The Art of Scissoring: Part 1

Only read more if you have some kind of interest in scissoring!! Some guys here said they would enjoy a blog on this topic….so I felt I had to oblige. In the same way as I have to oblige opponents who like to be scissored, as well as trapping and forcing my scissors onto opponents who don’t want to tortured by my legs, heh heh! Scissor holds have long been one of my principal effective weapons on the mats. And oh boy…do I enjoy using the very many varieties of scissor holds which are possible. Where shall I start….it’s actually quite difficult to decide.
Even whilst I was a schoolboy I found the pleasures of wrapping my legs around another lad…however and wherever I could get him. My ankles seemed to know instinctively how to entwine themselves together so that I could really crank on the hold and pour whatever power I could muster into crushing my prey. It served me well many times on the school playing fields and I have never looked back!
Since then I have spent many hours developing my legs so that they are big enough and strong enough to serve my evil purposes. That means thousands of slow heavy squats, leg presses, hack squats, lunges etc etc. I love having powerful legs which are heavy and ripple when I tighten them. Some opponents have complained that they turn too hard when I flex them. They are hairy, hungry monsters. And the only food they crave is a good neck or torso. I am embarrassed to say that some years ago I accidentally cracked the ribs of more than one opponent. I am very careful now…it’s not fun to have cracked ribs (…yes, I do know!) nor is it a matter of any pride for me to be the cause of them. First duty on the mat, ‘don’t injure your opponent’! He is doing this for fun and you may want to meet him again! It was actually one particular move that caused the problem (a roll-up pin with body scissor) which I no longer use.

There are so many satisfying variations on how to scissor an opponent that I will only manage to get through a few of the more common ones here. I often find that at some stage in a match I have managed to get on top of my opponent, straddling him with my legs and probably trying to secure a good neck crank or any type of arm/wrist lock. BUT the purpose of my neck crank or arm/wrist lock is usually to immobilise the upper part of my opponent’s body and make him try to defend using his hands and arms to reduce the pressure on his neck or try to break the hold. But really this is just a distraction….for once I wrap my arms around his neck (with us chest to chest) my aim then is to rock my victim from side to side so that I can gradually work my legs around his torso. A bit like the death roll of the crocodile, I can roll my man to get him tighter and deeper into my scissor. Seems a reasonable comparison to me!
Once the scissor is basically on, my aim is to usually to pull the guy in as deep as possible so that he is caught really high up in my thighs which is where my legs are very thick and I can exert maximum pressure on him. The victim usually starts to struggle as soon as he is caught, but often that just helps me to remove any looseness in the hold. I drag him into it as much as possible. I want to feel either his abs being pressed tight against the hardening muscle of my inner thighs…or maybe (much worse for him) I have it on him a bit higher up trapping his lower ribcage inside my crushers. Of course I entwine my ankles very strongly wrapping one foot around the ankle and side of the foot of the opposite leg. I grind them together as tight as possible. (All those calf raises have helped develop that ridge of muscle which runs along the front of the lower leg and which really helps me to clamp my feet together very firmly when using a powerful scissor.) I straighten the uppermost leg…watching my own muscles bulk in ridges and seeing the muscles around the knee round and stand out. At this stage my opponent often looks surprised and says something like ‘Oh fuck!’ as he experiences just how hard my legs become when flexing. I love it when his hands fly to my legs and stroke up and down them a bit before starting to try and push them down and away. Very rapidly the gradually increasing pressure from those hairy beasts will result in my opponent starting to find breathing more difficult and there will be some grunting – especially as any time he breathes out I take up the slack which the out-breath creates and tighten the hold on further. Sometimes I like to pulse the pressure which can be very satisfying when it causes a groan each time with every pulse. About two seconds on and then two seconds less pressure seems to work well…though making the pulsing irregular is even better. As his head goes back and he starts to arch and writhe in my deadly embrace I’ll talk to him.
As many of you know already the warm sensation of having another man trapped between your legs who is trying to resist by bracing his core muscles is very hot.
‘You feel that now boy? I haven’t even started yet….this is nothing. You wanna feel more? This is only five out of ten…let’s go up to six shall we?’.
I then turn up the pressure very considerably to make him think that there is far more power in reserve. I play with his mind as well as with his body.
‘I am going to keep you trapped like this for twenty minutes and make you learn what a real wrestler feels like! Take it boy…take it!’
Again I increase the pressure.
I can tell how close he might be to submitting from the colour of his face, the look in his eyes and especially how high his voice starts to siren when he groans. If I think he might submit too quickly I’ll back off the pressure a bit so that I can build it again. If the scissor is directly over his mid abs area and he is a strong fit guy it may take quite a little while before he is forced to concede a submission and during that time he will be pounding at my legs heavily encasing him. But I have no mercy. I will get a submission…..every time! If the scissor is more around his ribs I am more cautious, but increasing the pressure very slowly will bring about a sure submission. Some strong lighter athletic guys up to around 75kg can withstand considerable pressure on the abs and back, but a higher scissor around their ribs is far more effective on that kind of rib cage and if they are sensible they will tap out early to avoid the pain of bruised ribs in the next few days.
One very important point….if scissoring a man around his ribs I ALWAYS release the pressure slowly after he submits as the rebound of released ribs can easily cause a cracked rib and in any case a rapid release is horribly painful if the scissor has been very tight and your man may not want you to continue or wrestle you again if you are careless.
I sometimes will lift my torso up off the mat – pressing up on my own hands/arms so that I can pour even more pressure using my weight onto the man who is suffering. If I can manage to lift him up a little whilst keeping him trapped in my legs he is certainly going to feel it! An opponent who knows what he is doing may try to insert the blade of his hand between my legs just above where my ankles are joined in order to try and separate my legs and therefore lose much of the pressure of the hold. If he starts to do that I may warn him to stop simply by crunching up the pressure level and really pouring on the agony of the hold. Or I can grab an arm and start to work an additional hold on that. Or…and I love this one….I will encircle his neck with my arms whilst keeping the scissor hold in place and start to lock down a choke/sleeper. That will soon cause him to stop trying to prise my legs apart.
There are two elements working against my opponent when I am applying a scissor hold. First is my ability to crush him with my legs by crunching an ever smaller space between them (in which is trapped some part of his body – waist, ribs, neck or even just one of his legs) making the space for him ever more constricted. But secondly and just as important – in fact maybe more so, is my ability to flex the muscles of my legs so that the firm but pliable spongy muscles turn absolutely rock hard. That can make the scissor hold twenty times more effective. Many times opponents have told me how astonished they are at just how hard my legs go. Which is great for my ego of course! I’ve been trapped in legs which look huge and powerful but my opponent has not been able to submit me because his legs remained too soft whilst scissoring. I can keep mine reasonably giving…but I can also cause them to turn appallingly hard. I know how that feels also! (Some guys who are not particularly big or heavy if they are really very fit and well muscled can exert a devastating scissor partly because their legs can go so rock hard – try Alexxwrestler, or even more extraordinary GrappleViking, if you want a devastating demonstration.)Sometimes when I have my man trapped and I have turned my legs totally rock-hard I’ll them slap my own legs with my hand – hard – so that the force of my slap is transferred via my rock-leg to my opponent. It’s like someone trapping you in between two hard pieces of warm wood and then banging the wood. Ouch!
When a submission comes, I will back off the pressure a bit and ask him if he really wants to quit.
‘You giving up?’ ‘You submit WHAT?’ ‘Tell me you want more….!’ ‘Say it louder!’
Any sign of further stubborn brave resistance – or even better, a yelled defiant response of ‘Fuck you. No way!’ means the obvious result.
I will say…’ok, that was just me playing around, now you are gonna get it boy….I am gonna show you what these legs can really do…that was just me being nice…now I’ll show you nasty’ etc etc. Then I immediately scrunch on the pressure to at least the level it was before and watch whilst the victim gasps and reddens as my legs bulge and striate with the pump which they are getting. The longer the hold goes on…the more swollen they get.
I have kept guys trapped in this simple basic scissor manoeuvre for twenty minutes or more. Getting dozens of submissions and playing with their ability to resist. Making both of us sweat and ratcheting up the torture to take them just outside their comfort zone…getting to the start of panic. Then I will finally relent. At that point I might swap to a Fig 4 scissor on the neck (with straight arm lock maybe too?). Or one of my all time favourites…riding the man on top of him with a reverse head scissor where he has his head/neck trapped in between my killers and his face rammed tight against my flexing glutes and ass with me holding his legs down firmly as I rear up cobra like – pushing up on my hands – and forcing him to take all my weight pouring onto him through the scissor. But I’ll have to leave describing some of these other scissor variations to future blogs – this one’s already too long!
I’ll upload a recent vid of me flexing my legs so you can see the size and guess the power….

