canwrestle's blog

Hollywood Naked Wrestling Club
A Charlie and Caleb Story PART FOUR

Caleb’s big thighs opened and closed around Jay’s waist as my ex-boyfriend moved in on my current boyfriend.

I could see the bright red welt on Caleb’s calf where Jay’s lightning-fast low kick had landed. It forced him off balance and allowed the standup specialist to drop low and catch a double leg. He’d then driven forward - ramming his head into the solar plexus and Caleb was taken off his feet and forced onto his back. But with all his training Caleb recovered quickly and instinctively went to guard. Jay’s progress was checked and my boyfriend’s ankles locked together just above my ex’s waist. A wave of jealousy washed over me, as this position put them cock to cock, but my feelings were tinted with excitement. I hadn’t yet taken off my shorts and my already swollen cock pressed uncomfortably against the fabric. Watching them wrestle had me incredibly charged up.

The grip fight began as the two men struggled to gain some leverage. “C’mon Caleb, get off your back!” I yelled. Jay was trying to posture up, while Caleb attempted to keep him low, and get control of an arm. A few times Jay managed to get a hand free, which he used to throw a few punches to the gut, but if he was hoping to weaken Caleb with body shots he was going to have to throw a lot more - Caleb took hits in the ring for a living. Finally, Jay managed to extract both hands and sat up quickly. Caleb countered by crunching his abs, and then used his hips to pull his opponent back down. Jay swung his elbow, probably aiming for the chest, but with his forward momentum he caught Caleb’s chin instead. The crack of the heavy blow reverberated around the mostly empty space, and was followed by shocked silence - the one rule of the club was no head shots. My body tensed, and instinctively I reached for the bottom rope, about to haul myself up onto the apron and climb through - whether to make sure Caleb was okay or to punch Jay in the nose, I hadn’t decided. I stopped when I heard Jay say. “Oh shit, sorry.”

Immediately Jay backed off. He looked sincere, so I relaxed and let go of the rope. Out of the corner of my eye I could see Mason smirking at me.

“Sorry Calvin, are you alright?” Jay said, leaning over Caleb who had propped himself up on an elbow.

“Yeah yeah, all good,” he answered, rubbing his jaw, ignoring the incorrect name again. He looked at the hand put forward, I saw his eyes narrow. He ignored the offered help and stood on his own. Jay rose up as well.

“That rule about no hits to the head?” Caleb spoke loudly, “is that set in stone?”

I looked at Jay’s face, and there was a moment when the challenge registered, but then the stone wall of stoicism I was so familiar with from our time together reappeared, and he looked completely nonplussed.

“Well it doesn’t have to be I guess,” he smiled.

“I mean if this is supposed to be a no holds barred match, seems silly to have any rules at all.” Now Caleb was smiling, but like earlier there was no nose crinkle.

“I agree.” Jay answered, not showing any reaction nor any concern for his movie star looks. I suppose he could easily pass off any bruises or black eyes as training accidents. It would be good for his image as well, an action hero who actually saw action.

“Great,” was Caleb’s equally casual reply. I’d told him about Jay’s background when I’d told him about how we’d met. He knew he was a former Olympian, trained in Judo and kickboxing, but apparently he wasn’t intimidated. It was a mystery to me that someone as kind and gentle could become such a beast in the ring. But then I supposed that was why he left all his aggression there.

The two men retreated to opposite corners to regroup. Mason yelled across the ring for the man who was timing to reset the clock. Then, just as they had a few minutes ago, they strode toward each other, this time with fists up.

Seeing them together I realized there wasn’t much difference in size, Caleb maybe had an inch in height, was thicker, his muscles denser - particularly that beautiful rounded chest I loved… the physique of a pro wrestler. Jay had gained in mass since I’d last seen him, and probably weighed close to the same as Caleb, but his muscle was toned to perfection. His abs rippled, with wide lats, flawless heart shaped shoulders and quads that looked as hard as metal cables running down his long legs… the physique of a movie star.

It also occurred to me that they shared a similar background in combat sports. Both had trained and competed in legitimate sports, but now both fought for show as a job, but I didn’t doubt that either would have any trouble throwing aside the fake stuff tonight. The punches, kicks and submissions would be as real as you could get. Caleb may have said he wasn’t trying to prove anything, but I had serious doubts about that, and Jay knew his name wasn’t Calvin, he was playing mind games.

A loud crack drew my attention fully to the action, Jay had landed another short swift kick, this time higher on the thigh and I saw Caleb dance out of range, a grimace on his face. Those kicks hurt, I knew from experience. Jay advanced, forcing my boyfriend back till he hit the ropes. Another kick followed, this one a straight front strike aimed for just below where Caleb’s arms were guarding his face. He saw it coming though and dodged to the side. Jay’s foot got only air as Caleb twisted, throwing the first punch of the match, a wild hook that missed its target but kept Jay from following up as he moved back toward center. I saw a momentary look of surprise cross my ex’s face. He only knew Caleb as a professional wrestler, probably wasn’t sure what his legitimate fight skills were - but he knew now. He shook off the shock quickly and once more advanced with his fists up.

In truth I was also taken aback. Caleb and I wrestled all the time, in training and for fun, but I wasn’t much of a striker so I didn’t expect him to be quite so good at defending. His ring style hadn’t changed much since I’d first started developing it with him when he’d joined Elite. It was based on utilizing his incredible strength, big explosive powerbombs, suplexes and spinebusters that got the crowd hyped up. He would then follow up with limb-bending submissions that made his opponents scream, moan and tap out. He was still wrestling under the name Kaleb, keeping the K and the drifter persona, hailing from parts unknown and all that. But he’d dropped his last name and the psychotic part of the character. He was just too popular with the crowd for him to keep working the heel angle. They loved him. He was one of Max’s top draws, the CWA champion for most of last year, only dropping it a couple months ago so that Max could build up to a card where he’d get it back. He’d only been able to come on this trip because he was supposed to be off somewhere healing his wounds, getting ready for his triumphant return, otherwise Max would never have let him take two months off, or work for other promotions out here.

The next few minutes got used up while the two men tested each other out. Jay moving forward, feinting with a leg or a punch not really intended to land, gauging range and clocking reaction time. Caleb was doing the same, but with an eye to finding a way through to a takedown. The atmosphere in the room was tense, much more so than the previous fight, while I saw Neil move up onto the apron and hold the ropes so he could get a better view. He was followed by Mason, then the others, so I joined them, taking a second to kick my shorts off, letting my stiff cock free before moving up. As the feeling out continued, the guys, now arranged along the ropes, began to get more vocal.

Whether satisfied with what he’d learned, or spurred on by the men now calling for some action, Jay finally let fly with a kick he intended to make contact with - A big roundhouse coming from the back leg, the top of his foot catching Caleb on the cheek. I saw and heard the impact but my boyfriend was saved from the full force as he was moving when it landed, dropping his level and diving in on the standing leg. Still it must have hurt. He managed to get a hold of the thigh, but then fell to his knees without managing to take his man over. Jay responded by sprawling back, his weight dropping heavy across the back, and his hand snaking around Caleb’s neck in a front face lock. Caleb got his footing and rose up, still gripping the leg but Jay did not go over. Instead he used his free leg to hit Caleb’s exposed abs with multiple knees.

“BACK OFF!” I screamed, watching Caleb tenaciously clinging to Jay’s thigh - he was taking far too much abuse.

I don’t know if he heard me, but he followed my instructions anyway, letting go of the thigh, then used his hands to pry open the front face lock. Another couple of knees and he managed to back out. Caleb gave me a quick glance, there was the tiniest bit of uncertainty in his eyes when they found mine. I nodded my head, “Shake it off, keep working, you got this,” I yelled.

He had no time to think though, Jay was moving forward, a slight smile on his face. He used a couple jabs to back Caleb up further then, with a neat little turn, Jay spun around, and his leg shot out in a spinning back kick that landed fully in Caleb’s solar plexus. The sound of the foot hitting the wall of muscle was followed by the sound of Caleb’s air being forced from his body. He flew backwards, hitting the ropes, then dropped to the canvas clutching his stomach. Another tense moment occurred, while we waited to see if Jay would follow up. He didn’t though, taking a few steps back to the center, smirking more openly now and my blood boiled. I clutched the ropes tightly, working hard to stop myself from ducking under and knocking the smile from his face.

Caleb got to his feet, and Jay waited for him to come forward. Once he was in range he let fly with another kick but this one got only air as once again Caleb was dropping low for a single. Jay did the same thing as before and sprawled back, getting another front face lock, but before the assault with the knees began, Caleb let go of the leg and matched Jay’s position. He got his own front face lock and drove forward.

Bent low I could see their cocks hanging down between their bent legs, it was a spectacular sight. Caleb used his free hand to throw some kidney punches, Jay responded in kind. Then knees were brought up to deliver more abdominal abuse. I held my breath watching these two beasts hold nothing back, my own cock was completely hard and dripping, I understood what Caleb had meant about watching me fight those guys after the wrestling show in Florida. This was so hot.

The stalemate continued, but then Caleb showed off some of his incredible strength and I almost shot my load watching him. With his hold on Jay’s neck he tilted his weight back and lifted. Jay’s feet left the ground a few inches, and then he was tossed a good few feet across the ring, landing not far from where I was standing, as Caleb completed the snap side suplex. Jay hit the canvas with a loud crash but moved quickly to get back to his feet. Caleb was not moving on him though - he’d made his point and was standing in the center of the ring, waiting. Jay was no longer smirking.

Once again they faced off, now fully aware of what the other could do. Jay tried another kick but Caleb was prepared and ducked under. He stepped through, locked his hands around Jay driving him over and to his back.

“YES!” I hooted, this was where my boyfriend was going to shine.

Jay wasn’t a complete novice on the ground though, for I had taught him a lot when we’d been together, and he pulled guard. Caleb slammed his upper body down and the two began to fight with their arms. Caleb got one of Jay’s wrists pinned, but before he could lock on a shoulder submission, Jay turned into him. His arm wrapped around Caleb’s neck and he began choking him. Forced to abandon the shoulder lock, Caleb twisted and the two rolled across the ring. Jay opened his guard and attempted to get a knee shield, but Caleb managed to pull out of the choke and sit up. He pressed down on a leg and brought his knee across, pinning the thigh to the canvas. Jay crunched up and threw an elbow that hit Caleb’s jaw, but it was not hard enough to stop my boyfriend’s progress. He slipped his other leg past and was now in a full mount. Jay bucked but only managed to shove Caleb further forward. Now his crotch was in Jay’s face, and his big bottle sized cock smacked against the movie star's chin. Envy washed over me, and I gripped the ropes harder to keep myself from totally losing control.

