Pwers1103's blog

Good News- Coach is back!!

In case you haven't noticed, Coach Radner, formerly known as Radner Bearman, is back online, which is great news and a remarkable achievement. Today, we both had a great workout and during our session, I mentioned how none of you pussys on this site accepted my challenge re forced impact training, which is what Coach & I do together; we laughed & during our conversation, it came about that he said he missed many of the men he previously trained & I broached the subject of whether or not he wanted to rejoin MF (s/thg he had previously not wanted to do for personal reasons). He indicated an interest & wanted to think about it; just so happens that another man on this site who has been able to keep in contact w Coach also spoke to him today (Lean in Speedos, Gary) & Coach decided to rejoin- YAY!! (Thank U Gary for your assistance in this matter!) If you read my blog about a year ago, the fact that Coach is not only around but able to rejoin this site is demonstrative of incredible resilience, physically, mentally, emotionally- it's admirable & worthy of respect, indicative of a true fighter. I am leaving for PV later today, my second trip this year (first was in Feb., just b4 Wrestlefest- hhmmm, sunny beach in Mexico w tons of Hot Men or Wrestlefest, that sunny beach won, lol)- since I will be away, it would be great if those of you whom he trained, chatted with and expressed a desire to know after I wrote my blog about Coach got to reconnect or connect with him. He had nothing but great things to say about the men who chatted with him today & I am very appreciative of that fact, as he is. But please read his file- do not pressure him for phone contact (unless he chooses) because there are privacy issues involved, wch could/would jeopardize his return to the site- be mindful of that fact. And since forced impact training is how we got started, lol, since you pussys can't give a compliment to this Old Man, you could compliment Coach on how effective his training is as illustrated by my video. Great work Coach & glad to have you back- will keep in touch while in PV.

Last edited on 2022-05-08 07:46 by Pwers1103
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bnjifghtr (2)

2022-05-12 06:45

Thanks for this post.
I met coach a year ago right before I moved so we decided to wait until after I was settled in new place. - but by then - he was gone from the site
Incredibly I saw him on here the other day and connected with him and have been chatting ever since . . ,
