 plus, look me up and lets have it...you name the game and count me in...
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BJJWrestlerLasVegas (14)
2017-01-13 02:18I think there is way too much ego on this site. Most of us are not competing in the Olympics or the NCAA division one finals but want to wrestle for fun, exercise,and self improvement. The idea is to go at a mutually comfortable level and it works for all, as they generally do when I roll at my jiujitsu gym.But some just want to have a super ego. I received this reply
from a 57 year old member of Meetfighters. (to me sometimes we are our own worse enemies)**************************sorry man, hardly any guys my own age can keep up with me, and a guy older than me would have to have incredible cardio and strength to be an enjoyable match for me. And I don't travel to Vegas*********************************************************************this is the absurdity of it all as I am just asking for practice on the mats. Having an ego is detrimental.What will this guy do in 3 years when he turns 60 and someone else here tells him what he told me? I do not worry about whom taps whom and no one else in my gym does either.
Check this out (it is long but excellent and in the video it mentions ages + their effects)
The topic is brought up about 2" in to the video. This is very similar to when you see people on this site asking for partners of a specific race or ethnic origin. Ego and out and out bigotry, it has no place on the mats except in official competitions and even there, the ego may be ones downfall. Yes, my cardio will be less than someone 10 years younger, that is why there may be a rest between rounds at the gym or may sit one out (the common round in most jiujitsu rolls is 5") and no one has a problem with that. Even if one strongly feels that way as mentioned in the message, there are certain things that you do not say. Why put some one else down as that is similar to all the racism in this country. Some feel that by putting others down that they go up in their prestige. My respect for this individual is lost and I will move on to others and those at my gym who do not have an ego but are there to help and encourage regardless of age, belt, strength, experience, or physique. Thanks
Zizzagman (2 )
2017-01-16 05:27(w odpowiedzi na)
You can't put a number on will power and determination! You rule man!
Spruceman (55)
2017-01-13 15:02(w odpowiedzi na)
That is a super video; and is must viewing for those of us having a significant (not necessarily exclusive) interest in the site for find sport partners. It, obviously and for good reason, does not factor in the "sex appeal" component in terms of one's ability, or lack thereof, of finding wrestling/judo/mma partners.
They made the point that many instructors, don't realize they act in ways which lead to older guys giving up. Just imagine how it would multiply by powers of ten, if those instructors were obsessed with the sex appeal of their students.
Spruceman (55)
2017-01-15 15:21(w odpowiedzi na)
OTOH. The video addresses giving up but in a milieu where one has willing training partners. I've got to get real. I'm at the 99.7 percentile on the site's age distribution; have not rec'd any genuine local interest for training with me; and lack the resources to travel or move to a more age-friendly location. Replies of "when I get back from abroad," "when I'm less busy," "you're not my type," etc. aren't getting me action. Reckon it's time merely to leave a shortened profile up in case something random comes along (check in occasionally), and spend less time here looking for action and even more time with the weights, be out running, and be hiking the hills of WV..
cripplerUSA (10 )
2017-01-15 15:33(w odpowiedzi na)
To me, that's what makes you the tough man I'd like to face. I'll wrestle you....
Spruceman (55)
2017-01-15 16:02(w odpowiedzi na)
Thank you, cripplerUSA. Yep. Merely citing the logic for diverting some of the unproductive time in futile searching to more productive time further building the body, etc. They'll "have to pry my cold, dead fingers off" my opponent before I give up wrestling/mma action itself [slight exaggeration, as fulfilling that quote would require the presence of a real, live 'opponent' on my mats].
wrestlerspig (14)
2017-01-13 04:35(w odpowiedzi na)
Sometimes you have to have a good laugh at guys like the one who was 57 telling you that you were too old for him. Once a guy told me not to be offended but that I was too old for him because he only wrestles with 18-24 year olds. At that time that guy was 72. Clearly some folks are afraid to grow old. I have wrestled with guys from 18-80 and we all had a good time. I am looking forward to my first opponent in his nineties.