Jay's hips were now free of any weight, so he bridged and twisted. Caleb was thrown to the side but he held onto Jay's head, getting a little help with a handful of hair, and then he straightened his legs. He pulled forward and locked his ankles together. Jay's face was mashed up against Caleb’s dick. I saw his massive thighs tighten and heard him growl.
Jay continued to twist till he was on his knees, but now Caleb had secured the headscissors. It was a painful hold but not quite deadly, Caleb would need to get a figure four if he wanted the submission. I saw him moving to the side, trying to get the right angle to bend one leg behind the knee of the other. Jay pushed forward, up on his toes. Caleb was forced onto his shoulders, his chin pushing painfully into his own chest. With a loud roar, Jay gripped the constricting quads and tried to pry some space open. He managed to slip a hand into the small space between the thighs directly in front of his chin. With the other hand he took hold of Caleb’s cock. The growls of effort turned to shrieks, as Jay twisted on my boyfriend’s dick. The pain he was dishing out, added to the space he’d created was enough to weaken the headscissors and he was able to pull his head back.

Jay didn’t let go, he held on tight and once free, twisted, forcing his opponent to turn part way to his stomach. Then using his great martial arts balance he spun on one leg, stepping over Caleb’s ass and forced him flat to the canvas. Jay sat back, still with the leg and cock gripped tight and Caleb’s spine was bent painfully in a single-leg Boston. I could see that Caleb was fighting it hard, using his massive glute and hamstring strength to keep his back from being bent to a point where he’d be forced to tap. Jay howled and lent further but he was losing ground. I saw frustration on his face as he dropped both his grips on the knee and cock, then dropped his ass down, landing with a thud onto Caleb’s back. He twisted, reaching for the neck, and his cock slipped into Caleb’s ass. I grunted without being aware I was making a sound, only realizing I’d done it when I saw Mason flashed me another crooked grin, he was enjoying my discomfort.

“Don’t let him get you like that!” I screamed.

Jay maneuvered to lock up a choke or headlock but Caleb caught his hand and held him off. At the same time he raised his hips and bumped Jay off his back. They both ended up on their side as a messy fight for control ensued. It ended when the two writhing men rolled together to the edge of the ring, becoming entangled in the ropes.
Caleb was on his back, while Jay scrambled to get on his chest, using the bottom rope to help him. He pushed it down and it came across Caleb’s throat as he moved into a mount position. Instead of letting go, he held on, adding his other hand and pushing the rope down harder till Caleb was kicking and flailing his legs as his air supply was cut off.

“What the fuck!” I howled.

“No holds barred, remember.” Mason responded.

“That’s not a fucking hold,” I growled.

“You wanna stop them?” he asked.

I did, but Caleb would not thank me for stepping in. It took all my self-control, but I stayed on the apron. I was gripping the top rope so tightly my knuckles were turning white.
With one hand, Caleb was pushing back on the rope trying to get some space, with the other he was alternately punching Jay’s side or reaching up and pushing back on his chin. The choking, however, was relentless as Jay pushed down on the rope with all his upper body strength. Caleb added knee strikes across the back of his opponent, desperately fighting for air. Finally I saw his hand close into a fist. With as much force as he could muster, he caught Jay on the chin. It wasn’t a great hit - flat on his back like that he didn’t have much power - but it was enough to knock his tormentor from his perch and he was able to roll out from under the rope.

There was a pause in the action. Jay was on one knee, shaking off the hit, while Caleb lay on his back a few feet away sucking in great gulps of air. He managed to sit up, then climb to his knees, but he got no further. Like a sequence worthy of all those martial arts films he’d made before his big break, Jay leapt forward, a powerful side kick landed full on Caleb’s chin. He was knocked flat on his back, and this time he wasn’t moving.

It’s over, I thought. He’d been knocked out and wouldn't be able to continue, but there was no ref to step in and call it. Jay moved quickly into a mount. He took hold of Caleb’s arm and lifted him enough that he was able to get his legs under my boyfriend’s head. Then Jay threw himself sideways, bringing his opponent with him and rapidly moving his legs to a figure four. It was the triangle choke that Caleb hadn’t been able to complete earlier, but Jay had it locked tight, including control of the arm.

Now off his back I could see Caleb’s eyes were open, he was conscious, but he was in big trouble and there was panic in his eyes. Jay brought his knees together, constricting the throat further. He positioned the arm he had under his own armpit, adding a nasty bend to the elbow. Not only was the hold deadly but it was humiliating, as his large uncut cock was pressed tightly against Caleb’s lips, which were already beginning to turn blue. I held my breath, desperate to call out encouragement but sure the uncertainty in my voice would betray me. The kick might not have knocked him out, but he was going to have to tap or the triangle choke would.

“TAP!” Jay grunted. “C’mon TAP!” and when Caleb refused he lifted his hips off the canvas adding more strain to the elbow and more construction in the choke. The room was silent, the only sounds were the growls of Jay, and the labored breathing of Caleb as he fought to stay conscious. Seconds passed, it would be a blow to his pride to be put out like this, but I could not see any way he could escape.

I thought I was through being surprised by him. I thought that in the two years we’d been together I knew all there was to know, but I was wrong. The depth of his desire to fight for me, as well as his determination and strength, were far greater than I gave him credit for. First he got his knees under his hips, then, by driving forward, he got to his feet. He began to straighten his back and with Jay’s tight grip on his arm, my ex was lifted up - first his hips then his lower back. With a roar, Caleb stood tall and Jay’s shoulders and head also came off the canvas. I breathed again, sucking air in a gasp. I was saved from another smirk from Mason as he was too riveted by the action in the ring to have noticed. Caleb gained a few more inches in height by curling his arm back toward his chest. Jay was now at least a couple feet off the ring floor, and so when Caleb kicked his legs forward sending his opponent crashing back to the canvas and dropping his full weight on top, the impact was enough that the figure four dropped open, the grip on the arm was gone, and Jay was now the one struggling to breathe.

“YES!” I hollered.

Caleb fell back, and then rolled, putting distance between him and the other fighter. He hit the ropes and stopped. His chest was heaving, he was drenched in sweat and the arm that had been tortured was hanging loose at his side. Opposite him Jay was curled into a ball holding his crotch. Caleb’s head must have made contact with his balls when he dropped on top of him. Good, I thought.

“C’mon Caleb get up!” I heard - it was Neil yelling. The other men joined in, a few calling out Jay’s name. I remained quiet, back to holding my breath.
Slowly both men got to their feet, Caleb using the ropes to help, the bad arm now cradled close to his chest. I hoped it wasn’t damaged. Staring daggers at each other Caleb and Jay moved to the center.

Once in range, Jay let fly with another kick, this one a high roundhouse to the side that Caleb had left open. Had it landed it would have been the end, but it missed its target. With perfect timing Caleb dropped low and shot in. He got a hold on the standing leg with his good arm, but moved deep enough that his shoulder was placed directly under Jay’s crotch. He stood up, and Jay was lifted high, falling across Caleb’s shoulders. He twisted trying to drop off his perch but the wrestler held on, shook his bad arm to get it moving, then reached up and snagged a grip on the kickboxer’s neck. It wasn’t a perfect rack, but it was close and Jay was bent across the big round shoulders of his opponent painfully.

Caleb moved around the ring, coming close to where I was standing, whether on purpose or not, he brought Jay’s face within inches of where I was standing and I saw the panic was in his eyes now. This wasn’t a position he was familiar with. I didn’t think I’d ever racked him before, considering he was a little too big for me, but with Caleb’s remarkable strength he was helpless up there. The two moved away from us back to center. Caleb growled and shook his opponent, pulling down harder on the head and the thigh.
“Submit!” he demanded, Jay howled and moaned out “No, no,” which prompted further shaking and bending from my boyfriend. “Submit!” he yelled again, and with a choked little whine I heard Jay say. “I give, okay I give.”

It wasn’t over though, the rules of the fight were that it went till one man quit. I saw Caleb switch his hand positions, placing his palms under Jay’s head and ass. Then, like he was completing a power lift he dropped into a split stance and pressed Jay up. The muscles in his arms popped and bulged as Jay was lifted above his head. I heard Mason whisper “holy shit,” and now it was me grinning at him. Caleb held him there a few seconds, then stepped back, dropped his arms and Jay came crashing down onto his back from a height well over six feet. The impact shook the ring so much I had to grip the rope to keep from falling off the apron. Jay instantly curled into a ball. None of his Olympic training could prepare him to take that kind of hit, and he had to be done. He rolled onto his belly and Caleb moved onto him.

He dropped an elbow across his back, further wrecking his opponent. There was no resistance when Caleb took hold of his ankles and folded his leg up, hooking a foot behind his own calf, then dove forward forcing Jay’s twisted limbs into his ass. Caleb dug under Jay’s shoulders and put him in a full nelson. It was a great finisher, as he’d used it in his matches a lot recently, but this time he was not holding back. Jay’s chest was spread wide, his legs excruciatingly bent and locked, and his lower back maximally twisted and stretched.
Caleb didn’t demand the submission this time. Like his ring character, he just grimaced and pulled the submission on tighter. Jay’s face was a picture of suffering, the strain too much to handle.

“I quit, I quit,” he moaned, “you win, I quit.”

With one last growl and one more pull, Caleb released the hold and Jay collapsed. Carefully extracting their entangled legs, he stood over his beaten opponent. I noticed he was favoring his arm again, probably having fought through whatever pain he was in to finish the match, but now feeling the full effect of Jay’s armbar. He looked over to me, I was beaming, and a wide smile broke across his face, this one complete with a nose crinkle. He raised his good arm and flexed his bicep for me. I smiled wider and nodded my head.
Mason had moved through the ropes and was already at Caleb’s side. He took the flexed arm and raised it.

“You're the winner, Caleb!” He shouted to thunderous applause and cheering from the other men.

Caleb acknowledged them, and then dropped his arm and turned to where Jay was lying on the canvas. He bent down and put his hand on the back. They exchanged a few words, impossible for me to hear with the noise from the crowd. He then helped Jay get to his feet. Now side by side, both of them looked over to me. There was an unspoken question hanging in the air, and I knew what it was. Based on what had happened after the last match, Caleb was now free to fuck or do whatever he wanted to Jay, and they were looking at me to gauge my reaction. The ugly green monster reared its head inside me. I didn’t want that to happen, I had no explanation for why, and I just didn’t. But I would not stop them. Caleb had won, it was his right, and maybe he wanted to fuck Jay. It was a bitter pill to swallow but I had to give my consent.