Last edited on 2019-03-05 23:18 by davey123
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Grizzled Wrestler (10 )

2019-03-08 02:18

I need to go back and reread the blog and the comments, but thank you for posting this. You give great insights into the power (and pitfalls) of scissors holds for those of us who use them. Like you, I work my legs to improve my ability to apply and effective scissors in order to gain a submission, but I don't want to injure. I may add comments later when I reread and ponder.


boston kid (75)

2019-03-06 22:08

Great Blog thanks. I can testify to the power of Davey123’s thighs. Once he starts to power up they turn to marble and cannot be budged a millimetre. I’ve been trapped in lots of his hot head scissors of various kinds. He does a particularly good seated figure 4 head scissor where all you can do is look up and admire his muscles and feel his power. Mmmmmm 😀😀


grappling hooked (32)

2019-03-06 21:12

Great post!

I love scissors as well, though haven't put nearly as much thought (or hard work, to be honest) into them as you have!

One thing I have learned over my many years of wrestling is that while the scissors hold is simultaneously hot and punishing, it is also the kind of hold that is using the biggest muscles in your body, often at full strength. It's an enormous drain on the system!

When applying them and also often when trying to get out of them, I've found that it's very hard for most guys to keep that pressure on for very long. That is why smart guys will switch over to the figure-four scissors, which can apply the same kind of pressure without requiring all that muscular exertion.

When I'm trapped in a traditional body scissors, I generally know that if I can withstand the first 10 seconds of it or so, I'm good for as long as he wants to keep it on, because most guys will start to tire after that, and the pressure on me will gradually drop and drop.

And at that point, I often encourage them to try to keep squeezing because I know they can't submit me like that, and all that exertion is going to cost them in the match on the endurance front. :-)


SubmissionMSCL (111)

2019-03-06 17:24

Loved EVERY detail in this blog....looking forward to the next one!!


SWInnes (17)

2019-03-06 12:58

Luv reading these, just need to feel them.


vostok scissors (5)

2019-03-06 12:50

Great Text! You should create taxonomy of scissor holds :)


BamaJDon41 (10 )

2019-03-06 08:18

Exhaustively and diabolically informative. Who doesn't have an interest in scissoring.


jobberasian (28)

2019-03-05 23:43

Thank you for sharing all these intricacies of scissoring which were completely unknown to me! It really is an art form the way you described it, in so much detail.

I will also look forward to sliding my hand in the ankles to escape a scissors - I did not know that.

Now I need a scissor expert to demonstrate all those techniques on me :D