Spruceman (55)
2017-01-13 02:41(w odpowiedzi na)
You have the right attitude about all this.
BJJWrestlerLasVegas (14)
2017-01-12 15:45This video is from 2011 but it clearly demonstrates what a 72 year old can accomplish!
mature jobber (30)
2017-01-09 13:46Hi from Paris!
65 years here, ready for long, non competitive, erotic wrestling session on mat with pins, frottage, cockfighys, etc..... Zaloguj się, aby obejrzeć galerię.
liketowrestle (120)
2017-01-08 20:34Gentleman! Don't Give Up! I am 54 and finding plenty of matches, a good part of it is finding guys within striking distance for a match! Fortunately I travel some for work and that helps! Some of the best matches and friendships I have had are with older guys!
wrestlerspig (14)
2017-01-08 22:12(w odpowiedzi na)
Liketowrestle, You are right. There is no point in being an age snob. I have had guys in their late seventies kick my ass for real. Lucky for me they were not younger.
cripplerUSA (10 )
2017-01-09 05:43(w odpowiedzi na)
When I first started wrestling, I thought I was in good shape, 32 years old and pretty strong and tough enough to handle my business. I was trained by a man 20+ years older and he kicked my butt. He taught me so much and, most importantly, never underestimate an older man.
Spruceman (55)
2016-02-11 02:26Frustrated. Only three men have wrestled with me since signing on here over a month ago (all pre-existing guys) and it seems like there durned little local demand for nearly the oldest guy on MeetFighters. Hate to seem bitchy about it; but I wish guys would go by my pics rather than one single number (age). Not gonna get good at it if I don't get in at least one session a week. C'mon DC-VA guys, it's not like I want you to marry me---simply to roll on the mats – I'm not a zombie; and I don't bite. Rant mode off.
Spruceman (55)
2017-01-08 16:10(w odpowiedzi na)
The real irony are all those guys who indicate at the top they are open to ages 0 to 255 – not truncating the age range – but farther down indicate only wanting younger than themselves – or respond with nastiness or an obvious false reason if you message them. If a guy is open about his preferences or prejudices right at the top, I'll pass him by, otherwise I'll grasp at straws in a quest for local mat action.
wrestlerspig (14)
2017-01-08 17:54(w odpowiedzi na)
I am very sorry to hear that. Those guys have no idea of what they are missing out on. Age is just a number. I know I would love to be worked over by you. I wish we were closer.
SilverFoxFight (39)
2016-10-22 16:20(w odpowiedzi na)
I'd be over in a minute were I nearby, Bud! deano
Tackman1956 (11)
2016-10-22 05:12(w odpowiedzi na)
if you get to chicago ill take you on Bud
Dadfights (24)
2016-04-10 01:07(w odpowiedzi na)
I usually wrestle men younger than myself, and beat them. I've only had a few that said, "you're too old", I usually reply "come and see what an old man can do to you".
Wish more men would accept the fact that we can be in great shape no matter what our number says. It's just a number, and they'll be there someday too!!
wrestlerspig (14)
2016-04-10 06:30(w odpowiedzi na)
I have always enjoyed my beatings from Dad so I welcome it.
Spruceman (55)
2016-04-08 18:18(w odpowiedzi na)
Frustration....Parte Deux.........Well guys. No change in the situation over the past two months for this over 60 man. Sending out feelers till blue in the face; but (except for two single-occasion men) either "too old," no reply, "I'll let you know if I'm interested," and other nadas. Made it clear in the profile I am open to all, never refused anyone. Thank God I have a few long-standing friends who can meet on occasion. But it looks like if I want to find any new guys for more frequent opps to wrestle, it will have to be found amongst the general population (if out there) locally rather than from the Internet. I knew age bias is rampant in the gay non-"community;" but never realized it was this rampant. If you know anyone willing to hit the mats with an older man, give him my name. Will stay here to see what happens and to keep up with my existing contacts.
fritz (15)
2016-10-21 22:30(w odpowiedzi na)
Quite agree with your position...
