bare knuckle fist fighters

august 13th fight

huge fighting man (2 )

2011-02-25 15:44

site is still not clear for AUGUST 13th fight between myself and BIG ron out of Alabama however it will be in the Portland oregon area or as far north as tacoma washington. details will be put up when it is known the time of the fight and date will not change though . will be 8PM on saturday night August 13th. A smaller venue is being sought so sales of tapes will have to make up for the lose or potential loss of any seats. Now loking at empty warehouses to rent for a few days. Can get a portable cage or ring in easy enough but seating will see about might get to stand and watch men.


huge fighting man (2 )

2011-02-17 07:39

Well trouble here in oregon seems the guy with the estate has backed out but the fight will still be within a few miles of portland Oregon on August 13 suggest you not make reservations for the oregon coast as more likely this fight be closer to the city of portland. The opponent and I are set on the fight and the date is for sure set. Hate set backs but better to have troubles now than closer to the time of the fight.

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