
heterosp is recommended by Phxwrstlr (9/18/2020)

Heterosp is such a great guy. He wears his gear very well and knows how to make things enjoyable! Great body, good looks all around winner! Don’t pass up an opportunity to take him on!


fightffm is recommended by HardfightFfm (9/18/2020)

Jetzt sind es schon 2 Wochen her das wir uns trafen. Diese junge Boy ist sehr zuverlässig, pünktlich und man kann mit ihm gute Gespräche führen. Auf der Matte wird er zum Kämpfer der nicht aufgibt selbst in ausweglosen Situationen. Dafür das er lt. eigener Aussage kaum Erfahrung hat kennt er aber viele auch fiese Aufgabegriffe. Er lehrte mich da einige neue Aufgabegriffe die ich nur theoretisch kannte. Wer bei ihm nicht acht gibt ist ruckzuck im aufgabegriff und klopft freiwillig ab. Ich habe eh mein Problem mit kleineren die schlecht zu packen sind für mich wenn dann noch ein Wirbelwind wie er es ist musste ich trotz meiner Erfahrung die mich vor noch übleren Griffen bewahrte sehr viel kontern und kam selten dazu ihn in einen aufgabegriff zu bekommen. Wenn er fleißig weiterhin kämpft ist er bald ein ernster schwer besiegbarer Gegner für alle Altersklassen. Toller starker Body dank Fitnessstudio. Ich kann ihn nur wärmstens empfehlen. Wer ausgepowert werden will der treffe diesen super Fighter.


latinman31 is recommended by Xjunito (9/18/2020)

Had a great time wrestling with this stud. Easy on the eyes with a good build, strong and eager to learn. Did some sub and then traded holds. He's a quick learner and can't wait to meet up again.


Bringit is recommended by Friendly Heel (9/18/2020)

I met Bringit a few years ago and he was easy to communicate with, turned up as agreed and looked great in his gear. It was a pleasure to heel him for a number of bouts. He's quite skilled and flexible plus looks the part of a good jobber he is.


Phxwrstlr is recommended by heterosp (9/18/2020)

Strong, in shape, and a ferocious wrestler... easily handed my own ass to me! So glad I got to meet him when he was in town, breeze to communicate and set up a match with... don’t miss your chance to wrestle this guy


markymayor is recommended by Roccothecanuck (9/18/2020)

I had the pleasure of going a few rounds with this formidable opponent. What you read about this fighter is true: he is full of stamina and is always a few moves ahead. Many have warned about the power in his legs and his ankle hooks are deadly.

This novice benefitted a lot from the patient mentoring of Marky Mayor. He'll show you the ropes but he won't hold back. Was awesome to get drenched in sweat while learning some basic submission and pro wrestling moves.

He was friendly to talk to and has a lot of experience with setting up matches. I appreciated all his help and advice. I believe both of us found what we were looking for in this match.

I'm definitely hoping for some more instruction from this sexy and tough opponent.


Greekwrestler2 is recommended by Beefytigerjujitsu (9/18/2020)

I am new to this site and I am glad I started with Greekwreslter2. Was a great roll and the pleasure was all mine during this encounter. His talents and personality are something I will always remember. He shared his many experiences and I was impressed his knowledge and being such an astounding fighter. Awesome to be friends with Greekwrestler2. He did not disappoint.


Beefytigerjujitsu is recommended by Greekwrestler2 (9/18/2020)

Well what can I say, we got to roll even before Beffytigerjijitsu became a member of MeetFighters. Had the pleasure of meeting this formidable fighter in a social setting, not even realizing his talents among friends. Shortly after finding out we were both grapplers we knew it was on and we had to make it happen. BTJ shared some some of his amazing knowledge and skills and most of all I realized I made a great friend. BTJ did not disappoint, and you would be crazy not to meet him. See you soon brother!!


Xjunito is recommended by latinman31 (9/17/2020)

I met this wrestler and he is very skilled, fast and can take and hold his ground very well!
He was very kind to share his knowledge with me, teach me patiently and always super cool about it. On top of that he is friendly and a very nice guy, but at wrestling he is coming with all he has!. Highly recommend him for a match.


Kaiser is recommended by subbud (9/17/2020)

Tough fight with Kaiser in Bordeaux. I wish we had a bigger space because we really went at it with full energy and power. Amazing wrestler, very difficult to tap him out. He is strong, quick and relentless with some good instincts and skills but always safe and sane. He managed to dominate me and put me in difficult situations at times but I scored most of the submissions. :)

Off the mats amazing guy, friendly and easy to arrange a match with. Highly recommended to all who enjoy a tough submission match.