Jayb864 (4)
2016-02-12 12:44(w odpowiedzi na)
I agree; there are several men within an easy travelling distance from my home, I've contacted them more than once. They indicate; "sure we can wrestle, what days' work for you" - I tell them open here -NOTHING in response not even a "sorry I can't make it!" I've only averaged one match every 1 1/2 months so three in one month to me is awesome! But understand the "itch". Hope matches improve in quantity for you Spruceman!
Spruceman (55)
2016-02-12 13:02(w odpowiedzi na)
Maybe what is in order now is for us to shift away from our lamentations about not finding action and move toward finding ways to increase our chances. Maybe a thread asking folks what can we do to "market" ourselves better. Ask those guy with 100+ matches in their histories simply "how they do it." Not all of them are the proverbial "spring chickens," age wise. They must have some technique other than being in a high-density of wrestling population (e.g., NYC or SF CA) or doing a lot of travel alone. They might be willing to share that info without any fears of their losing opportunities; as this is not a fixed-sum game. However, it requires posing the question in a more general-population category rather than a 50-plus or 60-plus one.
Jayb864 (4)
2016-02-12 15:21(w odpowiedzi na)
Maybe administrations could have a peer review for our profiles - for just such things as you suggested.....
Spruceman (55)
2017-01-03 16:30(w odpowiedzi na)
Super idea...Have a section where a member can ask others to give a review of one's profile, providing friendly suggestions how to improve one's marketability.
However, it might not be of value if men refuse to look at a profile text and pics in the first place, if they see age on the list, assume any older guy is a zombie, and fail to open the profile to see that full text and the pictures.
Spruceman (55)
2016-02-12 01:33(w odpowiedzi na)
Redid part of profile to relax some of my requirements for wrestling, etc. mates. Making it less inflexible. Maybe that will help a bit.
jason (27)
2016-02-12 02:08(w odpowiedzi na)
One must have a mind set of a younger man. I never think of my age. When my trainer was making out a schedule for me the first time-he wanted to know if I had turned 55 yet. I thanked him and informed him I was 72. He did not believe me. It is all in the mind and good health and enjoying life.
BJJWrestlerLasVegas (14)
2016-02-11 20:26(w odpowiedzi na)
Is is so unfortunate that there there is so much ageism on this site. I have yet to meet anyone for wrestling from the San Diego area who is actually willing to get on the mats. Either avoidance (most of the time) or excuses is the norm. Despite free open mat sessions all over town, excellent transit, and 50 + BJJ schools here I get n response from this site thus I go to a BJJ school and University BJJ classes to get a chance to be on the mats.No one cares about age, just that you are there to roll and drill. Perhaps we should flood the local BJJ schools by joining and actively participating. We would get better, have fun, and be noticed.
wrestlerspig (14)
2016-02-11 22:46(w odpowiedzi na)
I am a prowrestling jobber. If I was into your style of wrestling, I would gladly wrestle with you. Do not give up hope.
buzzcut (2)
2016-02-11 22:05(w odpowiedzi na)
The worst effect of ageism is that it causes otherwise proud men to become self-conscious and understate their ages.
If you look at the age statistics on this site, you'll notice an uncharacteristic spike at 50 and another at 55 followed by a dramatic decline in membership. This is inconsistent with the general world population of men.
These "gravity spikes" could be due to the athletic nature of the site. But I suspect the need to be a certain age plays a bigger role.
wrestlerspig (14)
2016-02-11 22:49(w odpowiedzi na)
I keep telling guys that 50 is the new 25 and 70 is the new 35 and 80 is the new 40. All generations benefit by wrestling with each other. Everyone must age or consider the alternative.
usmcwrestler (16)
2016-02-12 22:03(w odpowiedzi na)
Amen, brother!
