Wrestling Videos on the Net

Searching for a ballbusting wrestling video with cups

Chgojock (7)

2024-02-01 23:12

I’m searching for a wrestling video where two men were wrestling, where low-blows / nut shots / ball busting was encouraged. The match started off fair as both men were wearing protective athletic / jock cups. However one man strategically removed the cup off of his competitor, and left him vulnerable to all future nut shots. The competitor that was left vulnerable without his cup still put up an amazing match enduring nut shots and nut claws that proving the strength and virility of his manhood. The guy that remained cupped took full advantage of his unfair advantage and confidently busted his vulnerable competitor’s balls frequently. It was a very erotic match. I want to find this match again! If anyone has the link to, or name of this video, feel free to message me. Or if you want to roleplay this same situation, even better!


smoothfitatl (21)

2024-02-02 11:10

(w odpowiedzi na)

I'm not familiar with that video, but I'd very much like to see it and 100% am up for a match like that.

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