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edscissors's blog

If you like to be headscissored, they ARE out there ...

... but I wish they were a bit easier to find!

The USA seems to be a place where wrestling is fine. Maybe Germany too. Why does it seem so far away from the UK psyche to want a nice playfight, maybe taking us back to our own childhood? For me, I want no full sexual content but headscissors are, of course, among the more intimate, intense holds and maybe my desire to be put in them is off-putting to potential playfighters?

The two people with whom I have so far dared to arrange meetings have been superb: personable, entirely understanding. I was probably so busy not believing my luck at being with them that I am not sure I was able to appreciate their headscissors fully! But many thanks to BOTH of these great, experienced guys for agreeing to meet me.

The message is, we have a great site and, within reason, most of us will probably find our heart's desire.

Thanks, Meetfighters!


Last edited on 7/14/2015 9:01 PM by edscissors