BJJWrestlerLasVegas (14)
2016-02-11 22:19(w odpowiedzi na)
I once asked about why "age" was required on your profile as it is a source of discrimination. I was told to lie. In Facebook where one need not need state his or her age to the public I get lots of wrestling/jiujitsu contacts, run BJJ groups there, etc. Also,it is easier to weed out the phony pro stuff that disgraces the sport.
Spruceman (55)
2016-02-12 03:55(w odpowiedzi na)
How do you get the contacts on FaceBook? Merely putting it on your FaceBook page; or does FB offer a different venue? If so, can you clue me in what you did there? I probably spend more time on FB than on any other site lately.
BJJWrestlerLasVegas (14)
2016-04-09 06:03(w odpowiedzi na)
I have pics of mu doing wrestling/jiujitsu on Facebook (real wrestling, not the fake pro stuff) with action shots in public venues so everyone knows it is real. I join wrestling/BJJ groups on Facebook. On top of that I go to a BJJ school.
Spruceman (55)
2016-02-11 21:44(w odpowiedzi na)
50 + schools in the SD area alone...Wow...City could publicize that and it might scare off any would-be thugs. :) I did that once; but too expensive around here; and a resurfacing of a childhood rotator cuff injury put the kibosh on that after six months. But if sites like these yield too little, I might look into that option again.
g6fighter (190)
2016-02-11 18:28(w odpowiedzi na)
I can understand you ... pity we live so far away so we could meet for a match ....
Spruceman (55)
2016-02-11 18:50(w odpowiedzi na)
Thank you for your post. If any travels take you my way, I'd be glad to hit the mats with you. I find it interesting that I get so many more match requests from western Europe on a per population or sq km basis than from here in the USA – curious as to why (I'm always looking at correlations and causations in just about anything I see in life :) – not just potential wrestling encounters – but hardly enough of a sampling to calculate any meaningful r-squares )
countryfighter (29)
2016-02-11 15:47(w odpowiedzi na)
My discovery is that if you dont travel you won't fight...have had one match within two hours of home...have had several more not listed here, but have had to travel
BJJWrestlerLasVegas (14)
2016-02-11 22:59(w odpowiedzi na)
I have offered many times to get on the train up to LAX (2:45 trip) if they have access to mats. No one has taken me up on this yet in a serious way. Locally despite trolleys, buses, commuter rail, etc the same. They look at age and stop.
Spruceman (55)
2016-02-11 18:54(w odpowiedzi na)
If this site's mapping of members is correct, you or an opponent would have to travel far to connect. Looks like no cluster in the Dakotas; and that you'd have to travel to Minneapolis-St. Paul for your closest cluster of wrestlers.
wrestlerspig (14)
2016-02-11 22:45(w odpowiedzi na)
it seems that everyone's opponents are on the opposite side of the country or world. Murphy's Law. I wish it was Skull Murphy.
Spruceman (55)
2016-02-11 23:04(w odpowiedzi na)
and then there are the folks who live within walking distance who won't even answer a request to meet. Reckon it's high time to stop complaining against the unchangeable, and – who knows? Maybe some wrestling/grappling manna from heaven will falleth upon me :)
buzzcut (2)
2016-02-11 14:28(w odpowiedzi na)
There are only 16 Pro wrestlers on this site who admit to being 70 or older. The pressure to lie is huge, but somehow, they're not afraid. I admire that.
I fave most of them because when I start thinking my age is barrier to my skills, physique, and match-desirability; they remind me that the fun in my life is not even close to being over.
I can only imagine your frustration. But fortunately, with age comes the gift of patience. If you're like me, you're used to getting what you want because you can wait for it.
Spruceman (55)
2016-02-11 15:26(w odpowiedzi na)
Thank you for the encouraging words. On the other hand, patience alone does not bring about training, skill building. Maybe for that I should try a nonsexual environment such as a local wrestling club or, as I did some years ago, a mma place (but so damn expensive there) which then included wrestling. Here, it seems that if one is not viewed as being sexually hot, one isn't hot enough to meet at all.
wrestlerspig (14)
2016-02-11 15:18(w odpowiedzi na)
I never let age, body size or weight interfere with being a jobber. I have had guys over 75 who really kicked my ass for real. Those who ignore older wrestlers are missing out on fun.
wrestlerspig (14)
2016-02-11 03:10(w odpowiedzi na)
I wish I was closer. You could wrestle with me weekly.
