- Stany Zjednoczone - New York, Massena
Place of residence
Jestem gotów dojechać 300 kilometrów
Zaproszę do siebie (Bed and Breakfast)
Looking for a guy with similar age, build, and weight to wrestle with. Although I will make exceptions. Pretty open to almost anything, really for the most part rules for my matches are up to the opponent(s). Would like to do 2-1 squash or just squash in general and can be heel or jobber. Low blows and ball grads are fine by me, again, it’s what the opponent is comfortable with. Also into erotic wrestling but once again, up to the opponent(s). More than willing to have a clean wrestle only match.
Walka bez reguł
Pro wrestling
Match structure: Równa walka, Jednostronna dominacja, Walka "dla zabawy", Practicing techniques, Walki w parach/grupach, Dwóch na jednego, Wspólne treningi, Rozmowy telefoniczne, Szukam trenera
Miscellaneous interests: Związek, Wymiana zdjęć
Fetishes: Nie szukam na sex, Szukam także na sex, Wzajemna masturbacja, Spandex, Strój zapaśniczy, Zapasy nago, Uderzenia w brzuch, Cock fighting, Walka rozbierana, Ćwiczenia siłowe