female wrestlers and catfighters uk

Queen of Fights

BellyBuster (0)

2016-02-09 18:13

When I was at that stage of my teens that one gets rather interested in that sort of thing(!), I found a copy of a small-format magazine called Search (long gone now). It was part of a publishing ‘trilogy’ called SRA - for Search, Relate, Accord. These various mags dealt with all kinds of fetish sex interests - for those who liked ‘directoire’ knickers or latex/pvc or spanking or fem/dom or whatever. Now Accord was the one which (uniquely at that time) had a section on ‘Battling Belles’ (Fighting Gals), which included a comic-strip heroine called Battling Bertha, who got into all sorts of girl-fight action. So it was rather unusual that the issue of Search that I stumbled upon (my father’s copy, amongst some copies of Penthouse, Mayfair, etc. that he must have brought home from the factory) had anything relating to girls fighting in it - but this one did! And I found it so naturally and instinctively exciting that I was hooked for life. The girl-fight content was only a single article (story), which was based on the old North-of-England saying “where there’s muck there’s money” (or perhaps it should be “where there’s muck there’s brass”). It was written from the perspective of a woman (which made it all the more hornier to a late-teen boy, although hindsight assures me that it is unlikely to have actually been penned by a woman) who was a regular visitor to a club ‘somewhere in the North of England’ where the adult entertainment was mud wrestling. It took place in a ring, but the ring included a nice depth of thick, oozy, clinging mud! She did not take part - although one was, if I recall correctly, left in no doubt that she both diddled herself silly with the enjoyment of watching and, being a down-to-earth lass, contributed less-than-ladylike vocal support to one or other of her favourite fighters, encouraging them to take the natural mayhem of their fighting to even greater heights! This fictitious writer described the various types of fight that took place at the club, in the mud. Naturally there was the staple girl-fight and obviously the ‘girls’ were pretty robustly built - big lasses in the ‘three-bees’ (boobs, bellies and bums) - so that they could handle the mayhem they were encouraged to inflict on each other’s well-built bodies. They started off in ‘string bikinis’ (or at least little triangles of material loosely connected by bootlaces!), which naturally lasted no time at all before being ripped off and used for rather unladylike purposes. I seem to recall that there was a referee, to ensure that the physical mayhem could result in as much pain as these hefty women were prepared to take but no actual physical damage or lasting harm. I can’t remember whether there were rounds or not, but am sure that the fights continued until one gal could not physically continue. Next of the fights desribed - and one that also made a lasting impression on me - was m2m. These guys were again rather on the heavyweight side and again there was much physical mayhem both dished out anf taken ‘down and dirty’ in the mud. I think they may have started the fight in only leather ‘knee breeches’, but (memory!) they might have been in pouches or even naked. However, it was the idea of two men fighting like that that I had not really seen described anywhere before. I had myself thought ‘lewd thoughts’ of such things, but to see it there in print made me realise that it was not just me being weird, but it was perfectly natural for men to like to fight like that themselves, not just watch women fight - and perfectly natural for a boy who was into girls in all the normal sense (if you see what I mean). I did not at that time really appreciate the naturalness of bisexuality (for both sexes). Anyway, from then on both girls and boys, in mags or in real-life, were ‘assessed’ as to whether they would make a good fighter (would they cry ‘enough’ the first time they took a straight fist, or a hard stomp, in the belly button?). Sorry, I diverge! The ‘woman’ writer really went quite OTT watching both those of her own sex fight in a way that was, after all, pretty brutal, and men fight that way. Next on the ‘bill’ was the f/m match, in which a big powerful woman dominated, humiliated and physically destroyed a smaller man in the mud. I must say that has never really done much for me, but the writer clearly enjoyed it too - and in the storyline the guy clearly was well remunerated for his physical hardships! The final type of match on the bill was the writer’s favourite, the one ‘she’ really got worked up over - couple