Spruceman (55)
2016-04-10 15:24(w odpowiedzi na)
Would be happy to wrestle you if you ever get down Washington-Arlington way.
Spruceman (55)
2016-02-11 03:23(w odpowiedzi na)
Thank you. If I ever get up that way, I'll keep you in mind.
wrestlerspig (14)
2016-02-11 03:54(w odpowiedzi na)
you are welcome.
buzzcut (2)
2016-02-04 20:14I turn 60 in a coupla months, and doing so in the underground wrestling world has been on my mind for the past year.
I don't gauge my desirability as a Pro opponent based on how many young men hit me up. In fact, I'm more flattered by men my own age because all of them, it seems, want younger men. The ironic truth is, men my age don't even want men my age. Lol.
As for braggin' on my Pro wrestling abilities and how tough I am... I watch my Pro idols on TV at least 3 times a week (Adrian Neville, Johnny Mundo, Prince Puma). They remind that my skills suck, and my physique is shit. Nothing humbles me quite as fast as seeing Pros who look the part and have powers I'll never command in my lifetime.
wrestlerspig (14)
2016-02-08 03:08(w odpowiedzi na)
Happy Birthday. 60 is just a number. I have had my ass kicked hard by guys over 75.
nycwrestlerguy (0)
2016-02-06 17:54(w odpowiedzi na)
wow...what a great post...u come across a real down- to -earth guy... some of us could learn a lot from you both on and off the mats–thanks–btw-you're in great shape
Dennis (1)
2016-02-06 16:26(w odpowiedzi na)
hope to meet someday
sportart (5)
2016-02-05 22:15(w odpowiedzi na)
Hey Buzzcut– If you ever travel west I would work out with you, maybe learn a Pro move or two.
= :- )
usmcwrestler (16)
2016-02-04 23:50(w odpowiedzi na)
I would enjoy a roll on the mats with you. I only wish i had started this earlier. The number of men wrestling in their middle age has been a huge surprise to me. You are in very good shape.
builtbod (42)
2016-02-04 21:11(w odpowiedzi na)
I will take a 60 tear old guy in shape like yu anytime...
builtbod (42)
2016-02-05 16:50(w odpowiedzi na)
I will take 'on' a 60 'year' old guy in shape like you anytime
buzzcut (2)
2016-02-05 22:03(w odpowiedzi na)
Thanks. Your profile indicates you're not into Pro wrestling, but if you were, you certainly have the physique for it. Not many guys have that at any age. It's one thing to be hot for 4 or 5 years. It's quite another to be hot for 40 or 50 years.
BJJWrestlerLasVegas (14)
2016-02-05 22:05(w odpowiedzi na)
Not in to "pro" wrestling as I no longer consider it a sport when the results are scripted or predetermined. Very much in to real wrestling/jiujitsu though
buzzcut (2)
2016-02-06 04:47(w odpowiedzi na)
I've never had a scripted or predetermined Pro match. But then underground private-session matches are very different from what you see on TV. I enjoy the skills and struggle of the match itself. The outcome is pretty irrelevant. I'm just not interested in trophies. But I understand when guys are. Sports are all about winners and losers. Wrestling is more entertainment for me.
wrestlerspig (14)
2016-02-08 03:19(w odpowiedzi na)
I am a jobber who gets my ass kicked for real by heels. There is no scripting going on in the private matches.
gamekeeper (13)
2016-02-04 14:35Hi 65 and still up for a wrestle..just no interest locally ..frequently told too old ..not giving up tho..still go to gym to keep up strength and stamina..have good friends around UK who will meet..so get a bit of practice now and then.