I nodded my head indicating yes, it was okay, and did my best to smile, but inside I was boiling with doubt. What if Caleb liked it, what if he wanted to leave me? I saw my answer register on both their faces, and Jay looked quite pleased. He turned toward Caleb, his chin forward and his cock already begging to rise. But instead of a kiss, he got a handshake. Caleb extended his palm and waited. There was a moment of confusion on Jay’s face, but as always, he pulled it together quickly and masked whatever he was thinking with his usual sober expression. He took Caleb’s hand and they shook. I realized that the others were all watching this drama play out eagerly and I was blushed with embarrassment. BUT inside, my heart was busting. I’d given him permission, but he wasn’t taking it. He wanted me. Maybe we’d been wrong about our choice to model our relationship on Dad and Jake’s. It worked for them, but maybe monogamy worked for Caleb and me.

He made his way over to me. I leaned across the ropes and we kissed, the salty taste of his clean sweat tanging my lips. Our cocks met as our hips pushed forward, pressing against each other as tightly as we could. The action in the ring was continuing, Mason calling for another challenge but we paid no attention to it.

“How’s the elbow?” I asked.

“Sore, but not damaged, I’m gonna need some ice,” he answered.

“And for your jaw, that’s quite the bruise.” I smiled, pointing to the dark purple spot where Jay’s side kick had landed, nearly knocking him out. “Wanna ditch the party and I’ll play nurse.”

“You don’t wanna take a turn? Maybe fight Mason or Neil?” he asked.

“Not tonight.” I answered, “I wanna take care of my man.”

“Oh yeah?” he smiled, “that’s me right?”

“Yep, that’s you, and only you.”

Quietly we slipped out of the building, the only person that noticed was Neil, who smiled and gave us a wave. Mason had been challenged by the young director and was busy destroying the kid, who looked pretty happy about it. Back at the guest house, I took care of Caleb as promised, bandaging a small scrape on his cheek, icing his chin and his strained elbow, and then we showered and fell into bed. Too exhausted to do more than cuddle and kiss till we both fell asleep.

I woke up the next morning excited to get home to my son and my family. Sitting in the back of the car on our way to the airport I remembered a dream I’d had the night before. The Elite wrestling warehouse was mine now, and the new ring I’d commissioned had been completed. In my dream, I was standing inside it, admiring the clean canvas, the tight ring ropes and the shiny new turnbuckles. But when I looked down I wasn’t in my wrestling gear - I was in a suit. My Dad was standing next to me, holding Will in his arms, and both were also dressed in suits that would match mine. I looked over to the dressing room and saw Caleb emerge, similarly attired, flanked on either side by his tall, doppelganger father, and his mother in a flowery caftan and feathered hat. Some music played and they began to joyously walk toward us…

Last edited on 2024-02-07 15:54 by canwrestle; 6 comment(s)
Stały odnośnik


Hollywood Naked Wrestling Club
A Charlie and Caleb Story

It was just over two years since the motel room in Florida, and I hadn’t spoken to Jay since. I’d seen him, of course, after his super-hero movie came out it was impossible to avoid him. Even today, shopping for Will, I’d had to walk past a huge display of Rising Sun action figures, backpacks, lunch boxes and clothing emblazoned with his face. I was over him. I loved Caleb, but now, standing twenty feet from the first man I’d ever been serious about, I had to admit there was no such thing as being completely over anyone. It would never have worked for us, but that didn’t mean I wasn’t still attracted to him, physically and emotionally. Seeing him in the flesh again had my pulse racing and everything that had drawn me to him came rushing back as fast as my galloping pulse.

Caleb’s distinctive laugh drew my attention away from Jay. He was still in conversation with Neil and my first thought was how awkward this situation would be for him. Who wants to hang out with your boyfriends ex? I quickly prepared an excuse for Neil to pass onto Mason about why we had to leave, but before interrupting their exchange I made the mistake of taking one last look at Jay. He was looking at me. He smiled, waved, then mouthed “hi”. I was caught. There wasn’t much I could do except nod my head in acknowledgment of his greeting. A second later I saw him touch the shoulder of the young director, say something, and begin to move toward us.

“Is that?” Caleb said. He was done talking to Neil and was now looking at Jay approaching. I only had to time to nod apologetically before my ex-boyfriend had crossed the short distance to where I was standing with my current one.

“Hi,” Jay said with an awkward little smile. Neil moved to the side making room for him in our circle. “I swear I had no idea this gathering was for you. Really, I promise. I don’t have to stay.” It occurred to me that this was probably just as uncomfortable for him.

“No, it’s good. I’m glad you’re here, it’s nice to see you.” I responded.

It seemed juvenile to ask Jay to leave. There was nothing between us anymore, we should all be able to handle this like adults, I reasoned.

“Oh do you guys know each other?” Neil asked.

“Yeah,” we both answered, then chuckled nervously. Jay spoke again.

“Charlie and I were friends when he was wrestling in Japan and I was making all those awful soaps.”

“Oh right,” Neil answered, I could see the wheels turning behind his eyes as he leapt to the correct conclusion. I also noted the term, “friends”.

“Actually, the first time we met was in a ring. We did a shoot wrestling match for a television show.”

A bubble of irritation moved up my throat, first at Jay for still not being able to say ‘boyfriend’, especially considering where we were and who he was talking to. But also at the mention of our match --- I’d seen a few clips used in news stories about Hollywood’s latest action hero, but they only ever showed the parts where he’d knocked me down.

“Which I won,” I added, trying to sound like I was making a joke but not doing it very convincingly.

“Hi,” Caleb interjected into the awkward silence I’d created, “I don’t know if you remember me, we met in Florida, in the motel.”

In our time together I’d gotten pretty good at reading Caleb’s expressions. It wasn’t too hard. He was incredibly honest and generally I could tell from the set of his mouth, the crinkle on the bridge of his nose, and the tightness of his jaw whether he was annoyed, bored, amused or happy. He was pretty chill so it was usually the later, but as he spoke and reached his hand out for Jay to shake, I discovered an expression I was not familiar with. He wasn’t angry but his nostrils were flared and his chin was pushed forward.

“Right yes, Calvin, the tag partner.” Jay answered taking the offered hand. A vein I hadn’t seen before appeared on Caleb’s forehead.

“It’s Caleb, and sometime tag partner yes, but mostly just partner partners.” He was smiling but there was no nose crinkle, and the muscles of his arms were bulging. However, if he was exerting any excessive force in the hand shake, Jay’s face betrayed nothing.

“Oh,” Jay said, “lucky guy.” He didn’t take his eyes off Caleb so I didn’t know which of us he was referring to as lucky.

Neil let out a little cough laugh, then tried to cover his amused expression by saying, “Well, small world.”

Another awkward silence followed, Caleb let go of Jay’s hand, and we all just stood looking at one another. I was about to say something about his movie, although I hadn’t actually seen it, but Mason spoke before I could. He’d left the other actor and moved toward us. “You’re here, great we can get started.” He was grinning, looking quite pleased, then he turned back and announced to the others. “Gentleman it’s time! Follow me.”

He led the way, the young director moving quickly to walk beside him, the rest of us falling in line, heading away from the pool toward the building that housed the ring. Jay was in front of us, walking with Neil.

“I’m sorry,” I whispered into Caleb’s ear, the still slightly puffy one from his high school wrestling days. He didn’t answer, just shook his head and shrugged his shoulders like he wasn’t sure what I was sorry for. There was no time to explain though, the short walk was over, and Mason had opened the door.

“NICE!” the other actor called moving inside and catching sight of the ring. “Hope you’re going to leave this up permanently, Mason, because the driving range wasn’t helping your golf game anyway.” Hearing his voice, rough with the slightest hint of Boston in it, I realized that I knew him as one of the stars of a long running television drama set inside a prison.

“Yeah,” Mason answered with a laugh, “well I know something I can still beat you at.”

Chairs were placed around the outside of the ring and everyone moved to take one, The two older guys on one side, the actor on another, with the reporter and Neil on the third side. I hesitated but felt Mason directed Caleb and I to the fourth side. The young director shot us a dirty look before joining Neil, leaving Jay with the other actor. But, before anyone sat, everyone started removing their clothes. Some didn’t have far to go, Neil only kicked off his sandals and shucked his shorts down before he was totally naked. I avoided looking over to Jay and instead addressed Mason who’d begun the same process.

“What’s going on?” I asked him.

“Initiation,” he smiled, revealing an impressive uncut cock that slapped against his leg with a meaty thump. “Are you going to join us?” He flashed his famous grin, but, before I could answer, he stepped away, climbed onto the ring apron and rolled under the bottom rope. He stood and did a turn with his arms out. The others, now just as naked as our host, took seats, some clapped or called out encouragements like “Hell yeah! and “Let’s get it on!” .

“Gentlemen, fellow fighters, welcome. As you can see we have two new members joining us tonight,” everyone turned to look at us, but I kept my eyes on Mason. I was beginning to think I understood what this was. “Caleb, Charlie,” he continued, “we would like to extend to you an invitation. After getting to know you both over the last couple months,” he stopped talking for a second, glanced over to Neil, and then continued, “we feel you would make excellent additions to our roster. The philosophy of the club is simple. For some men, wrestling and fighting comes naturally, it is what we were born to do. However we’ve become civilized, that path has been blocked, it’s no longer acceptable, and the opportunity to express that side of our nature does not exist. Some years ago Neil, myself and few others discovered our mutual passion and, slowly and carefully, we found others who shared our views, thus our Hollywood Naked Wrestling Club was born. Every so often we get together to express that part of us, the one deemed inappropriate. As you can see membership is very limited, discretion imperative, and we would like you to become our latest members.”

The seven men clapped and cheered his speech. I took a second to look at Caleb. I expected to see the wide eyed look of shock he’d displayed at Neil’s beach house but it wasn’t there. Instead, he was looking across the ring at Jay, with the same enigmatic expression he’s been wearing earlier.

“Now! Before you answer boys,” Mason continued after the applause died down, “Let’s get a match going, a demonstration of what we do here … who’s up first?”

“Right here!” The other actor stood. “Dan, you ready to settle this?” he called across the ring.

“Of course,” the reporter stood and answered him. “It’s going to end badly for you Vic, just like it did last time.”

There was a murmur of excitement from the others, and then Mason shouted “Excellent, our first challenge has been issued and accepted. Vic, Dan, the ring is yours.”

There was more clapping and calling out, some for the actor Vic, and some for the reporter Dan as they moved toward the ring and Mason stepped through the ropes.

“This is going to be a good one, Vic has been pretty much undefeated the last couple years until Dan handed him a loss at our last event. Choked him out and Vic hasn’t taken it so well,” Mason said, once he’d returned to the chair between Caleb and me.

