MeetFighters News

No More Expiring Chats: Stay Connected with Permanent Chat History

Dear Fighters,

We've updated our chat system to enhance your experience and data privacy. Here's what's new:

Key Changes
  • Simular to contributing members' Mail messages, Chat messages now do not expire as well.
  • All chat conversations (public, private, and direct) will retain their history indefinitely.
  • Exception: In the official room (#meetfighters), conversations will now be saved for 7 days (previously 2 hours).

Access to the new Chat History
  • Everyone can see conversations from the past 7 days.
  • Contributing members can access the full history of private conversations and rooms indefinitely.

Chat Features Reminder
  • Create or be invited to private rooms.
  • Join or create public rooms.
  • Participate in the official room (#meetfighters).
  • Have private one-on-one conversations, including video or audio calls.
  • Share pictures from your MeetFighters Picture Manager for full control over your images.
  • Use drag & drop or copy & paste to attach new pictures directly to the chat.

Picture Privacy
Your privacy is important to us. Nothing has changed regarding pictures:
  • You can delete any uploaded pictures from MeetFighters, and they will also be removed from the chat.
    • Applies to pictures uploaded through your MeetFighters Picture Manager.
    • Pictures shared outside the Picture Manager or via external links will remain, as they are hosted outside our platform.

Privacy Tip
For better control over your pictures:
  • We highly recommend using the MeetFighters Picture Manager.
    • Your pictures are protected from being copied or pasted.
    • Deleting pictures via the Picture Manager removes them from all attached emails and chat messages.
    • Pictures will be automatically deleted if you decide to leave MeetFighters.

This update is effective immediately. Please note that previously deleted chat messages will not be restored. From now on, no further messages will be automatically deleted.

As this was a significant update, we appreciate it if you report any issues you encounter so we can address them promptly.

Best regards,

Last edited on 2024-09-16 18:57 by Admin
Stały odnośnik




20 days ago

Currently, NEW private chat messages are experiencing an issue and might not be delivered. - We are working on it.



20 days ago

(w odpowiedzi na)

The issue has been fixed. Pleas reload the chat (or close and reopen it)


michguy (6)

20 days ago

If we quit, does it delete our chat messages along with the pictures?

I always thought of chat rooms as ephemeral. I don't think I'll be posting to public chats from now on as a result of this policy.


kimmetje (150 )

19 days ago

Hey site owners,

Thank for everything you do to keep the community going. You're on so many projects it's hard to keep up with you!

As someone who has worked in data protection, this announcement raises a lot of alarm bells for me.

I do wonder whether permanent access and retention of this data is such a good idea... The more personal data you store, the higher the risk for you as data controllers run for storing the information (and god forbid experiencing a data breach), and considering the type of content we're sharing on the chat rooms, I'd really worry about the ramifications of stuff lingering so long.
It also kind of goes against data minimisation principles.

I wonder if the option shouldn't be so only 7 days vs permanent for paying members, maybe a more middle ground would be a better option - like it stays around 2-3 weeks?

If something is so important we want to keep, there's always the trusted notepad and save option? Then for you the liability is no longer on your side, and the end-user has what they want.

Anyway, food for thought,


chicagowrestbox (25 )

19 days ago

Is there any way to delete our previous chats? I would rather not have mine saved. Thanks


yonkerswrangler (196)

17 days ago

can't get into chat not sure whats going on can get messages though