Good luck to all us older wrestlers..most looking very good in my opinion.
wrestlerspig (14)
2016-02-08 03:21(w odpowiedzi na)
66 is the new 33. I bet you would have no problem taking me apart. Keep wrestling and making your opponents happy.
sportart (5)
2016-02-05 22:17(w odpowiedzi na)
Wish I could hop the Pond and wrestle you.
= :- )
jaydee (0)
2016-02-05 12:53(w odpowiedzi na)
I am in surrey (on Hants boarder ) and still like a grapple or bit of playful pro
man of 10000 holds (33)
2016-02-02 10:56I turned 62 in mid-December and have no intention of slowing down. I find that so many of the messages I receive are from guys half my age. The members here who want good matches look for the experienced wrestlers. We are less-likely to ask those silly, annoying questions ("what is your favorite hold??") or set up a match, only to no-show (with some lame excuse). BTW, I will attend this year's CLASH in Atlanta. I plan to show everyone how a Pro operates.
wrestlerspig (14)
2016-02-04 04:06(w odpowiedzi na)
I envy your opponents.
builtbod (42)
2016-02-02 05:34hey its not Old
its Older
Spruceman (55)
2016-01-31 21:43I wonder about the demand for guys over 70. The age distribution chart of this site's members puts me well within the oldest one percent – maybe even 0.1 percent. Seems most guys (especially locally) want younger, regardless of their age. Now that I'm 73, the only action I have had is from guys who first wrestled with me beginning when I was 63 or so. It was hard enough back then; but at my current age, there's virtually no new genuine local interest . OTOH, I guess I should consider myself fortunate that I can still wrestle, etc. at my age rather than sitting in a rocking chair somewhere at a nursing home..
usmcwrestler (16)
2016-02-05 15:15(w odpowiedzi na)
I am 72 and know what you mean. Consider that we are both in our seventies and moaning about the lack of men who want to wrestle with us. We are very lucky to be in good enough health to say that. Maybe we are just at an awkward age and we will grow out of it. 😄
Spruceman (55)
2016-02-11 14:01(w odpowiedzi na)
Analogous in a wee bit to those sci-fi things of men living "forever." All in their birth cohort have died off, younger cohorts want nothing to do with them, and they are lonely as crap for either eternity or the end of the book or movie. Probably an "evergreen" subject for journals on demographics.
wrestlerspig (14)
2016-02-04 04:04(w odpowiedzi na)
I have had my ass kicked by guys over 75 years and it was wonderful.
PacNWBulldog (54)
2016-02-03 08:49(w odpowiedzi na)
If I lived closer I would grapple with you regularly. Some of my most memorable matches were with older 60+ when I was 40 and now that I am 55, I would welcome hitting the mats with any of them again or people like you.
If I am ever in DC, I'd lock up with you.
dadwrestle (340)
2016-02-03 12:35(w odpowiedzi na)
64yo here and still wrestling hard!
wrestlerspig (14)
2016-02-04 04:05(w odpowiedzi na)
some of us like our asses kicked by Dad.
hairychestcowboy (7 )
2016-02-04 18:15(w odpowiedzi na)
ill kick it pig. :-)
Spruceman (55)
2016-02-03 12:35(w odpowiedzi na)
Appreciate that. Feel free to keep me in mind.
BJJWrestlerLasVegas (14)
2016-02-02 10:34(w odpowiedzi na)
I guess at 66 should consider this sit e hopeless except for a few. I did go to 10 BJJ classes last week though, Su-1 (gi), Mo-1 (no-gi), Tu -1 of each, Weds, 1-no gi, Thurs, 2 gi, Friday, 2 no-gi, Sat 1 no gi thus best source is outside the site thru BJJ and University BJJ programs
liketowrestle (120)
2016-02-02 07:43(w odpowiedzi na)
I have meet and wrestled guys in their late 60's and into their late 70's and not only had fun wrestling with them, but also a great opportunity to make some great new friendships as well.
