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MikeJGEG's blog

Got to fight today!

Before pics

Took a couple of 'before pictures' today for me to reference as I progress. Weight today: 197 lbs.

Last edited on 4/05/2017 3:44 AM by MikeJGEG; 0 comment(s)

Boxing class #3

What a great day! Had another great workout at Spokane Boxing, and the hot tub was open when I got home! I feel much better after today then I did my first two day, and am pumped to get better! Got 60 minutes in, 2 minute rounds... mostly shadowboxing and heavy bag, but did a round each of box drills, squats, and speed drills. Taking my time, and trying to work on my proper form.

Last edited on 4/05/2017 3:41 AM by MikeJGEG; 0 comment(s)

Today at the gym!

Another great class at Spokane Boxing! Def felt more comfortable than yesterday, though still trying to relax when moving and throwing punches. I know that this is going to take time and practice, and I just need to keep telling myself that. Since my work schedule doesn't allow me to go every day, I plan on working on my skills each day at home.... you might call it "homework", but much more enjoyable!

Last edited on 3/29/2017 3:45 AM by MikeJGEG; 0 comment(s)

Wow! What an awesome experience. I had a great time at my first class, and can't wait to continue this journey. I learned alot (and am quite surprised just how much I didn't know), and had some great support from the coaches, who both seemed pleased with how I did for my first day.

First thing I was shown was proper stance, and just shifting my weight back and forth.... it's funny how awkward I felt. Kind of like learning to walk for the first time. Worked on that for abut 5 rounds, and then learned how to throw a jab. Now, I "know" how to throw one, but not how to do it "properly", and it's a big difference, let me tell you.

Did a couple of rounds on the bag, just working on what I was shown before, and then some group stuff like squats, lunges, etc.

I'm feeling it in my sides and legs now, but it's a good hurt, and I'm proud to have it!


Last edited on 3/28/2017 10:28 PM by MikeJGEG; 3 comment(s)