“What exactly is going on?” I asked --- although it was now pretty obvious.

“Isn’t that clear?” Mason flashed me the grin. “You know you and your Dad are not the only guys who like to wrestle?” He laughed and gave my shoulder a pat. “Neil told me about you both and about what happened the night you arrived. Basically this is the same thing, just a little more organized.”

“So it’s just wrestling?” Caleb asked.

“Well we only have one rule,” Mason answered, “no strikes to the face. We all rely on them too much for our jobs, but other than that it’s no holds barred, so to speak. There is no limit on submissions --- you get as many as you can. A match ends when one man quits or cannot continue for some reason. For private matches we don’t use a time limit, but in the interest of giving everyone a chance to fight we limit the bouts to twenty minutes for these formal events. If, by the end of that time, neither man has quit, then we act as judges for the match. We vote based on skill, dominance, and number of submissions. Watch the match though, you’ll get the idea.”

Unsure, but undeniably excited to see these two men wrestle, I turned my attention back to the ring. They were standing in opposite corners, having taken the time to stretch while we’d been talking, both looking very impressive.

At first glance you would have given the match to Vic. He was probably somewhere in his mid forties, and maybe twenty or so pounds heavier then his opponent, with a hard thick body and excellent muscle definition. He was also quite hairy, with a full chest of brown fur that ran down his rippled stomach to the full bush that surrounded his thick uncut cock. Dan looked a bit younger, and smaller, outweighed, but, as I’d observed outside, very buff, with a super slim waist and impossibly wide shoulders. He must have had the suits he wore on the news channel custom made. He was also much lighter, his skin a pale pink compared to Vic’s warm olive, and hairless, with only the faintest trace of light brown stubble surrounding his longer, thinner, cut cock. But, if the smaller, lighter, reporter had won their last match, he must have some serious skills to compensate for the size difference, I reasoned, and, in spite of my lingering bafflement, and my unease seeing Jay again, I was looking forward to seeing them displayed.

There was no bell or official call to start, both men moved toward each other by unspoken consent and then slowly began to circle. At the same time everyone left their seats and moved up to stand against the ring apron. A few slapped the canvas and called out for whoever was their favorite. I gave Caleb a quizzical look. He was still wearing that enigmatic expression. He shrugged his shoulders and then joined Mason, so I followed.

It was clear this was a mismatch in styles right from the start. Immediately Vic moved in on Dan, not caring about the danger of getting taken down, simply trying to out muscle his rival. Dan was a technician though, with an obvious background in freestyle wrestling, so he fended off the direct attacks, choosing moments to shoot in and get Vic’s legs. Mostly, with brute force, the older man fought off each takedown. But, he did get caught a few times, and he hit the canvas hard. Dan did not follow through however, choosing to move away each time and wait for his opponent to get up again. It was a strategy that probably worked in his favor the last time --- wear the big man down then move in for the kill once he was gassed. Dan must have sensed that moment had come when he caught a high crotch, switched to a double, brought Vic crashing to the canvas, but this time stayed on top of him.

Using speed and leverage Dan worked Vic in a bunch of holds, a shoulder lock, a vicious straight arm bar, some chokes and a head scissors. Apart from their flapping dicks, it looked like a typical wrestling match. However, much like when they were standing, Vic powered out of each submission before tapping. Larry had taught me that nine times out of ten technique will overcome muscle, and I knew that was true from my own experiences in real wrestling. I expected that this was the same and eventually Vic’s strength would fail him and Dan would get a tap. But apparently, this was that tenth time, and after a brutal and exhausting period of Dan dominating, a savage stomp on the reporter's groin turned the tables.

Dan had an ankle lock, one of Vic’s feet tucked neatly into his armpit, his legs tightly controlling the other man’s knee and his upper body twisting in the opposite direction. He had to be coming very close to ripping multiple tendons and ligaments but still Vic didn’t tap out. The lighter man demanded the submission, but the actor, his face a mask of pain, answered that demand by kicking out hard with the sole of his foot, viciously connecting with Dan’s cock and balls. The poor guy howled in pain, the leg lock was gone and he curled up in the fetal position. I’d seen lots of crotch shots, given some, and been on the receiving end of a few, but there was no attempt to pull this kick, and poor Dan was hurting bad.

Vic got to his feet, favoring one leg, having definitely suffered from the ankle lock, but he shook it off. He took a second to collect himself and then dropped down on his curled up opponent. He smashed his elbow hard across Dan’s upper back, then forced Dan to his stomach. With his opponent helpless, his bare ass wide open, Vic took the opportunity to give the reporter's cheeks a few good slaps, the crack resounding through the room like a whip. Then, he took both wrists and pulled them up, making the backs of the hands meet, and forcing more wails out of Dan. He dropped his hips down on the ass of the wailing man and I saw his cock slip into the reporter’s asscrack. As he continued to torture the shoulders and chest, he began to thrust forward adding humiliation to the hold. Dan was not only just losing, he was also getting fucked.

He fought and twisted trying to pull his hands out of Vic’s tight grip but he had no strength in this position and soon the rhythmic frot was taking its toll, and his screams became moans. Eventually, deciding he’d tortured his man enough, Vic released the hold and stood. With a handful of hair he hoisted Dan up, then deftly lifted him so he was perpendicular across his own chest.

Starting at a run Vic upended his opponent and slammed him to the ring floor with relish. One of the first things I did when I’d arrived here was get under the structure and open the springs to the maximum. It was safer, helped to absorb impact and made some moves easier to execute, still, even at is most springy, the power of this slam was enough to knock all the wind out of Dan and make him even more helpless. I waited to see if the poor guy would continue or if he would throw in the towel. Vic paced around him, the frot had made his cock rock solid and it stood out from his crotch like the hands of a clock at three fifteen. Amazingly Dan began to stir, he was apparently much tougher than he looked. With a growl Vic moved in and lifted him again, this time locking his hands around the slim waist of the lighter man, then charging the corner slamming his back into the post. He let loose with a flurry of gut punches, each one connecting to the rippling abs of the reporter. Dan tried to cover up but Vic took his wrists and held them out, then used his knee to continue the abdominal abuse. When the beaten man dropped forward, barely able to stand, Vic pressed his forearm across the throat to keep him in place, then clamped his other hand on the already battered cock and balls of his opponent.

“Is it always this brutal?” I asked a gleeful looking Mason.

“Nah, but Vic can’t wrestle for shit, he’s just a brawler. You gotta put him out before this happens… looks like poor Dan missed his chance… although Vic’s particularly mean tonight. He really doesn't like losing.”

A howl from the ring brought our attention back to the match. Dan was no longer in the corner, instead he was flat on his back, desperately trying to peel Vic’s foot off his crotch. The actor had both legs split wide and was grinding his heel into the reporter's cock.

“I give! I give!” Dan screamed.

“You what?” Vic growled keeping his foot in place.

“Please I give,” was the answer.

With a sneer, Vic held the legs wide, then dropped down head first, smashing his forehead into the reporter's groin. Once more Dan was in the fetal position holding his crotch.

“You quit?” the actor asked.

The room was silent, everyone listening closely for the answer. It has to be yes, I thought --- he can’t take anymore.

“I asked you if you quit bitch?” Vic hissed, leaning close to his fallen opponent.

Through the moans and whimpers Dan snarled “Fuck you!” and unbelievably rose up, launching his whole body forward and ramming his shoulder into Vic’s chest. The room exploded with cheering, I couldn’t help myself and clapped along at this amazing display of determination from the smaller guy.

The hit was enough to knock Vic on his ass and Dan leapt on him. His fist flew as he delivered some gut punishment of his own. The actor bucked with his hips and the two went rolling across the ring. There was a messy exchange, with elbows and more punches, but with speed, Dan passed Vic’s legs, forced him over and mounted his chest. Vic reached up to pull Dan down but the reporter grasped the wrist and threw himself sideways. The bigger man’s arm was trapped and Dan thrust up with his hips forcefully. The armbar was almost perfect, Vic was in trouble. The strain on his elbow showed on his face as he cried out and twisted under the legs of his opponent. He managed to get one shoulder up and reach across his body to clasp his hand. Dan pressured with his legs trying to force him down but Vic was apparently as determined as Dan was. These Hollywood guys took this naked wrestling club thing pretty seriously. There was yelling from all sides, some urging Dan to break the arm, some screaming for Vic to fight it.

Dan lifted one leg and tucked the foot up against the bicep of the arm Vic was using to hold off the armbar. He kicked out but Vic kept a firm grasp on his tortured hand. With some of the downward pressure taken away from his torso he also managed to twist even further, then I saw his hips turn and he got his knees onto the canvas. “Shit,” I murmured. Mason had said Vic couldn’t wrestle for shit, but he was doing all the right things now to escape this submission. Slowly, he got his feet under him. Dan clung to the armbar desperately. It had to be nearing the twenty minute time limit and I imagined that if it came down to a vote, if they were both tied with one submission, most would give Dan the win. I sure would. However, Vic was on his feet now, pressuring down on Dan, folding him like a piece of paper. Slowly I saw him begin to pull his arm back. The coach in me wanted to scream out to Dan to switch off to a triangle, or let go of the arm and reach around for an ankle pick, but before I could Vic was free, and Dan paid the price for his stubbornness.

The smaller man tried to scramble back after he lost his armbar, but Vic dropped a knee onto his opponent’s thigh, then threw his weight behind it to keep him in place. Ignoring the fists that Dan was throwing to his sides, he continued to push until he was able to lock his arms around the waist. Then he leaned back and stood bringing Dan up with him in a powerful bearhug. He held him suspended off the ground, growling and shaking his man, his fists tight in the small of the back as he crushed the ribcage. Dan was fighting it, pushing on the chin and shoulders but, like watching him melt, slowly the fight went out of him and the movement stopped. It was hard to hear exactly what he said, but he mumbled something that could have been “I give” or “I quit” and Vic unceremoniously dropped him. As he crumpled to the canvas one of the older men across from us stood and yelled “TIME!”

Vic flopped to the canvas, spent, favoring one arm as well as one leg now. We all clapped for them but neither seemed to have the energy to acknowledge the applause. Mason left us and climbed into the ring. He moved to Vic bent down and asked him a question, the answer to which was the actor shaking his head no. Mason stood and raised his hands for silence.

“Gentleman, both fighters made it to the twenty minute mark without giving up so it’s up to us to vote. By a show of hands who gives this match to Vic?”