I am glad to see guys who like wrestling well over the age of 50, gives me some encouragement and something to look forward to in the future!
countryfighter (29)
2016-02-02 05:15(w odpowiedzi na)
Maybe we just need an old guys tournament of some sort....
rruffwrtlr64 (0)
2016-04-10 06:23(w odpowiedzi na)
I totally agree, we or there should, be a wrestling tournament, for men, OVER 60, 65, and or 70 and NO one allowed, that is UNDER 60 yrs. old . WE deserve , to have our own, wrestling tournament, with ALL older men, 60 plus - 70 plus !!!!!!!!
wrestlerspig (14)
2016-04-10 06:36(w odpowiedzi na)
I know there are younger guys who have no problem at all with age and I know older guys who do have problems wrestling with older guys. It is great when you meet open minded opponents who do not let age or looks or weight get in the way of having fun. I have had guys over 75 who really kicked my ass for real.
BJJWrestlerLasVegas (14)
2016-04-10 06:29(w odpowiedzi na)
In the USA Nationals there are divisions for our age (Veteran's E) and in the IBJJF tourneys (Blue Senior 5), and in the NAJJF there is senior 6 if that helps. In most of the other tourneys few if any seniors show up thus no bracket. You can google "Gershon Horowitz" and you can see videos of him competing at age 70. This is real wrestling, free style rules (Olympic rules). Thus I suggest a BJJ school or a USA Wrestling sanctioned club (there are 3 in Ca) for having a chance to get on the mats
rruffwrtlr64 (0)
2016-04-10 06:43(w odpowiedzi na)
Hi wrewstlersandiego and I guess, you did, not understand, what I meant !!! I am, talking, about , having , an EVENT, THEN and NOT tournament !! I dislike college wrestling and the OLYMPICS recently , I think , LAST year, DROPED wrestling , from the Olympics ,starting, with the NEXT summer Olympics !!!! No, I am, talking, about a PRO - STYLE or SUBMISSION style wrestling and NOT college wrestling at all !!!!!!
BJJWrestlerLasVegas (14)
2016-04-10 06:47(w odpowiedzi na)
No-gi jiujitsu is basically submission wrestling, but pro wrestling with all its antics, preplanned set ups etc. trash talk, leaves a lot to be desired. Collegiate wrestling is 100% real with the safest rules of all and adding submissions as is done in no gi jiujitsu keeps injuries to a minimum and is also 100% real.
BJJWrestlerLasVegas (14)
2016-02-01 06:00(w odpowiedzi na)
I have the same problem as you do from the site, total lack of replies and/or excuses galore. My solution, join and be active in the BJJ community. I did jiujitsu seven days for the week ending 1/30/16 and to day worked a table at a jiujitsu tourney with 375 competitors. I mixed it up with many different opponents in the week ending yesterday, and for the week beginning today (1/31) worked a table at a tourney. Many universities have BJJ classes as well as local gums. With the price on an $18 monthly transit pass I go all over the city to practice on the mats and the gym and University class fees I manage. It is amazing what you can do if you do not waste money on supporting a car. Just immerse yourself in the BJJ community and go from there.
sportart (5)
2016-02-01 01:50(w odpowiedzi na)
My thoughts exactly. I will wrestle any age but don't feel free to challenge guys much younger–which is almost everyone. But one or two good opponents all I need.
{ :- ).
2016-02-04 03:31(w odpowiedzi na)
if u happen to find a dude (older or younger) that lives close by and you have a good report with him...TANGLE OFTEN!
sportart (5)
2016-02-05 22:19(w odpowiedzi na)
Wish I wasn't on the wrong coast.
Spruceman (55)
2016-02-01 02:15(w odpowiedzi na)
If you were 3,000 miles closer, I'd rassle you :)
mikewould (0)
2014-12-08 05:49Just turned 65 and have yet to fight....but this thread gives me hope the opportunity will still come along.
fireman1948 (1)
2016-02-04 10:16(w odpowiedzi na)
I would sure go on the mats with you if we were close.. I like the idea of male catfight. yes gave me hardon thinking about slapping and rolling around even some hair pulling. I am not afraid of cock to cock contact either, but no anal for sure.
