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It's quite simple: arranging meetings to wrestle here in the UK is, currently, illegal, even if you've had "the jab".

I'd like to think that MF members are as shocked as I am by the repeated match requests posted by certain UK members of our community.

Last edited on 2/15/2021 12:09 AM by edscissors



TravelnWrestle (0)

2/13/2021 6:39 PM

Kinda sick of people telling other people what to do. Why not just send him a private message if you feel strongly about it.


edscissors (31 )

2/15/2021 2:06 AM

(In reply to this)

Thank you for your comment, TravelnWrestle - but sorry you feel that way.

Actually, I did message the person concerned direct. His response was ... brief!


Ironbull (94)

2/13/2021 6:28 PM

Isn't it a bit rough to publicly tear a strip off another member?

As for re-starting, it seems clear that the end to this pandemic is not going to be black and white and, while it certainly seems too soon now, I see differences of opinion ahead. I hope that nobody's personal decision is going to cause rifts within the community.


edscissors (31 )

2/15/2021 12:36 AM

(In reply to this)

I remain quite upset that people in our community should feel it's OK to try to arrange illegal meetings in this time of global pandemic. I don't want to appear "holier than thou" but I think posting such requests does a dis-service to us all.

Ironbull (who always writes such good sense and who is someone I respect very much) is right: my original post was maybe a bit out of order. For this I apologise. I have re-edited the original post so it is slightly less intemperate.


Captain (5)

2/14/2021 6:20 PM

(In reply to this)

Depends if you're going to literally tear and strip them when it is safe to meet I guess.


Ironbull (94)

2/14/2021 6:29 PM

(In reply to this)

Now that's food for thought


surrey71 (22 )

2/13/2021 9:51 AM

I agree that we should hold off meeting, hopefully not for much longer.
Regardless of whether you’ve had the vaccine or not - the legality of meeting is clear - it is against the law, plain & simple.
Wonder how said member would feel if his selfishness inflicted Covid on another member?
Add to that, even if both men are Covid free- an £800 each fine for a match - is it worth it!
I implore Admin to take some action - block U.K. match requests until it is safe for us to meet!!


DM Mask (2)

2/13/2021 6:58 AM

I appreciate how straightforward you are regarding this. Fighters can't keep denying the current reality for far too long in this site.


John cousins (11)

2/12/2021 11:45 PM

Even I’ve had my first jab (key worker as work for the NHS) and there are a few members who I would love to wrestle, but even I’m saying ‘no, not until COVID has gone’


edscissors (31 )

2/12/2021 11:52 PM

(In reply to this)

John Cousins - you are absolutely right. Yes, we all have people we'd love to meet! But, just now, we know we can't do so - so we hold off. We MUST.

The guy in Birmingham? Well, words fail me.

And, Mr Cousins, whatever you do for the NHS ... THANK YOU!