I glanced around the ring - all the hands went up, including Caleb’s. I hated to do it, I always favored the technical wrestlers over the brawlers, but undeniably Vic had won this. He’d gotten two submissions and had dominated the last half, not with any real wrestling in my opinion, however, this was a no holds barred match so he’d done what it took and I could appreciate that. I raised my hand as well, but in the back of my mind I was thinking about Dan, and how much fun he’d be to wrestle with. I wondered if his job ever brought him close to us.

“By unanimous decision… your winner Vic!” Mason said while performing the traditional hand raise. Vic got to his feet and acknowledged the cheering, then he limped over to Dan. He helped him get to his feet, then raised his arm as well. He was a bruiser and a bully, but apparently still a good sportsman. They hugged, then kissed. I raised my eyebrows, somewhat surprised. Although the frot earlier had been a pretty good indicator that this club’s wrestling was charged with eroticism, it hadn’t been explicitly mentioned. There was cheering and cat calls from the audience, the kissing progressed to making out, and both men began to stroke the other's cock.

“Take it outside you horny bitches!” Mason yelled, “we need the ring.”

There was some laughter, the two men broke apart and then both headed out of the ring. They did not return to their chairs, but, hand in hand, kept going right out the doors.

“Do I have another challenge?” Mason called. I was still watching the door, musing on the fact that these two men had been beating the crap out of each other only seconds before but were now going to fuck. I knew that feeling of course, discovering it as a teen while watching my Dad wrestle another man. Still the dichotomy always amused me.

“Am I allowed to challenge Sir?” It was Caleb’s voice and my attention shot back to him.

“Of course, son, you’re part of the club now.” Mason answered with his famous grin.

“Caleb.” Was all I got out before he said it.

“I would like to challenge Jay.”

“Caleb!” I repeated louder but he ignored me.

“Sure, I’m up for that.” I heard Jay say, but I didn’t look at him either

“Challenge issued and accepted. Caleb, Jay, the ring is yours boys.” Mason announced.

Caleb had started to undress, but I grabbed his arm and pulled him back to where our chairs were. “What are you doing?” I asked once he’d untangled himself from his shirt.

“Participating in the club,” he said innocently.

“Caleb, you know that I don’t have any feelings for Jay, right? I don’t love him. I love you.”

He looked down but I saw a slight hint of color bloom across his cheeks and the corners of his mouth turn up ever so slightly. He looked back at me. The odd expression from earlier was gone, it was just my sweet, kind, open and honest boyfriend again.

“Remember in Florida,” he said, “when you fought three guys just to get to me? You didn’t have to do that Charlie, you could have just told me and I would have gone with you. But I’m glad you did, it’s still one of the hottest things I’ve ever seen.”

It was my turn to look down and blush.

“I know you love me, and I love you. I’m not trying to prove anything. I just want to kick that cocky son of a bitch’s ass… he called me Calvin !? that okay with you?”

I answered his question by grabbing his shoulders and pulling him toward me. We locked lips and I kissed him as hard as I could. I felt him push into me, returning the passion and intensity equally. I hoped he always would and what we felt for each other would never weaken or fade. Apart from maybe Neil, nobody here knew my history, and wouldn’t understand the dynamics underlying this fight, so seeing us kissing, they probably thought I was jealous or maybe worried about my man. But they could think what they liked, I wasn’t worried and I was too deep in love with this guy to care what anyone thought. I broke away, then reached down and unbuttoned the fly of his shorts. I pulled them down, and tossed them aside. Caleb didn’t move, he let me continue to undress him, understanding the symbolism behind my actions. Slowly I removed his sneakers and socks, then finally I took hold of the waistband of his briefs, and stripped him of those as well. I grasped his beautiful cock and gave it a tug while we kissed again. Both hard now, I patted his ass and sent him off to the ring where Jay was waiting.

Mason was already standing along the apron. I joined him, keeping my eyes on Caleb as he moved through the middle rope.

“Oh my,” our host murmured, almost breathless with anticipation.

I had to agree with him. How many guys get to see their boyfriend fight their ex-boyfriend in a naked wrestling match?


Last edited on 2024-02-07 15:55 by canwrestle; 2 comment(s)
Stały odnośnik


Hollywood Naked Wrestling Club
A Charlie and Caleb Story

“Daddy watch this!” Will ordered as his face filled my computer screen till the whole thing was just his big brown eyes with the impossibly thick lashes.

“Monkey, you’re too close, move back so Daddy can see.” Melanie’s voice directed.

My heart did a little flutter. I hadn’t been gone that long but he was speaking so much clearer then he had been before I left - his words crisp and more grown up. Or maybe it was my guilt fueled imagination. He disappeared for a second, and then reappeared on the couch next to his mother. He turned away, put the top of his head on the cushion then kicked his legs up till he was doing a headstand against the back, his face a mask of concentration.

“Whoa buddy that’s amazing!” I told him. He smiled then plopped over to his side. “Good job, but only on the couch, right? And, no headstands on the floor, okay?” But before I finished the sentence he was gone again, distracted by some toy off camera. This was the way all our zoom calls had gone so I wasn’t surprised. He was getting better though, and this night I’d gotten a whole five minutes.

“You doing okay?” Mel asked.

“Yeah. Missing you guys though.”

“How’s Mr. Movie Star?” she asked with a smirk. I knew what she was asking. She wanted to know if he had made another pass at me.

“He’s good, a gentleman. Quite a good wrestler, too. He could have made a career of it if he hadn’t chosen to be an actor.”

“Well he can always fall back on it if this movie star thing doesn’t work out,” she joked.

“True. I’ll be sure to take his number so we can book him for the Polish Community Center.”

“Ugh, speaking of which. We have to cancel next month’s show. They had a flood in the basement, which fried the electrical and it’s going to take a couple months to repair it.”

“Damn,” I answered, “We really need to look at another venue.”

“Where?” she gave me the exasperated look I knew very well. We’d had this discussion before.

“That arena out on the highway, the one where the Battery Boys made their three man tag debut.”

“We can’t fill that Charlie, not unless the Battery Boys want to make a comeback. The Polish plumber and your collection of newbies isn’t a big enough draw.”

“Well if your Dad didn’t poach every guy who shows promise before we get a chance to cash in,” I grumbled.

She was right of course, she usually was, but I hadn’t told her about my plan yet. And it may not have included all the Battery’s, but the return of one of them might be enough. And with new lights, sound and a professional camera crew I felt like it was possible.

“Come say bye to Daddy.” Mel called to wherever Will was, and then looked back at the screen. “Lets talk about it when you get home okay, time for bed, bath and beyond; hopefully, short on the beyond tonight.”

Wills face reappeared. “When are you coming home Daddy?” he asked.

“Soon Monkey, only a couple more sleeps. I promise.” He pondered this information for a second, and once more my heart fluttered. He’d asked the same question almost every night, but still it never failed to hit me like a well-aimed kick. But a second later he turned and asked his mother if he could have a fluffy bath – his word for bubbles – and he was off like a shot without so much as a look back when she told him yes. Mel and my dad had been right of course, at two he was too busy and too egocentric to really feel my absence, but for a guy with abandonment issues like mine, diagnosed by Jake of course, that knowledge didn’t change how I felt. After some ‘goodbyes’, ‘I love you’s’ and ‘see you soon’s’, Mel logged off and my screen went blank. At the same time I heard the shower turn off and a few seconds later Caleb came out of the bathroom wrapped in a towel.

“Did I miss Mel and the Monkey?” he asked seeing me sitting on the bed with my laptop open.

“Yeah, she called when you were in the shower. He did a headstand for me.”

“No fear that kid,” he smiled, taking the towel from his waist and using it to rub his hair. He was gorgeous, and I wondered if I’d ever get tired of seeing his naked body. “Mmmm” I murmured, closing my computer and moving it to the night table. “Just like his Daddy.” Caleb let the towel drop and crawled onto the bed beside me, wrapping his arms around my waist, pulling me closer, and resting his damp head on my chest. I could feel his cock against my leg.

“So that was interesting today.” I said.

“Interesting?” he answered, “It was boring. I had no idea that’s how movies were made. All those ‘takes’… doing the same thing over and over---then all the waiting around till they were ready to do something else five thousand times. I could never be an actor.”

He wasn’t wrong. In addition to coaching Mason, and choreographing his one in ring wrestling scene, both Caleb and I had been given small parts as professional wrestlers in the movie. They were non-speaking roles but it meant an added paycheck. We’d spent twelve hours today in an empty sports arena filming a locker room scene that would amount to maybe four or five minutes of screen time. We were to be back again tomorrow morning at five for another twelve hours, then again the next day. But, it was the last of the wrestling stuff so it meant our part of the project was done and we’d be leaving on the weekend. I knew that making movies was tedious from my experience with Jay, but Caleb thought it was going to be more exciting. He’s been like a scalded cat all day, jittery and on edge.

“I didn’t mean the shoot,” I explained, “I’m talking about what Mason said---about the party. From the way he was talking I don’t think its drinks and hor’dourves with Meryl Streep and Robert Downey Jr.”

“Who?” he answered.

I gave him a playful cuff.

We lay together not talking, the day may have been boring but it was also exhausting. I could tell from his breathing, and how heavy his head was against my chest, that it wouldn’t be long before Caleb would be out cold. I should take a shower now before I need to disturb him, I thought, but didn’t move---I was enjoying his cuddles. I absently starting stroking his hair and he murmured his approval. I let my mind drift. I thought Mason had been acting funny.

He really was a good guy. I’d enjoyed the time we’d spent training. When Neil and I arrived he’d come out to meet us himself. By the size of his home, high up in hills of Beverly, I’d expected a butler to greet us. But, it was just him, in shorts and a t-shirt, the lopsided grin that was his signature, wide across his still quite handsome face. After introductions Neil left and Mason brought me to one of two guest houses at the back of the property. A smaller version of the main house set on top a small hill, overlooking an enormous pool, a third house, tennis courts and a driving range. After depositing my bags he’d excitedly walked me over to another structure, newly built over the driving range, inside of which was a full sized wrestling ring.

Our training had begun there the next day and it didn’t take long for me to determine that Mr. Mason Dean was a natural athlete. He’d wrestled in high school, knew the fundamentals already, and he threw himself into whatever new stuff I showed him with no fear and total commitment. Neil had also been correct about keeping him off the top rope. It was impossible and so I’d settled for a jumping drop kick, and a suplex off the top as the safest high risk maneuvers. I thought maybe I’d found someone else who loved wrestling as much as I, my dad and Caleb, but I figured out later that it wasn’t so much the wrestling he loved. It was just this was the new thing he’d decided to conquer. If the movie had been about an aging scientist he’d probably have found a cure for cancer by now. That drive was just part of his personality.

