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philip1 is recommended by Wrestleboyjoey (9/02/2011)

Good jobber, loved manhandling him! :)


londonscissorslover is recommended by Blitzkrieg (9/01/2011)

After a long lineage of communications and chatting over the years we finally met up. Londonscissors69 hit loads of my buttons and had all the gear to do it with. Really enjoyed this one and learned about a neat guy in the end. Definitely up for another pro gear grapple.


Blitzkrieg is recommended by londonscissorslover (9/01/2011)

Finally met "Blitzkrieg" after lots of communication; I have to say, he is everything you could hope for...... and does exactly what "it" says on the very impressive tin/packaging :-) I was totally outclassed/outmanoeuvred (no surprise there though!!).... and despite being put into some sane but painful was an absolute pleasure to finally meet/wrestle Blitzkrieg in Heel mode. The most awesome thighs/calves which made his headscissors a torturous (and erotic) delight. He looks totally the "business" in boots and trunks.... a real Handsome Heel. Pushed all my buttons in the best possible way...... and afterwards, transforms into a handsome preppy intelligent stimulating nice guy. Cannot recommend highly enough...... challenge at your (pleasurable) peril !!


grappler2112 is recommended by bigbear (9/01/2011)

Great guy strong patient with me as am novice willing teach Strong guy to had lot fun wrestling and will meet again


mikeswuk is recommended by GreekFighter (8/31/2011)

Polite, strong, skillfull, great stamina. Had a great and wonderful time with Mike. Hope to meet again soon


GreekFighter is recommended by mikeswuk (8/30/2011)

in a word, terrific. He is polite, friendly and hospitable, as well as being very strong, muscular and skillful. i had a great time and hope to meet again. highly recommended


chubbyjudo is recommended by Leglocklover (8/30/2011)

Neil is accomplished in Judo which concerned me slightly before we met however he made me feel completely at ease and I had a great wrestle with him. We had a good submission session and he is a gentle giant really. Completely safe and sane and we had a good old chat after the match.


benhard63 is recommended by JasonOG (8/30/2011)

Great Match! He is strong and like to fight. Enthusiastic on the mat. And i'm sure that he learns fast. We had a great time on the mat but also after. Take the chance to fight him when you are in belgium.


JasonOG is recommended by benhard63 (8/29/2011)

Surelly my most difficult fight! He really knows wrestling! He is strong and skilled (same as Judomars...)
For me JasonOG is a guy i can wrestle just to learn more and more about wrestling...i can work days and nights, i'll never reach his level...but i'm ready for a rematch!
Nice guy out of the mats too so don't hesitate to meet him!


hairywrestler is recommended by JACARE (8/28/2011)

this wrestler is strong, hairy, tough, a bad boy!
we have a good macho vs macho wrestling match.
and still a very nice person outside the ring!
highly recommended!