2014-12-08 20:32(w odpowiedzi na)
Just turned 64 and I will take on ANYONE my size. Zaloguj się, aby obejrzeć galerię.
wrestlerspig (14)
2014-12-10 20:51(w odpowiedzi na)
I never refused a beat down from any guy regardless of his age. Oink
2016-02-04 03:31(w odpowiedzi na)
YOU are the one getting beaten down pig...
jason (27)
2014-12-11 03:17(w odpowiedzi na)
I will be happy to accomplish that for you!
2014-12-12 01:45(w odpowiedzi na)
STEP BACK JASON-wrestlers pig is mine!
jason (27)
2014-12-12 19:00(w odpowiedzi na)
OK-for now-but I want seconds!
2014-12-13 00:05(w odpowiedzi na)
U won't even get FIRSTS! If I have anything to do with it!
jason (27)
2014-12-13 03:02(w odpowiedzi na)
Well, go a little easy on him so we can still wrestle.
wrestlerspig (14)
2014-12-11 04:43(w odpowiedzi na)
Thank you I will look forward to that.
sportart (5)
2014-11-04 22:58Good to see all you guys still going at it. I am too. Younger punks often underestimate the ability gained thru experience, shrewdness, and staying in shape.
2014-10-22 21:3165 here and my wrestling is more fulfilling than
ever! Changed a bit to include more squash matches
cause I am soooo aggressive now - gonna take on
some Tampa area guys in about a month-so if in
area and got a place for me to work u over (safe and
sane) let me know!
mochablk (21)
2014-09-13 18:2554 and in better shape NOW than when I was 34! I just can't seem to get into the gut punching thing. I've tried it, and it just wasn't for me. For those who are into it, more power to you though.
2014-10-29 00:15(w odpowiedzi na)
I do think we can have fun- come to you
For some back and forth fun! Either before
trip to Florida on the 11/23 or after my return 12/4 OR BOTH!
Dennis (1)
2014-03-21 17:06soon be 62yr and love to fight competitive only. rules negotiable. dealing with some health issues right now but soon hope to be back in shape.
Hardmatch (98)
2014-02-02 01:18I know a guy that is 71 and in phenomenal shape...looks like he's chiselled out of marble and can defeat many/most guys half his age. As long as you're still in shape, absolutely no reason you can't wrestle for a long time.
wrestlerspig (14)
2014-02-03 05:23(w odpowiedzi na)
I had my ass kicked for real by a guy who was 75. He was tough as hell on me. I enjoyed it.
Abifighter (0)
2014-02-02 00:35I am well over 60 and still fight whenever I get the chance...once I peel off my shirt and strip down to my panties, age is no longer relevant...what is relevant is the other man standing across from me who is striped down to his panties who is there to fight me man to man...while boxing used to be my main game, due to some eye issues I have switched into wrestling, wrestling with body punching, CBT, and TT, although under the right circumstances I will still box...but for now generally I am into stand up bare fisted body boxing and mixing stand up bare fisted body boxing with wrestling and body punching into a kind of MMA style which is very hot also...but whatever it is, I still show up and I still fight...and will fight for stakes whatever they may be and I am still enjoying every second of it...so for me fighting is pretty much ageless, when it stops being so, I will stop fighting, but between now and then anyone close to my size and 50 plus, look me up and lets have it...you name the game and count me in... Zaloguj się, aby obejrzeć galerię.
2014-02-14 21:03(w odpowiedzi na)
I am 63 and workout 3x per week. I'll take on anyone 40 and over.
2014-03-18 19:13(w odpowiedzi na)
Aug 2013. Come and get it if You're strong enough. 2 on 1 not a problem. BRING IT ON! Zaloguj się, aby obejrzeć galerię.
2014-03-18 19:21(w odpowiedzi na)
Another photo. 2 on 1 not a problem. My gut is punch-proof. Zaloguj się, aby obejrzeć galerię.