As to his sexuality, there had been the incident that I’d told Melanie about; however, I hadn’t told her that, for a brief moment, I’d considered taking him up on his offer. It was only our second or third day of training and we were taking a break sitting side by side in his newly built ring. At first I’d thought he’d attempted to put his hand on my leg but over shot and got my dick instead, however, there was no embarrassed 'sorry' or quick retreat. I’d looked at his face and could tell by the smile, not his famous crooked grin, that he was serious and this was him hitting on me. I’d grown up watching Mason Dean movies and here was my opportunity to live out the fantasy of probably millions of other gay guys who’d done the same thing. Nor would it have been cheating. Caleb and I had already had that talk and we’d both agreed that what we wanted was a relationship like Dad and Jake’s, open, but built on mutual respect and honesty. If, when Caleb had returned from the road, I told him I’d fooled around with Mason Dean he would have been fine with it. It would only be a problem if I tried to keep it a secret.

We sat there, Mason’s hand on my crotch. It was only a few seconds but it felt longer. He was shirtless, and although now in his late fifties, his body was impeccable and a tantalizing bead of sweat ran down the crease where his pec muscles met. Caleb’s chest was fuller, that crease deeper… and I realized that Mason was a fantasy, Caleb was my reality. He was all I needed, or wanted. And, even if it was technically ‘okay’, I never wanted to do anything that could possibly hurt him. Apart from playing together, like we had done with Neil, I had not fooled around with anyone else, and as far as I knew neither had he. Maybe later, I decided, maybe if Caleb wants to as well, but for now I wasn’t interested.

I had shuffled my leg, crossing it over the other and he was forced to pull his hand back. I’d told him pointedly that my boyfriend Caleb would be joining us for the training sessions after he’d finished a road trip up north. I saw Mason’s face register the message I was sending. I wasn’t upset---in my mind you couldn’t blame a guy for trying. Thankfully, he didn’t take my rejection badly either. We got back to work and from that moment on he’d been all business. Even when Caleb joined us a few weeks later nothing happened. By then we were all so busy preparing for the movie that an opportunity for the three of us to fool around had not presented itself.

However today, during a lunch break, when he’d come over and joined Caleb and me for a few minutes – the length of time he ever allowed himself to rest--- his smile and his attitude had reminded me of the crotch grabbing incident. As a thank you for our work on the film he had a surprise for us, he’d said, the words dripping with innuendo, something that he knew we’d enjoy. Apparently Caleb hadn’t noticed anything odd, but then he was notorious for taking things at face value, it was one of the things I loved most about him.

An annoying beep woke me and after a moment of confusion I recognized the sound as my cell phone alarm. Although Caleb must have turned over at some point, we had both fallen into a dead sleep exactly as we had been the night before. His ass was now nestled into the crook of my stomach, but he was still completely naked and I was still fully dressed.
“Caleb” I called gently tugging on his shoulder, “it’s morning, the car is going to be here in twenty minutes.”

He murmured and growled, so I left the bed but let the alarm keep beeping. It would force him to move. I got into the shower and when I came out, he was up and dressed, his hair messy and a disgruntled look on his sweet face.

“I hate this.” He grunted.

If the day before had been long and boring, this second one was worse. I thought at one point Caleb might actually quit when the director made him walk down a corridor twenty seven times. The shot was from behind, focused on Mason walking toward the camera, which was a good thing because the look on Caleb’s face was pure and utter exasperation and annoyance. Finally, he’d achieved the look of “Kaleb” the psychotic drifter character I’d tried to make him play when he first started his career. But in his present mood I didn’t think he would have found that fact amusing, so I didn’t point it out.

When we finally finished for the day, after supper, a short zoom call and showers, we crawled right into bed. With a decent night’s sleep behind us, the third day of filming was actually pretty fun. Caleb and I were done being actors early, and the rest of the day was spent filming Masons wrestling match. The director, a young guy, handpicked by Mason, and deferential to the star on pretty much everything, asked me to sit with him during the shooting. He consulted me on every camera angle, when to go wide and when to get in close, and then checked after every take if I thought we needed to do it again. Mason, and the famous pro wrestler turned actor who’d been cast as his opponent, performed the match I’d choreographed ten or fifteen times. I was impressed with their stamina and it all went off brilliantly. After we’d wrapped Mason, dragged me into the ring and introduced me as his trainer and the guy who’d put the match together. The genuine applause and cheering from the hundred or so extras filling the arena seats felt good. Standing in the ring also felt right, and the excitement of putting my plan into action when I returned home the following day built just a little more.

Mason took me aside just as Caleb and I were getting into the car that would take us back to his place. He wasn’t coming home yet; he had at least eight hours more work before he would allow himself to be done for the day.

“Probably going to be late tonight, remember the party is at six tomorrow, pool side.” The sly smirk was on his face again.

“Honestly, Mason parties are not really mine or Caleb’s thing. I appreciate the idea but…”

“I insist,” he cut me off, “it’s in your honor and I promise you’re going to enjoy yourselves thoroughly.”

“But I don’t really have the clothes for a Hollywood party.” I protested weakly, wilting under his intense glare.

“It’s not that kind of party,” he winked.

He did not wait for an answer, with a hearty slap on the back and a flash of the crooked grin he was off.

“I couldn’t get us out of it,” I told Caleb when I joined him in the back seat.

He sighed and patted my leg, “It’s cool, we put in an appearance, and then we sneak away---and first thing in the morning we’re on a flight back home and we can both hug the monkey till he can’t breathe.”

We spent a quiet night, packing and getting ready to leave, and the next morning Mason put a car and driver at our disposal so we could head into LA. We hadn’t really done anything touristy while we’d been out here, so we packed as much as we could into the day. Sunset Boulevard, Grauman’s Chinese Theatre, the Hollywood sign and shopping for Will at the Beverly Center. Caleb talked me out of an oversized King Kong plushie that would have requited its own seat on the plane, so I settled for a sweatshirt that said “Future Star”, a reasonable sized King Kong and a blue tooth microphone that Melanie would murder me for.

We got back to the mansion just before supper, had a quick nap, showered then dressed to go to the party. Mason had said it was casual, so we took him at his word, shorts and tank tops. The only concession to being fancy we attempted was I shaved, and Caleb put gel in his hair. We waited a while, assuming that nobody showed up to Hollywood parties early, then headed down the hill to the pool.

The sun had set when we came around the large hedge row that separated the patio from the guest house, but Mason had torches and lamps set out, and it took my eyes a second to adjust to the brighter light. The first thing I noticed was that the guest list was small, their seemed to be only a few people standing in groups talking; the second thing I noted was that we were not underdressed. Everyone was similarly attired in swim wear, some without shirts even. The third thing I realized was that all of them were men. I had just enough time to give Caleb a quizzical look before Neil’s loud bass boomed out.

“There’s my boys!” he called, moving toward us with a drink in hand. He was one of the shirtless people and I once more got to appreciate his massive pec muscles and perfect dark nipples. “I saw some of the rushes from yesterday, its brilliant. I knew I was hiring the right man for the job! We just might have a hit on our hands.”

I smiled and blushed at his compliment, happy that he was pleased with my work. “Well I gotta thank you for giving me the chance. It means a lot.”

“And Caleb, the camera loves your face, you should let me hook you up with an agent, get you some film work back east.”

“Ah well thank you sir, I appreciate that but I don’t think it’s for me.”

Neil wasn’t going to take no so quickly though, and he began to tell Caleb what having an agent could do for his career. I took the opportunity to look past his big round shoulders at the other guests. I saw Mason, deep in conversation with a man that I recognized from something---probably another actor, just not as famous. Then, just to the right I saw a well-known reporter. He was also shirtless and I was impressed at how built he was; he certainly didn’t look that buffed when he was covering the White House. The two men standing with him I did not know; they were older, probably Neil’s age, but also still really hot like him. Further down were the last two guests. The young director of our film and someone I knew extremely well. My chest tightened and my pulse revved like someone had stepped on my gas pedal.

He was Hollywood’s star of the moment. His face plastered on billboards and his presence on every late night talk show ubiquitous. He was also my ex-boyfriend.

Last edited on 2024-02-07 15:57 by canwrestle; 5 comment(s)
Stały odnośnik

Hollywood Naked Wrestling Club
A Charlie and Caleb Story

I caught the look on Caleb’s face as Neil led us out onto the balcony of his incredible Malibu beach house. I’d been here before, but to Caleb it was new, and the lavishness of the place was overwhelming to my sweet, unassuming boyfriend. Although he was doing his best to hide it, the look on his face was priceless and I fought back a smile at how big his eyes were. They didn’t have places like this, or people like Neil, back on the farm.

“How was the flight?” Neil asked as we took places at the table already set out with an array of dishes.

“Amazing, first class is another world. The only problem is I can never go back to coach now that I’ve seen how the other half lives."

Neil picked up a wine bottle and gestured to my glass, “You wouldn’t happen to have a beer instead?” I answered his unspoken question.

“Of course, Caleb, for you as well?”

Caleb nodded and Neil set the wine down and moved through the glass doors back into the house.

“This is incredible.” Caleb whispered, once he was out of earshot. “I thought first class tickets and having a limo pick us up from the airport was fancy, but I had no idea he’d be bringing us to a place like this. He’s a friend of your Dads?”

“Yeah, from back in the day, he was like Dad’s wrestling mentor when he first came out. They stayed friends, he was at Jake and Dad’s wedding.”

“And he makes movies?”

“Well he is an agent and a producer; he kind of puts movies together.

“Sorry,” Neil returned deftly carrying three bottles of Corona complete with limes. “I should have remembered you were a beer drinker Charlie.” He set them in front of us then took his seat. “Cheers!” he called raising his bottle and the three of us clinked the necks together. “So how’s the old man?” he asked after a healthy swallow.

“Good, he sends his best.”

“Still wrestling, I hope, not turning into a mature married man.”

“He couldn’t if he tried.” I smiled. “And Jake wouldn’t let him.”

“And what about you? A proud Papa too.”

“Yeah, two years now. Will is quite the challenge but I love him.”

“He’s the spitting image of Dave and Charlie,” Caleb interjected, “and has inherited the wrestling gene. His latest trick is to launch himself like he’s doing a cross body block at whoever is passing close. You have to be ready to catch him at the drop of a hat.”

I took a drink and caught Caleb giving me a sympathetic look. Leaving Will for a couple months was difficult and accepting this job had been an on again, off again proposition right up to when we boarded the flight out here. But Dad and Mel had told me that now was the right time to go. My busy two year old son would barely notice my absence. It would be harder when he was older. I believed them, but still my guilt at not seeing him every day was sometimes overwhelming. I wouldn’t have considered it had Caleb not agreed to come with me, and the job Neil offered had not been so lucrative.