vs. couple, and in those days that could only mean m/f couple vs. m/f couple. This was no ‘tag’ affair. All four fighters were in the ring at the same time and while they started with the gals toe-to-toe and the guys toe-to-toe, once mayhem was unleashed, it really was ‘any which way you can’, with double-teaming (2 on 1) ‘de rigueur’ and in the confusion the same couple fighting each other or one unwittingly helping their opponents to demolish the body of her own partner, leaving himself or herself to fight on alone. It might even have been that when only two fighters were left ‘standing’ they would then have to fight each other, even if they were the same m/f (husband/wife, boyfriend/girlfriend or whatever), until only one remained to hold up their arms in the fighter’s traditional acknowledgement of victory. I think the ‘writer’ called this couple vs couple mayhem the ‘Queen of Fights’, and I have always thought of it that way to this day. The story had, I seem to recall, a couple of line drawings that showed the build of the fighters, and that kind of build (‘strapping’, built to dish out and enjoy taking punishment) has always been a sexual favourite of mine for both women and men ever since. Naturally I was hooked on fighting for the sexual thrill of it from that day on - and used to make sure that I got my hands on every copy of Accord and its subsequent developments Fighting Gals Monthly and Claws (I was never much interested in Amazons in Action, thought, too ‘tame’). As one does when young, I read and took physical pleasure from them, then let them go (they would almost certainly be virtually priceless collector’s items today, ignoring how wonderful it would simply be to see and enjoy again the voluptuous artwork and read the sexciting stories and readers’letters). And, despite the almost saturation of the internet nowadays with staged female and male fighting, I still cannot recall any really good examples of the ‘Queen of Fights’. Some years afterwards there was a letter in a copy of Accord about a young couple (m/f) who had met and befriended an older couple at a professional wrestling event. Somehow the subject had been raised and one thing lead to another and the two couples ended up at the older couple’s place, stripped off and fought ‘foursome-wise’. The older couple were - how can one say it - a bit more ‘brassy’ than the younger ones and came out the victors. I seem to recall that they took the younger guy out of the fight early on (something to do with his belly and balls, I think!) and then double-teamed the younger woman, who gamely fought on alone until she was held by the older man, whose partner then used her bare fists on the younger woman’s body until she could take no more punishment. It was what they were all ‘up for’, after all so I don’t remember the letter being anything other than of an exciting experience enjoyed by all (it was definitely written by the younger couple). It’s strange, but I can still see clearly in my mind’s eye the cover of that particular issue of Accord. Of course these days the combinations of couple vs couple could be much more varied, with same-sex male and same-sex female couples fighting other same-sex couples, same-sex male couple vs same-sex female couple, and m/f versus same-sex male or female couples. Interesting!

Has anyone else had any real-life experiences of the ‘Queen of Fights’? Is anyone old enough to remember the Battling Belles of Accord? Be interesting to know. Sorry, that noise is probably the whole of Meetfighters snoring with boredom!!!

Regards and Best Wishes to All
BellyBuster (aka Keith)


celtwrestle (46 )

2016-02-13 06:24

(w odpowiedzi na)

Ripping yarn. Keith! Accord may have been the first fetish mag on female fighting I purchased. My heart skipped a few beats when I saw the headline "Women boxing and wrestling" leap out at me from the shelf.
Before Amazons in Action there was Agressive Women by the same publishers. They. Hanged the title to make it more acceptable and get more women involved.
Laws never really did it for me- too many drawings as opposed to pics, and the fights on the ugly side and almost always fantasy based.
I had scores and scores of AinA mags and had to dump them. Amazing how porn was semi-acceptable but not this genre.


BellyBuster (0)

2016-02-17 18:04

(w odpowiedzi na)

Thanks for the nice reply. It's interesting, isn't it, that the things that you did not go for in Claws were exactly the things that I did! But we are all different and variety is, as they say, the spice of girl-fighting life.

Best Wishes and Kind Regards

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