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Scroll down to the bottom of this BLOG entry and you'll enjoy a couple of photos, from sites many of us know well. Do you like headscissoring?

Here at MF I am learning that there are many other guys who, like me, want to BE head-scissored; there are also guys at MF who love to scissor, to head-scissor. The match-up is the problem!

Sometimes, I find someone on our site who WANTS TO HEADSCISSOR ... you - us - ME. (I'd send an e-mail but he's 65 ... and I only really want to be head-scissored by a demi-god aged about 20.)

It should be a simple matter to match us all up but, in the meantime, what a wonderful site we have.

I'm an older guy, a bit fat, recently retired, living in the SE of the UK. Is there, somewhere, even in Europe, a smooth boy 18+ (of course!) who just LOVES head-scissoring? That's who I need to find ... please!


Last edited on 2/23/2015 7:03 PM by edscissors