“Sounds about right,” Neil laughed. “So you guys are okay to stay here tonight, I’ll drive you over to Mason’s place tomorrow morning.”

“Just me,” I answered, putting thoughts of Will aside. “Caleb has a show in Sacramento tomorrow night so he has to get back to the airport.”

“Oh right, yeah. You mentioned something about that.” Neil said looking at Caleb, “I’ll have a car take you back to LAX in the morning.”

“Thank you sir, much appreciated.” Caleb nodded, his boy next door looks and good old boy charm clearly working on our host already. I could see a twinkle in Neil’s eye and a pleased smirk on his generous mouth. Too bad we were not here for long, we could have had another oil wrestling night on the beach. Especially since Neil was single again. A picture of him, his dark skin and thick muscles glistening in the torch light, appeared in my head, and I felt a stirring in my crotch.

“And you’re sure you’re okay staying in his guest house? You wouldn’t prefer the studio get you a hotel?”

“Nah, its good. It will make the training easier if I’m onsite. So what’s he like?” I asked.

“Pretty much like what you see in interviews… intense, driven, but generally a good guy.”

“And are the rumors true?”

“Did I mention litigious?” The smile dropped from Neil’s face and I understood entirely what I was being told. Don’t ask, don’t tell, and discretion was a requirement. “He’s worked really hard to get where he is, and you gotta remember he came up in a different time. Right or wrong he feels he has a reputation to maintain, so I leave that to him and his conscious,” he finished giving me a no nonsense look. I understood better why he was one of Hollywood’s top agents. Sitting opposite him in a negotiation would be incredibly intimidating. It was cool, I was here to do a job and the whole situation put me in mind of Jay, so I had no problem putting the gossip out of my head. Caleb looked at me questioning, of course he had no idea what we were talking about. When the job offer came I’d had to explain who Mason Dean was. He’d never seen one of his movies let alone heard the rumors that one of Hollywoods biggest stars was a closet case.

“Really though, I think you two will get along fine. Did you read the script?”

I nodded, saved from having to give my opinion of it by a mouthful of kale and avocado salad. I’d finally gotten through the script on the plane and I thought it was pretty awful. The story was of a guy who runs afoul of a crime syndicate and has to enter an underground illegal fight club. It was a typical action / revenge story that we’d seen done better a thousand times before. The only interesting part was the lead character, an aging professional wrestler, ready for retirement, but pulled into one big climactic final match. That was why I was here. For the next month I was supposed to teach Mason Dean how to look like a pro.

“It’s a piece of shit,” Neil continued, “But if anyone can pull it off its Mason. And with you making him look as authentic as possible maybe we can make something of it.”

“I’ll do my best.”

“I’ve been asked by the insurance company to talk to you about keeping things as sane as possible, no bodyslams through a table okay. Mason’s reputation for doing his own stunts is absolutely true and I doubt even you will be able to keep him off the top rope. But try to keep him on the ground as much as you can. I’ve seen you wrestle Charlie, and your technical knowledge will appeal to Mason so focus on that. It’s one of the main reasons I offered you the job. ”

I nodded once more, pushed aside the salad and cut into the steak while Neil turned his attention to Caleb and began asking him about the shows he was doing while we were out here. It was an excellent cut of beef, marinated in some kind of tangy sauce and very tender. Living with someone who was as good in the kitchen as Caleb my taste buds had experienced an awakening and my palette had become quite discerning. This protein was as good as anything Caleb had created, but he certainly could have done something better with the salad… maybe something sweet to combat the sour kale and sharp avocado. Melanie liked to tease me about becoming a bougie bitch, before Caleb I was a pizza and burgers guy. Another pang of guilt passed over me. I wondered what Will was doing… probably fighting his mom about going to bed and demanding she read “The Gruffalo” one more time. Dam this is going to be long couple months, I contemplated. It was okay though, it was necessary and I was doing the right thing. I had a plan. I hadn’t spoken to anyone about it, not even Caleb or my dad, but I’d been mulling it over for a while now. It had been just a dream but when Neil called about this job I saw a way to make my dream a reality.

I wanted to buy the warehouse and the Elite promotion from Max. For all intents and purposes it was mine already, mine and Melanie’s at least. We ran the shows and I used the facility to train like I had since retiring from the ring, and Max left us pretty much alone to do it, however technically he was the owner and I wanted to change that. I guessed that becoming a father had prompted this desire, but for whatever reason I wanted it to be mine officially. I was sure he would gladly have sold it to me, as the father of his grandson and his friend, he’d probably have given it to me if I’d asked, but I wanted to pay him what it was worth. Additionally I wanted enough money to refurbish the place, turn it into a state of the art gym facility. Top level equipment for my non wrestler clients and at the very least a new ring for my wrestlers. I envisioned a school, like Larry’s place, only with hot water in the showers. As for Elite I wanted to kick it up a notch as well. Take it from the Polish community center to bigger venues, record the shows professionally and post them. I also wanted to open it up, hire more diverse wrestlers, and present high level matches with a focus on technical wrestling. This job, and the ridiculous amount of money I was getting paid to do it, would make all that possible. So for the next couple of months I’d grit my teeth and power through, missing my quirky little family back on the east coast, but knowing I was building a future for myself and a legacy for my son.

I finished the steak and set my knife and fork down, but before I could grab my beer Caleb reached across the table and took my hand. He gave it a squeeze and I looked up to see him smile at me reassuringly. I wasn’t usually so quiet and he’d read it correctly as once again doubting my decision to come out here. I gave his big palm a squeeze back and smiled to show him I was alright. I thought about how when we’d first met I’d written him off as young, naïve and just a one night stand, I couldn’t believe how stupid I’d been. After Will, he was absolutely the best thing that had ever happened to me. I thanked my lucky stars he’d persevered and I hadn’t completely lost my chance with him at the Rainbow Wrestling show.

“How about a tour?” Neil asked. “Charlie you’ve seen the place but Caleb are you interested?” Of course he was, and after finishing our beers the three of us set off with Neil leading the way.

Apart from a separate office, the walls covered in photos of Neil and his famous clients, an Oscar and a Golden Globe in a lighted trophy case, the main floor was pretty much one big room so we moved upstairs, depositing our bags in the bedroom that had been Jake and Dad’s when I’d vacation here ten years ago. We finished up the tour on the beach level, in the stunningly equipped home gym that clearly Neil still made good use of.

“And this is my own version of the dungeon,” he said, touching one of the mirrored panels opening a concealed door, “Isn’t that what you called the basement at your dads place?”

“Yeah, that’s right… It’s where I spent years having my ass handed to me.” I laughed.

He gestured us through to a good sized room covered wall to wall with a mat. Both Caleb and I automatically kicked our shoes off at the door and went inside.

“Wow, amazing!” Caleb sighed. I had to agree. I had not been in this room before, but I’d heard about the intense real competitive submission battle Neil and my dad had fought in here the day after the oil wrestling night. I once again pictured them, this time in singlets and my cock swelled beneath my jeans. My dad would never tell me who had won though. Neil followed us in and stood against the wall with his arm crossed, smiling at the delight on our faces. Caleb walked in a circle around the mat then turned to face me. He smirked, then raised his eyebrows questioning. In response I bent low in a ready stance, one leg in front, and tensed my muscles ready for the lock up I knew was about to come.

Like a large blond puppy he launched himself forward and the grip fight began. Wrestling with each other was never something we didn’t take seriously. There was no malice behind it, but every time we tussled it was with the full intention of winning. This was a completely happy place for us, and no one I’d met seemed to love it as much he and I did, except for maybe my dad.

He shot in on a leg and I sprawled back, taking a step to the side and catching an underhook. He countered by giving up on the leg and turning into me. This was what I wanted and I quickly moved to a headlock, twisted my hips into his crotch, bumped up and tossed him onto his back. He was prepared though, held onto my shoulders, bringing me down with him using the momentum to flip me over.

“Hell YES!” I heard Neil holler as I struggled to keep Caleb from locking in some kind of submission. He was pressing down on my chest, trying to get his legs across my belly, so I shrimped to the side away from his attack. I got my knees under me and twisted to face him. I slammed my chest into his and powered him over, I held him for only seconds though before he repeated the same maneuver and my advantage was lost. This intense back and forth lasted for minutes and the sweat started to flow.

We ended up on our knees opposite one another, a grin on both our faces. We grip fought some more until, with speed and a little luck, I managed to pass his arms and lock in a front choke. He responded by sitting back on his ass, opening his legs and then closing his big muscled thighs around my waist. I groaned at the instant pressure on my ribs so I tightened my lock on his neck, flexing my bicep and twisting my shoulder into his chin. With the duel submissions in tight we fell to the side.

“Ah you fucker, give it up!” I gasped, feeling like my internal organs were being rearranged. He mumbled a response, I’m sure telling me to do the same thing, but I couldn’t make out the words with my arms crushing his face. Whatever the case, the stalemate went on as we cranked on our respective submissions and got even sweater.

I felt my arm strength burning out. I wasn’t going to win this way so I pulled back on the choke slightly and felt him capitalize by moving his chin down, blocking me from getting it locked in again. I let go completely and postured up, moving my hands down his torso. I tucked one elbow into his thigh and gained some reprieve from the body scissor, but instead of working to open his legs completely, as the other hand passed his hips, I let it slip into the waistband of his jeans. My fingertips felt the elastic of his briefs, and I wiggled under that as well, finally reaching my intended destination, his fat cock. I grasped it and heard the sweet moan I’d hoped to illicit. Instantly the pressure around my ribs decreased and with just a slight tug and a twist, his legs fell open completely. He crunched up and grabbed for my wrist but I didn’t fight him. I let go of his dick, pulled my hand out of his pants, then backed away.

“CHEAT!” he grumbled.

“I don’t know… Neil, what do you say? This is your place, so your rules apply. Was that an illegal move?”

“No sir,” Neil laughed, “In my dungeon that’s standard procedure.”

We were back on our feet and after Neil’s pronouncement Caleb flashed me another grin, this time charged with something more sexual.

“Alright then,” he grabbed the collar of his t-shirt and pulled it over his head. “I can play by those rules.”

His beautiful muscled upper body never failed to make me weak in the knees. In two years he’d also gained in size. His chest in particular was thick, with a deep crease down the center and perfect round nipples that were deliciously sensitive. He did not process a six pack anymore, he ate to well for that, and his stomach was slightly rounded now, but it was solid, with a gorgeous little treasure tail of blond hair running from his belly button down into the pants he was currently shucking off. I shook my head to clear the haze of desire that was clouding my judgement. I would get to experience all the joys of the man I loved eventually, but right now we had some wrestling to do. I followed his lead and began to undress as well.

