
Członek grupy od 323 dni
Wiek 26
Wzrost 178 cm
Waga 75 kg
Płeć Meżczyzna
Ubiór Jeans, Singlet, Speedo, Shorts, Jockstrap, nude
Ostatnie logowanie yesterday
Ostatnia modyfikacja 2024-01-03



Pokaż na mapie
  1. Stany Zjednoczone - New York, City of New York
    Place of residence

Jestem gotów dojechać 50 kilometrów


Walka bez reguł Walka bez reguł
Pro wrestling Pro wrestling

Match structure: Równa walka, Jednostronna dominacja, Practicing techniques, Walki w parach/grupach, Dwóch na jednego, Wspólne treningi, Walka w plenerze

Specific wrestling styles: Brit pro wrestling, Chodzenie na mecze

Stand-up fighting: MMA, Fistfighting

Miscellaneous interests: Stakes

Fetishes: CBT

Followers of JayJayNYC

Opis profilu

Hey man,

Thanks for checking out my profile, I really appreciate it! I've been out of training since the pandemic, but I have experience in boxing, wrestling, and NHB fighting. I'm just getting back into training and am eager to hit the ring (or mats) with you soon! My timeline back into matches is TBD right now, but I anticipate being in decent shape again by August.

Some of my interests right now include:
-Being a jobber for one-sided squashes and pushing my limits with my pain tolerance.
-Soft sparring matches with similarly built opponents for practice.

Hit me up and lets get ready to throw down!

Vaccination Status:
Covid: Moderna (Dec '23)
Flu: (Dec '23)
MPox: (Dec '22)


JayJayNYC has no cyber opponents.