ChokeHoldBear's blog
Check in
I've not posted an update in a few weeks so it's about time I talk about my progress and last few matches.
The gym work is coming along food, but my clothes are getting too tight for me, so I've embarked on cardio..... Eugh..! I'm still lifting 3 days per week but doing 2 days cardio as well. Current progress pics attached
Had some great matches with wrestlers visiting Manchester. I've got my mojo back as I had a great couple of matches. Yeeha!
jcdf (5 )
2019-06-23 22:36Glad you have your mojo back heheh.... look out lads tho!! And clothes being too tight is a sign of you being a beast and growing 🙂🙂🙂
ChokeHoldBear (46 )
2019-06-23 22:37(w odpowiedzi na)
A sign of eating too much!
jcdf (5 )
2019-06-23 22:44lol well when you have a guy off the floor in a hold, ask him and see what he says heheh
ChokeHoldBear (46 )
2019-06-23 22:46(w odpowiedzi na)
Ha ha yeh will do
Hoosier 1 (0)
2019-06-23 23:05Looking great!!
ChokeHoldBear (46 )
2019-06-23 23:06(w odpowiedzi na)
Th x buddy
Hoosier 1 (0)
2019-06-23 23:07(w odpowiedzi na)
You’re welcome sexy!