“Now this is what I’m talking about,” Neil hollered, “Been too long since this room has seen this kind of action.

In just briefs we circled each other warily; no longer did Caleb have a bad habit of rushing in. I could see the wheels turning behind his eyes as he worked out his plan of attack. Eventually the need to get our hands on each other overwhelmed us and we moved in once more. I shot in first this time, and he neatly side stepped the attack, his big palm coming down on the top of my head. He pushed me to the side as he ducked under my arm and came behind me. His hands clasped around my waist and I squatted low, pushing on his forearms to break his grip and prepare to fight off a suplex. Instead of the takedown though he stood taller, pulled his fists into my gut and lifted my feet a couple inches off the mat. All the air was forced out of my lungs and once more my insides were being crushed. The belly to back bearhug was a move he was using with more frequency these days and I blamed my dad. It was one of his favorites and he’d probably been showing Caleb how to make it excruciating. He shook me around a bit and I moaned, the sound seemingly spurring him on to flex his thick arms and squeeze me tighter. At the same time I felt the hard lump of his cock press into my ass as he added a grind to the bearhug. Instinctively I pushed back with my hips into his crotch, the submission was pain but the frottage was exhilarating.

The assault continued, but eventually I felt my feet touch the mat again. He was strong but he couldn’t hold me up forever, especially not with the blood now rushing to our cocks as we each got harder. The suplex came, he sat back pulling me with him, twisting to the side and my body hit the mat. He scrambled to get a mount but I blocked his pass and gained control of a wrist that he left unguarded. We turned and rolled. I got behind him and brought the wrist up sharply to his shoulder blades. He wailed and tried to break my grip but I held on and climbed his back. Now it was my crotch nestled in the two perfect mounds of his ass and me grinding into him. I also buried my face in his neck, drinking in the beautiful smell of him, warm and earthy, like being outdoors after a spring rain, and I tasted the salt of his clean sweat on my lips. I reached around and added a choke to my hammerlock, not tight, but enough to control him, then I hooked my feet around his knees and rolled him over on top of me. With his crotch exposed I brought my legs around his waist and planted my heels on either side of his bulge. I used them to massage his cock and was rewarded with more moans and gasps of pleasure.

After a while I heard a whimper that wasn’t coming from Caleb. Turning my head I caught sight of Neil watching us hungrily. He was crouched down on his haunches with one hand tucked into the athletic shorts he was wearing, the front of which displayed a bulge that rivaled mine and Caleb’s. He was so hot, in his sixties now, but still incredibly sexy, and, remembering his massive dick from the night of the oil wrestling, I decided I wanted to see it again… maybe more.

Caleb must have sensed my distraction, and the loosening of my hold, because I was brought sharply back to the match when I lost the grip on his wrist, and he twisted around inside the loose choke so we were belly to belly. Instead of cock to ass, it was not crotch to crotch and the grinding continued. I held onto his head but he snaked his own arm around my neck getting a choke of his own.

We could have kept this up for hours without either of us forcing a submission from the other, we'd done just that many times. But having a clear winner didn't always matter to us. It was the struggle that counted. The desire and the love of matching against each other. I would happily have continued on liked we were, trading control until we both came in a great gush, but this seemed like an opportunity to switch things up.

“Look at Neil,” I whispered into Caleb’s ear. He turned his head.

“Ahhh fuck,” he moaned, just as enamored by the sight of him as I was.


“Hell yeah,” he grinned.

I lifted the back of my head off the mat and locked my lips onto his. I pushed my tongue forward and he matched my aggressive kiss passionately. Once more I thanked my lucky stars I’d found him, or he’d found me.

In seconds we were up and advancing on Neil. The look on his face moving from confusion, to panic, then to absolute delight was priceless. He stood and put his hands out as we got closer.

“Ah now boys, you don’t wanna do this,” he smirked, the arrow in his loose shorts pointing directly at us.

“Come on old man, let’s see what the guy who taught the guy who taught me can do,” I teased.

Quicker than I expected someone his age to move, he lunged forward and we engaged chest to chest. While I struggled with his front Caleb moved in on his back. He got an arm around his neck and pulled him over while he hollered about us being afraid to take him on one on one. Locked up tight he was helpless as I pulled his shorts off, he was commando underneath and the magnificent cock appeared stiff and leaking, sending a shiver of anticipation through my body.

He wasn’t going to give it up easy though and he twisted, fighting hard to escape Caleb’s headlock. The two of them rolled away locked in battle and I took a second to remove my briefs letting my own hard dick free of its fabric cage. I dove into the fray and the struggle became a ménage of twisting and coiled bodies. Caleb was tugging on Neil’s shirt trying to remove it as I fought to control his powerful legs. I heard a rip and hoped it wasn’t a designer shirt, as the material shredded. Caleb went over backwards holding part of it, leaving Neil now free to crunch up and engage with me fully. He was so strong, certainly as much as either Caleb or myself, and I thought again about him and my dad wrestling and wondered how hard my dad had worked to get a submission from him. If he did, they so could I, I reasoned, and the little motivation was enough to check his attack and put him back on the mat. Quickly I moved into a mount position, high on his chest so my dick was in his face. He bucked and kicked but I rode it out and kept him pinned. Caleb moved around behind me, he’d taken his briefs off as well and was equally as aroused. He sat on Neil’s stomach, positioning his ass over top of the big brown cock and began to grind on top of it.

“Ah shit.” Neil moaned, his breath coming in short pants. I took my dick and gave it a few pumps then used it like a bat and smacked his bearded face with it.

“You bastard,” he cooed.

“Looks like your pinned old man,” I teased, then I flexed my biceps and growled. While his grinding continued Caleb brought his hands up and ran them along my arms, massaging the mound of muscle before moving them to my chest and cupping my pecs. His face dropped into my neck which he began to kiss and lick furiously. I pumped my cock some more.

"I'm going to cum on your face," I hissed.

“Fuck no” Neil moaned and twisted. A powerful bump of his hips sent Caleb and I sprawling. The wrestling began again.

He scrambled up and caught Caleb in a headlock, I dove in and locked up his waist, but got caught in a body scissor. The three of us struggled and rolled across the damp mat, slithering around on top of each other like a nest of baby snakes. He was doing well, but he couldn’t control us both and eventually Caleb got his head lose and I slid though his powerful legs. I held his ankles and got to my feet, Caleb got his arms and together we flipped him to his stomach. Once there I adjusted my grips and put him in a Boston crab, his feet tucked nice and secure into my armpits. Caleb moved to sit on his upper back, facing away from me, locked his fingers under Neil’s chin and pulled. Neil was now bent into a U and in some serious trouble.

“Submit!” I hollered.

“Fuck you bastards,” he mumbled.

Caleb and I upped the pressure, leaning closer until our backs were touching and the howls of outrage and pain from Neil increased.

“Alright I give, I give!” he finally screamed.

With a victory whoop we let go and Neil collapsed, Caleb stood and I turned toward him.

Our dicks met first, smacking against each other and poking into our stomachs as we moved in and began making out once more. Below us I saw Neil twist to his back so he could watch, his impressive cock still at full post. Caleb broke away from our making out and stepped over Neil. He got down on his knees, grabbed our host by the ears, and moved him to sitting. He coiled one leg behind Neil’s knee then reached around his back, and locked his hand around the thigh of the other leg. He pulled, splitting the big man apart. I got down in front of him. His dark brown shaft, wet and pointing up toward the ceiling, was ready and lay before me like tonight’s dinner had been earlier.

I started with his balls, taking each one into my mouth, sucking and running my tongue around it before moving to the next.

“Oh fuck,” he whimpered, unable to move locked in Caleb’s tight spladle.

I moved to his cock, starting at the tip, licking around the mushroom head then running my tongue down the prominent vein to the base. I moved back to the top and closed my lips around it, relaxed my throat, then moved down till once more my nose was buried in his thick patch of wiry pubic hair. From the sound of his panting and moaning, Neil was about to blow so I kept it up, sucking and tonguing his cock, enjoying every squeal of pleasure and gasp my oral was giving him.

I was correct; it wasn’t long before I felt the explosion. My mouth was filled with his cum. I pulled off, swallowed, then used my hand to milk the last drops out of him. His body was racked by convulsions and when I felt I’d drained every last ounce from his delicious balls, I let go.

Released from the spladle Neil collapsed completely. I moved past his legs and once more sat on his chest. Caleb positioned himself with his knees on either side of Neil’s head so we were facing each other. We went to work jacking ourselves. Leaning forward, Caleb’s balls were resting on Neil’s forehead and mine were on his chin, we began to kiss and make out while we pumped. I bent low and sucked on Caleb’s nipples, while he nibbled my neck and earlobes, areas we knew were highly erogenous for the other. We both ejaculated, as I’d threatened covering Neil’s face with our loads. But he didn’t seem to mind, the “ah fuck yes”, and the moan of delight at the cum facial, telling us this was exactly what he wanted.

Spent, we lay back on either side of him, our heads each on a furry pec.

“Damn boys, that was a good time. But if I had a partner you’d be in trouble. Maybe I should get your dad out here,” he sighed.
I smiled, I didn’t doubt that it would have been a very close match if not for our two on one advantage. I pictured Neil and my dad facing off against Caleb and I. My cock sprang back to life, that would be a good time, I thought to myself.


Last edited on 2024-02-07 15:58 by canwrestle; 8 comment(s)
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Wonderfully Made


If anyone was reading my blog during the lockdowns, (feels like a lifetime ago), You might recognize the basic story. After a couple years of rewrites, proofing, polishing and a title change it is finally out. Its a very personal story, based on a few childhood events from my own life that I have used as inspiration. It has lots of wrestling in it, however maybe not as much as my other novels. If you read it I hope you will appreciate the story and the characters as much as the headlocks and scissor holds.

"When thirteen year old Freddy saw the speedo in the department store he had to have it. It looked just like the trunks the professional wrestlers he so admired wore. However, he had no idea that it would turn his time at John Wesley Bible Camp from bad to intolerable, and it was just one more thing that made him feel like an alien in the very Christian environment he’d been raised in. When he meets Sean things change. The charismatic and incredibly handsome camp counselor teaches Freddy that he can be and do anything he wants, that bruises fade but knowing you’re not afraid will last forever.
Years later, when the two young men find each other again, it’s Freddy who returns the favor. When the struggle between having faith and being queer becomes a wrestling match with lethal consequences. This very personal coming of age story is about finding yourself in a time when acceptance was the exception."

Last edited on 2024-02-07 15:59 by canwrestle; 9 comment(s)
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