Love to think there are some big chubby daddy around me . I’d be a good son for him that he would never dream of what I could do for him . I mean in a nice way lol . Chub daddy is a dream for me which never comes true in my life . Endless seeking , tiredsome but somewhat keeping my hope . Maybe one day he’ll hug me and let me sit on his lap like I’m his son and we will be happy till rest our lives .
Hi, I'd love a mean heel to put me in my place, especially if it involved some wrestling training/tips & maybe some help with photos. A shame I'm too old to be a
Jorgito you and I would be more like a Dad vs Dad scenario. Which would fine as well. 2 dads facing each other in an old fashion “ my dad is better than your dad” match. We can have our sons routing us on while we fight?
Joregito how you doing in Argentina? Everything going okay? Hope is everything is fine with you. Still looking forward to a future visit from you so that we can finally have that fight. What do you think?
BGrappler I see you live in Richmond? How would you like this Big Dad to school you? I think it would be fun. I also see that you have some wrestling experience. Young son vs Big Dad what do you say?
Would enjoy younger Son vs Dad match. Son tells dad it’s time for him to bow to his Son. Son challenges Dad to a wrestling match. Setting up the ultimate prove yourself to your Dad. Would be hot to get into this scenario.
Biology Grappler (9)
2024-02-27 19:06Experienced, easy going, good looking son in California Bay Area still looking for dad/bears to wrassle with
greekwrestler (75)
2024-02-29 10:51(w odpowiedzi na)
Would love to wrestle u when I come to Ca
U are the hottest son
obey4chubby (1)
2023-12-13 04:06Love to think there are some big chubby daddy around me . I’d be a good son for him that he would never dream of what I could do for him . I mean in a nice way lol . Chub daddy is a dream for me which never comes true in my life . Endless seeking , tiredsome but somewhat keeping my hope . Maybe one day he’ll hug me and let me sit on his lap like I’m his son and we will be happy till rest our lives .
Riverwalker49 (3)
2021-11-13 20:46Dad or Grandpa for some youngster in San Antonio Tx here. Easy going erotic exchange of holds.
Jorgeler (10 )
2021-11-24 06:34(w odpowiedzi na)
shame I'm not near there ... ;)
Riverwalker49 (3)
2021-11-24 23:59(w odpowiedzi na)
I agree! Love to wrap my legs aroiund your neck...
Jorgeler (10 )
2021-11-28 20:05(w odpowiedzi na)
That makes me so hot and hard masked bull... I won't be able to hold back...
Tiligo (0)
2021-10-08 19:11Fight some daddy is fun
westfalia (1)
2021-10-07 10:53I love reading these back & forth challenges. Do they ever come to anything? lol.
Riverwalker49 (3)
2023-12-09 20:10(w odpowiedzi na)
They have for me but it is a BIG country and some are out of the country. I answer all instead of whining like the boy here.
Biology Grappler (9)
2021-10-12 06:47(w odpowiedzi na)
Just alot of trash talking boomers who message people 2000 miles away
RoughPlayNNJ (13 )
2023-12-10 12:46(w odpowiedzi na)
lol. You’re a funny little boy.
westfalia (1)
2021-11-12 20:58(w odpowiedzi na)
I thought so. Maybe I should start. Anyone in NZ want some trash
greekwrestler (75)
2021-10-13 16:15(w odpowiedzi na)
Can back it up when we meet Biology Grappler!!
westfalia (1)
2021-10-12 09:33(w odpowiedzi na)
Yes, but it's all good fun.....
ukpitbull (38)
2021-10-04 20:56any uk sons need a mean heel dad to put em in there place
Sergio-bodybuildermuscle (2 )
2022-03-09 21:18(w odpowiedzi na)
Happy to learn my place in a ring with you or full private match
westfalia (1)
2022-03-10 10:08(w odpowiedzi na)
Vous pouvez me rendre visite aussi, aux meme temps Sergio.
J'habite seulement 30 km Ukpitbull!!
westfalia (1)
2021-10-08 17:51(w odpowiedzi na)
Hi, I'd love a mean heel to put me in my place, especially if it involved some wrestling training/tips & maybe some help with photos. A shame I'm too old to be a
jimbear (9)
2018-11-18 21:09a big built masc hairy dom daddy for son!!!!!
Ausbear (0)
2021-10-06 18:52(w odpowiedzi na)
love to take you on dad!
PtitJH FR (0)
2019-11-26 12:45(w odpowiedzi na)
Interesting :)
Biology Grappler (9)
2018-11-23 08:43(w odpowiedzi na)
hi, do you have pics? :3
RoughPlayNNJ (13 )
2018-11-07 14:30Jorgito you and I would be more like a Dad vs Dad scenario. Which would fine as well. 2 dads facing each other in an old fashion “ my dad is better than your dad” match. We can have our sons routing us on while we fight?
Jorgeler (10 )
2018-11-12 16:29(w odpowiedzi na)
Two Latin papis face to face ... a volcano erupting!
Much of that liberated energy can be used by those children who will also have their deserved ...
