Wrestling Videos on the Net

Just a simple no-win, no loss wrestling bout between buddies

rassler (4)

2019-03-04 14:29

I like this series of videos from Fightingforfun, not the best video quality but many hot matches with great holds and serious grappling action.


guywhowrestles (0)

2019-03-03 19:06

Somehow Canadians know how to play the sport between two skilled wrestlers/grapplers. Here's an example of how just plain wrestling should go when you and a good friend just want to go at it for a few minutes in a good, controlled, reasonable mat space.

Let us all know if you still like to do this serious but fun kind of wrestling.


NJWoodbridge (139)

2019-03-04 16:22

(w odpowiedzi na)

When you have the mat space, of course. Who would not want to enjoy such a friendly match? Thanks for posting!

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