- Wielka Brytania, Cornwall, England
Place of residence
Jestem gotów dojechać 100 mil
Zaproszę do siebie (Bed and Breakfast)
Walka bez reguł
Tylko obserwacja
Match structure: Równa walka, Wzajemne ustępstwa, Walka "dla zabawy", Wspólne treningi, Rozmowy telefoniczne
Stand-up fighting: Only interested in stand-up fighting, MMA, Fistfighting
Miscellaneous interests: Przyjaźń, Związek, Wymiana zdjęć, Jestem dominujący
Country boy with a love for a good scrap.
By day, I’m saving lives with the ambulance service; by night, I’m throwing fists for the sheer thrill of it. Started boxing at 18, and let’s just say the rougher the fight, the better. There’s nothing like a bloody battle to get the adrenaline going.
Outside the ring, I’m a coffee and wine lover, a Disney fan with a cheeky sense of humor, and always up for an adventure. Sure, I’ve got a rough edge or two, but there’s a big heart beneath it all, waiting for the right guy to crack the code. Laid-back, full of banter, and a bit of a lovable lunatic—I’m like your own bodyguard with a wild streak.
So, lace up those gloves, mate. Chat shit, get banged. 💪🥊