RoughPlayNNJ (13 )
2020-05-28 00:33(w odpowiedzi na)
Joregito how you doing in Argentina? Everything going okay? Hope is everything is fine with you. Still looking forward to a future visit from you so that we can finally have that fight. What do you think?
RoughPlayNNJ (13 )
2018-11-07 14:25BGrappler I see you live in Richmond? How would you like this Big Dad to school you? I think it would be fun. I also see that you have some wrestling experience. Young son vs Big Dad what do you say?
Biology Grappler (9)
2018-11-05 07:10Im in the bay area and enjoy this concept, I'd be the smaller younger guy, and I am looking for an older big dad.
scotsguy61 (4)
2021-10-08 10:01(w odpowiedzi na)
j50muscle would snap you like a dry twig.
j50yomuscle (2)
2021-10-08 15:01(w odpowiedzi na)
aww thanks man!
blondbud (60)
2024-02-28 11:43(w odpowiedzi na)
Such a big handsome stud !
cripplerUSA (10 )
2023-12-10 18:01(w odpowiedzi na)
You're gorgeous and look to be my type of man and opponent. Rough, tough, strong and mature. Zaloguj się, aby obejrzeć galerię.
Rasslebarefoot (15 )
2023-12-13 18:04(w odpowiedzi na)
WWOOFFF big daddy
Lottachubby (10)
2023-12-19 10:38(w odpowiedzi na)
matslam (197 )
2021-10-12 05:17(w odpowiedzi na)
Amazing physique!
scotsguy61 (4)
2021-10-08 16:36(w odpowiedzi na)
mm, now that is a magnificent sight. Its a shame your flexed bicep is in the shadow...
j50yomuscle (2)
2021-10-08 17:28(w odpowiedzi na)
Is this better! :-)
lutte95 (206 )
2023-12-11 08:12(w odpowiedzi na)
Vous ne devez pas souvent perdre
scotsguy61 (4)
2021-10-08 18:29(w odpowiedzi na)
PA Wrestler (48 )
2018-08-16 16:23Sounds hot
RoughPlayNNJ (13 )
2017-12-28 21:53Would enjoy younger Son vs Dad match. Son tells dad it’s time for him to bow to his Son. Son challenges Dad to a wrestling match. Setting up the ultimate prove yourself to your Dad. Would be hot to get into this scenario.
Biology Grappler (9)
2020-05-20 08:14(w odpowiedzi na)
Howdy, interesting line ^^
Wrestle around with a big dad :3
greekwrestler (75)
2021-10-11 15:29(w odpowiedzi na)
Wrestle with me Biology Grappler
will submit u even though u are much younger and an elite martial artist
AZgrappler (115 )
2020-05-20 08:17(w odpowiedzi na)
This big Dad likes keeping his boy in line .
Get revenge for that other Dad
akkipats (1)
2018-08-08 08:15(w odpowiedzi na)
This is best scenario
j50yomuscle (2)
2018-08-14 20:39(w odpowiedzi na)
Indeed. This Dad would prove that he is ALWAYS stronger than his son!
Biology Grappler (9)
2018-12-30 20:39(w odpowiedzi na)
Pfft, I beat up my dad since I was a child XD
AZgrappler (115 )
2020-01-01 14:53(w odpowiedzi na)
BG you wouldn’t stand a chance against this Dadc
greekwrestler (75)
2019-12-11 20:51(w odpowiedzi na)
is that true BG? beat yourdad since uwere 9?? wow
greekwrestler (75)
2019-01-05 01:06(w odpowiedzi na)
Want to try me BG?? I travel, see my tecommendations
j50yomuscle (2)
2018-12-31 00:24(w odpowiedzi na)
That wouldn't happen with me, little guy.
akkipats (1)
2018-08-15 08:44(w odpowiedzi na)
I would love to sit on dad's chest and make him submit.
wrestle2sbp (2)
2018-08-17 17:02(w odpowiedzi na)
You would have to sit on my chest for a very long time before I give.
j50yomuscle (2)
2018-08-17 03:14(w odpowiedzi na)
That would never happen!
Jorgeler (10 )
2018-11-07 01:02(w odpowiedzi na)
I could give Dad his due ... he looks very strong, but it's time for a son like me to take his place ...
Boys ... leave him to me ...
BamaJDon41 (10 )
2018-08-17 08:47(w odpowiedzi na)
The struggle would be awesome. But it's obvious who the MAN is.
j50yomuscle (2)
2018-12-27 05:14(w odpowiedzi na)
Oh yeah? Who? ;-)
Jorgeler (10 )
2019-12-02 19:34(w odpowiedzi na)
I could snuggle in my arms a strong and big man in the late 50s ...
BamaJDon41 (10 )
2018-12-27 07:27(w odpowiedzi na)
The son that could take you down j50 would have to be a mighty big boy!
j50yomuscle (2)
2018-12-27 22:15(w odpowiedzi na)
Indeed he would need to be!
Biology Grappler (9)
2021-10-07 22:31(w odpowiedzi na)
Alot of overly confident guys here XD
Biology Grappler (9)
2021-10-08 01:48(w odpowiedzi na)
guys here in their late 60's, no martial art experience, prattling about winning against an elite martial artist. cool stories bro.