stiffening and hard on wrestling

Best way to get someone leaking.

Small package (0)

2024-02-03 17:57

Mr n my m8 got soaked in pre when we wrestled naked as teenagers he was 15 I was 14 we were wrestling ages rolled head over heals Cross room floor oozed pre on each over as came to a stop then we shot our loads while still knotted up !


Projobberjock (0)

2024-02-03 07:52

please let me know the secret


Demonfire2 (0)

2024-02-02 19:58

I’m sure there are some who start to precum at just the thought of wrestling another guy, while others take a bit more effort to get the juices flowing so to speak. What are people’s experience with holds, grips or otherwise to get their opponent wet? Having not done this on the mat, I can only draw from dating experiences, and I’ve found that there’s a spot just behind the balls, then works as sort of a primer button, and precum will start flowing soon after adequate pressure has been applied. Thoughts?


nycwrestleguy (0)

2024-02-03 18:32

(w odpowiedzi na)

great topic-curious myself...

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