

Członek grupy od 15.2 years
Wiek 58
Wzrost 173 cm
Waga 104 kg
Płeć Meżczyzna
Orientation Gay
Ubiór speedos, squarecuts, trunks, jocks
Ostatnie logowanie today
Ostatnia modyfikacja 2023-10-13
WatchFighters channel Blackwrestle



Pokaż na mapie
  1. Wielka Brytania, London
  2. Jamajka, Ocho Rios
    (Jestem tutaj od 2023-01-20 do 2023-02-01)

Jestem gotów dojechać 750 mil

Ostatni przeciwnicy


Olympic / Greco-Roman Olympic / Greco-Roman
Submission Submission
Pro wrestling Pro wrestling

Match structure: Równa walka, Wzajemne ustępstwa, Jednostronna dominacja, Practicing techniques, Walki w parach/grupach, Walka w plenerze

Specific wrestling styles: Zapasy z uderzeniami, Zapasy w basenie, Zapasy w błocie

Miscellaneous interests: Przyjaźń

Followers of Blackwrestle

Opis profilu

Hi Guys
Just an update
From 30th October to New Year I will be unavailable to arrange any sessions due to work training. As soon as can sort something will update

Want a tag bout?
Teaming up with Celticmuscle (
Get in touch and let's see the better team

Black wrestler here looking for bouts with other guys.
Mainly done sub bouts but will try just about anything once. If you fancy a bout please get in touch and lets try and sort something out


Some past opponents are not shown in the list above. Members who are blocked, suspended or on a hiatus are hidden.